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First Language Acquisition

Instituto Guatemalteco Americano

TTC 2014
Language is
A body of words and the systems for their use
common to a people who are of the same
community or nation, the same geographical area,
or the same cultural tradition.
A systematic means of communicating ideas or
feelings by the use of conventionalized signs,
sounds, gestures, or marks having understood
meanings. Merriam-Webster Online
Theory Principles to Remember
Language is acquired
through imitation of
language produced by
those around the child.
Tabula Rasa
Stimuli: linguistic
Nativist Theory
Theory Principles to Rememeber
Language acquisition is
derived from the
fundamental assertion that
it is innately determined.
People are born with the
genetic capacity to learn
Acquistion is systematic:
rule governed
LAD (language acquisition
Universal Grammar
Critical Period Hypothesis
Chomskys theory
Cognitivist Theory
Theory Principles to Remember
Language acquisition is but
one example of the human
childs brain to learn from
experience . Language is
the result of the childs
interaction with his
Piaget Vs Vigotsky
The environment
surrounding the child is
more important than the
language outcome
Cognitive development and
language are closely related
Zone of proximal
development (Vygotsky)
Children categorize new
language; process
information into innate
schemas of grammar
Piaget Vs Vygotsky
Jean Piaget Lev Vygotsky
Language is linked to cognitive
development. The cognitive
development comes before
Stages of cognitive
Sensori-motor (0-2 y/o)
Pre operational (2-7y/o)
Concrete operational (7-12
Formal Operational (12-15 y/o)
Adults should assist but not

Thought and speech have
different roots.
Thought is not verbal and
speech is not intellectual
They are separated but they
intersect in different
moment in life.
Skills are not determined by
innate factors but they are
product of social activities.
Zone of proximal
development Theory.
Constructivist Theory
Theory Principles to Remember
A reciprocal behavioral
system operates between
a language-developing
child and a competent-
language user withing a
sociolizing, nurturing
Social interaction is the
origin of language
There is an emphasis on
the functions of the
language rather than on
the rules of it.
Language is used for
interactive communication
Stages in language acquisition
Acquistion of:
Sounds of language (phonology)
Words (Morphology)
Grammar (Syntax)
Meaning of structures and words (Semantics)
Social context of the language (Pragmatics)

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