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Vasilios Othitis

(410) 530-0109
Objective: To obtain a position in a challenging environment using m analtical!
interpersonal! and managerial s"ills to deliver #or" that demonstrates e$cellence and
%ll-&tate 'areer ($panded )unction *ental %ssistant +,-011-09,-01-
&ummar o. &"ills/
0iomedical &ciences
1anagement o. (mergencies
2estorative *entistr
2adiation 3ealth and &
*ental 'harting
*ental 7a# and (thics
'62 'erti.ied
%#ards/ 6resident8s 7ist and 6er.ect %ttendance
*undal" 3igh &chool 0altimore! 1* -0049-00+
%#ards/ 3onor 2ole! ($cellent %ttendance
3onors 'lasses/ 'hemistr! :eometr! ;eb 6age *esign! and %lgebra <<
Internship / Externship Experience:
Dr. Murphy & Associates Dental Assistant Extern !"#hrs$ 0+,-01- - 09,-01-
6repared patient. &terili=ed and disin.ected instruments. &et up instrument tras. 6repared
materials. %ssisted dentist during dental procedures. >tili=ed digital $-ra machines
(panoramic 9$-ras and 'one 0eam 'T). 2ecorded treatment in.ormation in patient
records. 6rovided postoperative instructions prescribed b dentist. %ssisted dentist in
management o. medical and dental emergencies. %ssisted #ith ta"ing and recording
medical and dental histories. <nstructed patients in oral hgiene and pla?ue control
programs. 1onitored dental supplies and e?uipment inventor. ;rote do#n #hat needed
to be restoc"ed. 'leaned and polished removable appliances. 1ade preliminar
impressions .or stud casts and mounted stud casts. %ssisted dentist in creating cro#ns
using the '(2(' machine. %ssisted periodontist #ith oral surger and charting. %ssisted
#ith <4 &edation.
%niversity o& Maryland Dental 'chool:
Dental Assistant Intern !(#hrs$ 0@,-01- - 0+,-01-
6repared patient. &terili=ed and disin.ected instruments. &et up instrument tras. 6repared
materials. %ssisted dentist during dental procedures. 2ecorded treatment in.ormation in
patient records. %ssisted dentist in management o. medical and dental emergencies.
2ecorded medical and dental histories and vital signs o. patients. 1ade preliminar
impressions .or stud casts and occlusal registrations .or mounting stud casts. %ssisted
dentist #ith basic and complicated e$tractions b handing the dentist instruments!
suctioning and clean up a.ter the procedure.
Maryland *rosthodontic Associates Dental Assistant !!/+#!,-!/+#!(
:reeted and prepared patients. &terili=ed and disin.ected instruments. &et up instrument
tras. 6repared materials. %ssisted dentists during dental procedures. Too" needed $-ras
.or dentists. %ssisted dentists in management o. medical and dental emergencies. %ssisted
#ith ta"ing and recording medical and dental histories. <nstructed patients on oral
hgiene and pla?ue control programs. 6rovided postoperative instructions prescribed b
dentist. 2ecorded medical and dental histories. 2ecorded patient vital signs. 1ade
preliminar impressions .or stud casts and occlusal registrations .or mounting stud
casts. %ssisted dentists #ith simple! surgical! and complicated e$tractions. Trained ne#
emploees in the dental 1onitored dental supplies and e?uipment inventor.
2eordered supplies #hen needed. %ns#ered phone! made appointments! and con.irmed
appointments using 1acpratice. 6repared patient treatment needed.
Dental Drea)s .ead Dental Assistant 1,-013 9 11,-013
:reeted and prepared patients. &terili=ed and disin.ected instruments. &et up instrument
tras. 6repared materials. %ssisted dentists during dental procedures. Too" needed $-ras
.or dentists. %ssisted dentists in management o. medical and dental emergencies. %ssisted
#ith ta"ing and recording medical and dental histories. <nstructed patients on oral
hgiene and pla?ue control programs. 6rovided postoperative instructions prescribed b
dentist. 2ecorded medical and dental histories. 2ecorded patient vital signs. 1ade
preliminar impressions .or stud casts and occlusal registrations .or mounting stud
casts. %ssisted dentists #ith simple! surgical! and complicated e$tractions. Trained ne#
emploees in the dental 1onitored dental supplies and e?uipment inventor.
2eordered supplies #hen needed. %ns#ered phone! made appointments! and con.irmed
appointments using (agleso.t. 6repared patient treatment plan! presented patient
treatment plan! e$plained costs and insurance coverage. Too" patient pament in the
.orms o. cash and credit. %ssisted patient in the application o. care credit.
'hred-It /'0 1elper 9,-009 9 3,-010
Traveled to businesses. Aept pro.essional appearance. 2espected o..ices through conduct.
2etrieved bins .illed #ith documents. 'arried bins ranging .rom +0 to 100 pounds.
(mptied bins in shredding machine. *estroed documents #ith securit.
2a)e On Arcade Mana3er @,-00+ 9 5,-009
;or"ed directl #ith the 6ublic - 6er.ormed .or customers. *ealt directl #ith the public.
&erves customers in restaurants and stores. :uided clients or guests.
1ade *ecisions and &olved 6roblems - %nal=ed in.ormation. (valuated results to
choose the best solution. &olved problems.
'ommunicated #ith &upervisors! 6eers! and &ubordinates 9 6rovided in.ormation to
supervisors! co-#or"ers! and subordinates. 'ommunicated b telephone! #ritten .orm!
e-mail! and in person.
2esolved 'on.licts and Begotiated - 3andled complaints. &ettled disputes. 2esolved
grievances and con.licts.
'irculated among gaming areas to ensure operations #ere conducted properl.
)amiliari=ed #ith all games used at a .acilit. 6repared #or" schedules and station
arrangements. Aept attendance records. 2ecorded! collected! and paid o.. bets. <ssued
receipts. Trained ne# emploees. (valuated emploees8 per.ormance.
East4ood *aintin3 and /ontractin3 *ainter and .aborer -004 --00+
6re.ormed arm-hand steadiness. 6ainted pro.icientl. 7istened to and understood
in.ormation. <deas presented #ere practiced.
5eptune6s 7ar and 2rille 7us sta&& pro)oted to 1ost 'ta&& C,-00C- 1-,-00@
:reeted customers. Duic"l cleaned tables. 'alled customers #hen tables #ere read.
Aept an organi=ed #or"space. &igned customers in. ;rote customer names! arrival time!
seated time! and special table re?uests. 'hec"ed .or open tables. &eated tables at
appropriate times. ;al"ed customers to tables. 6resented customers #ith menus.
6re.ormed principles and processes .or providing e$cellent customer services.
6racticed customer needs assessments. (valuated customer satis.action. %ctivel
provided customers and co-#or"ers #ith help. %lert o. customer reactions. 6re.ormed
above ?ualit standards .or services.
0e&erences: %vailable >pon 2e?uest 1. Perform mouth mirror inspection of the oral cavity
2. Chart existing restorations or conditions
3. Phone in prescriptions at the direction of the dentist
4. Receive and prepare patients for treatment, including seating, positioning chair, and placing napkin . Complete la!oratory authori"ation forms
#. Place and remove retraction cord
$. Perform routine maintenance of dental e%uipment
&. 'onitor and respond to post( surgical !leeding
). Perform coronal polishing procedures
1*. +pply e,ective communication techni%ues -ith a variety of patients
11. .ransfer dental instruments
12. Place amalgam for condensation !y the dentist
13. Remove sutures
14. /ry canals
1. .ie in arch-ires
1#. /emonstrate kno-ledge of ethics0 1urisprudence0patient con2dentiality
1$. 3dentify features of rotary instruments
1&. +pply topical 4uoride
1). 5elect and manipulate gypsums and -axes
2*. Perform supragingival scaling
21. 'ix dental materials
22. 6xpose radiographs
23. 6valuate radiographs for diagnostic %uality
24. Provide patient preventive education and oral hygiene instruction
2. Perform sterili"ation and disinfection procedures
2#. Provide pre( and post( operative instructions
2$. Place and remove dental dam
2&. Pour, trim, and evaluate the %uality of diagnostic casts
2). 5i"e and place orthodontic !ands and !rackets
3*. 7sing the concepts of four( handed dentistry, assist -ith !asic restorative procedures, including prosthodontics and restorative dentistry 31. 3dentify intraoral anatomy
32. /emonstrate understanding of the 859+ 9a"ard Communication 5tandard
33. Place, cure and 2nish composite resin restorations
34. Place liners and !ases
3. Place periodontal dressings
3#. /emonstrate understanding of the 859+ :lood!orne Pathogens 5tandard
3$. .ake and record vital signs
3&. 'onitor vital signs
3). Clean and polish remova!le appliances and prostheses
4*. +pply pit and 2ssure sealants
41. Prepare procedural trays0 armamentaria set(ups
42. Place orthodontic separators
43. 5i"e and 2t stainless steel cro-ns
44. .ake preliminary impressions
4. Place and remove matrix !ands
4#. .ake 2nal impressions
4$. ;a!ricate and place temporary cro-ns
4&. 'aintain 2eld of operation during dental procedures through the use of retraction, suction, irrigation, drying, placing and removing cotton rolls, etc.
4). Perform vitality tests
*. Place temporary 2llings
1. Carve amalgams
2. Process dental radiographs
3. 'ount and la!el dental radiographs
4. Remove temporary cro-ns and cements
. Remove temporary 2llings
#. +pply topical anesthetic to the in1ection site
$. /emonstrate understanding of the Centers for /isease Control and Prevention <uidelines
&. 7sing the concepts of four( handed dentistry, assist -ith !asic intraoral surgical procedures, including extractions, periodontics, endodontics, and implants ). 'onitor nitrous oxide0oxygen analgesia
#*. 'aintain emergency kit
#1. Remove permanent cement from supragingival surfaces
#2. Remove periodontal dressings
#3. Place post(extraction dressings
#4. ;a!ricate custom trays, to include impression and !leaching trays, and athletic mouthguards
#. Recogni"e !asic medical emergencies
##. Recogni"e !asic dental emergencies
#$. Respond to !asic medical emergencies
#&. Respond to !asic dental emergencies
#). Remove post(extraction dressings
$*. Place stainless steel cro-n

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