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Preschool Lab
Instructional Plan Format

Teacher Name:
Bethany Michels
Activity Name:
Matching game: whole and slice of a fruit
Domain Focus(main content area):
Cognitive (math)

1. Goals/Learning Objectives: What are the desired outcomes for the children?
Recognizes whole/part concept related to pictures
Wait appropriately for their turn
Shows growth in matching by using attributes such as color, shape, and size

2. Materials Needed:
Pictures of a whole fruit (8)
Pictures of a slice/half of the same fruit (8)
Pictures of a banana, peach, strawberry, apple, pineapple, lemon, orange, and

3. Procedures:
a. Introduction: Have you ever eaten a whole apple? Have you ever eaten half an
apple? Today we are going to match fruit with its whole and a slice/half
b. Main activity: Lay the pictures of the fruit face up on the table so the students
can see the pictures. Make sure the pictures are mixed up. Let one student at a
time go. Have them match the fruit with its whole and slice/half. Ask them why it
c. Closure: Chose from the fruit from this activity that would be your favorite. Ask
them why they like it.
d. Transition : Students can get name tags to play in centers.

4. Suggestions for Simplification/Extension:
To simply this activity I could have the students match the fruit with its other whole instead of
half/slice. To extend this activity I could have the students match the picture of the whole fruit
with a plastic fruit.

5. Assessment: What method will you use to evaluate the objectives and child learning?
Did the students recognize whole/part concept related to pictures? Observe and see if
the students match the pictures correctly.
Did the students wait appropriately for their turn? Observe and see if students wait
patiently to match a fruit together when their name is called or did they interrupt
another student?
Did the students show growth in matching by using attributes such as color, shape, and
size? Observe and see if they students match the fruit correctly together. Ask them why
they chose the match and see if they use the attributes such as color, shape, size, or
appearance look the same.
6. Evaluation:
a. List of all children who participated in the activity, outcomes, modifications
b. Evaluation of your teaching

Preschool Lab
Instructional Plan Format

Teacher Name:
Bethany Michels
Activity Name:
Fruit painting
Domain Focus(main content area):

1. Goals/Learning Objectives: What are the desired outcomes for the children?

Gains ability in using different art media and materials in a variety of way for creative
expression and representation
Develops growing abilities to plan, work independently, and demonstrate care and
persistence in a variety of art projects

2. Materials Needed:
apple and pear for each child ( 7 total for each fruit)
White paper

3. Procedures:
a. Introduction: How many of you have painted with fruit? If you havent today you
are going to experience painting with an apple and a pear.
b. Main activity: Each student will be given a sheet of white paper. Give each
student a of an apple and a pear. They will choose a color to paint onto the
apple and pear with a paintbrush. Then have them use the apple and pear to
make prints on the paper.
c. Closure: What other fruit could you use to make prints with? Was it hard to
make prints with apples and pears?
d. Transition: After they are done and clean up they can go get their name tags to
play in centers.

4. Suggestions for Simplification/Extension:
To simplify this activity a teacher can assist students who are having difficulty painting on the
apple and pear. To extend this activity they could create a story to go along with their creation.

5. Assessment: What method will you use to evaluate the objectives and child learning?

Did the students gain ability in using different art media and materials in a variety of
way for creative expression and representation? Observe and see if the students use the
paintbrushes or their fingers to put the paint onto the fruit.
Did the students develop a growing ability to plan, work independently, and
demonstrate care and persistence in a variety of art projects? Did the students need
assistance and did they complete the project?

6. Evaluation:
a. List of all children who participated in the activity, outcomes, modifications
b. Evaluation of your teaching
Preschool Lab
Instructional Plan Format

Teacher Name:
Bethany Michels
Activity Name:
Berry patterns
Domain Focus(main content area):

1. Goals/Learning Objectives: What are the desired outcomes for the children?
Enhances abilities to recognize, duplicate, and extend simple patterns using a variety of
Grows in hand-eye coordination in building with patterns

2. Materials Needed:
Berries: grapes, strawberries, and blueberries
Shish kabobs

3. Procedures:
a. Introduction: Whats a pattern? What could you use to make a pattern?
b. Main activity: Provide an example of a berry pattern. Ask them why its a
pattern? Then have the students make their own pattern using the berries
c. Closure: Have the students show their pattern to their other classmates.
d. Transition : Clean up and the students can get their name tags to play in centers.

4. Suggestions for Simplification/Extension:
To simplify this activity I could limit the amount of berries given to each student when making a
pattern. To extend this activity the students could draw their pattern on a piece of paper and
color coordinate it.

5. Assessment: What method will you use to evaluate the objectives and child learning?

Did the students enhance their abilities to recognize, duplicate, and extend simple
patterns using a variety of materials? Observe and see if the students recognize the
pattern already provided and were they able to make their own?
Did the students use hand-eye coordination in building with patterns? Observe and see
if the students were able to stick the fruit onto the shish kabob without assistance.

6. Evaluation:
a. List of all children who participated in the activity, outcomes, modifications
b. Evaluation of your teaching

Preschool Lab
Instructional Plan Format

Teacher Name:
Bethany Michels
Activity Name:
Guess fruit by descriptions
Domain Focus(main content area):
Language (listening)

1. Goals/Learning Objectives: What are the desired outcomes for the children?

Understands an increasingly complex and varied vocabulary
Demonstrates increasing ability to attend to and understand descriptions

2. Materials Needed:

Description cards with a photo of the fruit being described on the front.
8 fruits to describe ( strawberry, banana, orange, watermelon, cherry, apple, blueberry,
and lime)

3. Procedures:
a. Introduction: Have you ever had to describe something in detail so someone
knew what youre talking about? Today Im going to describe some fruit and I
want you to use your listening ears and see if you can guess the fruit.
b. Main activity: Read the description. If students need more description to name
the fruit other than whats already on the paper thats okay. After they guess it
right or if they cant figure it out tell them and show them the picture.
c. Closure: What fruit was the hardest to guess? What fruit was the easiest to
d. Transition : Students can get name tags to play in centers.

4. Suggestions for Simplification/Extension:
To simply this activity I could describe the fruit but give them choices to choose from. To extend
this activity I could have the students take turns describing a fruit to their other classmates to
5. Assessment: What method will you use to evaluate the objectives and child learning?

Did the students understand the complex and varied vocabulary? Observe and listen to
see if the students understand the descriptions given by the vocabulary used.
Did the students demonstrate an increasing ability to attend to and understand
descriptions? Observe and listen to the students guesses. Did they guess the correct
fruit right by the description provided or did they randomly call out a fruit?

6. Evaluation:
a. List of all children who participated in the activity, outcomes, modifications
b. Evaluation of your teaching

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