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Name: Date: October 19, 2014

Section: Score:

Sunday Gospel Reflection
Gospel: Mt 22:15-21

There are questions that genuinely seek the truth while there are questions that seek
the downfall of the enemy. This is the reason why you have to be always on your toes when
dealing with such people. You will never know when they will spring the trap. But Jesus is
not the type to flee from such occasions.
The conundrum for Jesus is this: If he answers yes, then he could be perceived as in
collusion with Rome, justifying Roman occupation and oppression of the Jews. This would
not be a popular answer among the Jewish people. On the other hand, if Jesus answers no,
he could be suspected of revolutionary sentiment against Rome.
Jesus answers and shows that he is aware of their trickery. He calls them
"hypocrites," because they show something on the outside that is quite opposite of what is
true internally Jesus calls for a coin, the cost of the tax, and he asks them to identify whose
image is on the coin. When they identify the emperor's face and title, Caesar, Jesus delivers
an amazing and rather clever one-liner: "Give therefore to the Caesar the things that are the
Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's".
He knows where He comes from and the clarity of His purpose makes Him ready
for such trouble. Its because of this that the religious leaders could not beat Him in the war
of words. A coalition of the aggrieved is beginning to form. Life will always be hard for
those who stand for the truth.
This reminds us that we are not the masters of our lives, we come from God and go
to God. This belonging is the center of our human family and community is that we are
Gods. God doesnt want to control us but to love us. Belonging to God means belonging to
each other. We have rights and duties of love. Give to others what belongs to others; give to
the poor what belongs to the poor. Everyone has a right to the food of the earth and the food
of the mind. To give to God what belongs to God is to share the goods of the earth.

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