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Lesson Focus/Topic: Scientific Process Skills _ Monday, Sep 8

Objectives/Goals (What will your students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?):
GOAL: For students to understand the steps in scientific methods and be able to recognize those steps
when given a situation. For students to be able to form hypotheses and questions based on scientific

E1.2h Describe the distinctions between scientific theories, laws, hypotheses, and observations.

Curriculum Alignment: Earth Science p. 9-16

Handout - Learning Goals
Handout - Hypothesis formation practice

Activities and Time Frame:
Introduce Goal sheet and write learning goal #1 - 5 minutes
Vocabulary word for the day - 5 minutes
Scientific Method - 35 minutes
Practice forming Hypothesis (I Do, We Do, You Do)
Testing - Independent and dependent variables

Assessment(s) (How will you determine what the students know and are able to do during and
as a result of your lesson?):

Handout - Hypothesis formation practice

Reflections & Feedback

Activities and Time Frame (including introduction/conclusion, transitions, good direction, back
up plans, best use of time, indicate what student and teacher is doing):

Introduction: Review of what a scientist is.
Introduce Goal sheet and write learning goal #1 - 5 minutes
Vocabulary word for the day - 5 minutes
The Scientific Method - The series of steps that scientists use to answer questions and solve

Scientific Method - 35 minutes

Scientific method is how scientist try to learn about the natural world.

Talk about the steps in the scientific method (pgs. 9-16) Notes-Powerpoint (Jones-7th Grade)
1. Ask a Question (must have a problem to do science)
2.Form a hypothesis (possible explanation or answer to the question)
3.Test the hypothesis (Experiment)
4.Analyze results
5.Draw conclusions
6.Share results

Practice forming Hypothesis (I Do, We do, You Do)

Testing - Independent and dependent variables

Talk about testing and how to set up experiment
Give scenarios and reiterate information on questions/hypothesis formation
Practice- orally
Practice- writing down answer and sharing with partners
Share as a whole class
Steps 1&2 Formulate a question/problem (must have a problem to do science)
Form hypothesis
Testing (independent and dependent variable)

Part 1 of assignment : Hypothesis sheet

I notice that 2
hour does much better on tests than 4
Why does 2
hour do better on tests than 4
Every time a test is given, the boys score higher than the girls
Why do boys do better at math than girls?
Talk about variable
Control/experimental set up

Scientific method- a systematic approach to problem solving with experiments
Hypothesis an educated guess
Variable- the one factor being tested
Independent vs. dependent variable
Independent variable- The variable that scientists control/change
Dependent variable- What you are measuring or observing
Control set-up- The set up with out the variable (used for comparison)
Experimental set-up- the set up with the variable
Data- recorded observations and information

Lesson Focus/Topic: Scientific Process Skills _ Tuesday, Sep 9, 2014

Goal: For students to be able understand the difference between observations and inferences and
dependent vs. independent variable

E1.2h Describe the distinctions between scientific theories, laws, hypotheses, and observations.

Curriculum Alignment: Earth Science p. 9-16

Materials :
Handout - Article on the Scientific Method

Activities and Time Frame (including introduction/conclusion, transitions, good direction, back
up plans, best use of time, indicate what student and teacher is doing): AT A GLANCE
Write learning goal - 3 minutes
Vocabulary word for the day - 3 minutes
Scientific Method - 40 minutes
Testing - Independent and dependent variables
Review and practice with students
Article on the Scientific Method


Modelling of the Scientific Method. Student should complete along with the teacher.

Reflections & Feedback

Activities and Time Frame (including introduction/conclusion, transitions, good direction, back
up plans, best use of time, indicate what student and teacher is doing):

Goal sheet/vocabulary
Review steps of scientific method/dependent and independent variable
Read article
Discuss Dependent vs. independent variable
Practice with some experiments on the overhead

HAND OUT: Indep & Dep Variables
More people in Florida get skin cancer than people in Michigan.
Control set-up
Experimental set-up

One plant grows taller than another.
Control set-up
Experimental set-up

Lesson Focus/Topic: Scientific Process Skills _ Wednesday, Sep 10

Objectives/Goals (What will your students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?):
GOAL: For students to understand the different components of graphs and be able to create a line
graph using data given to them.


Curriculum Alignment: Earth Science p. 9-16

Handout_Making Inferences
Classroom copies of comics

Activities and Time Frame:
Write learning goal #2 - 5 minutes
Vocabulary word for the day - 5 minutes
Scientific Method - 35 minutes
Observation and Inferences (I do, we do, you do) using cartoons

Assessment(s) (How will you determine what the students know and are able to do during and
as a result of your lesson?):

Observations and inferences will be turned in for grading.

Reflections & Feedback
Introduce observation and inferences PPT

Activities and Time Frame (including introduction/conclusion, transitions, good direction, back
up plans, best use of time, indicate what student and teacher is doing):

Write learning goal - 5 minutes
Vocabulary word for the day - 5 minutes
Scientific Method - 35 minutes
Review information on dependent/independent variable
Observation and Inferences (I do, we do, you do) using cartoons

Observations What you see/notice
qualitative (no measurements) or quantitative (measurements)

I heard the hawks screeching in the distant mountains.
Something is tickling my skin.

Inferences what you determine based on your observations
It explains the observations (not guess) based on information and experience.

I think the firewood is dry because it is crackling. The qualitative observation is hearing the wood
crackling; whereas, the inference that the wood is dry is based on previous knowledge and
experience that dry wood crackles and pops when it burns.
It must be around 3 p.m. because the fog is starting to roll in. The inference that its around 3 p.m.
is based on observations made in the past that when the fog starts to roll in is in the mid afternoon.
(usually have a because in it.

I Do it.
There is one phone in the room.
____ wears nice shoes. - NOT FACT.
There are 7 lab stations.
There is a pencil sharpener on the supply cart.
Pink is a pretty color. - NOT FACT

Gives out consequences when not doing work - mean teacher
Smart kid/good student,
Making inference sheet do individually (go over it)

Group inferences (cartoon sheets)
Turn in at the end of the hour

We Do it:

4 Observations.

Look at the picture. Write down 4 observations.

Turn to your partner and share what you observed. If what is shared is not an
observation, partners explain why it is not an observation. Remember to refer to the

Share out observations

From the observations that you observed write one inference.
Turn to your partner and share what you wrote. If what is shared is not an inference,
partners explain why it is not an observation. Remember to refer to the definition.

Share out inferences

Complete a caption.

You do it.
Now it is time for you to practice making observations and inferences as a group. This is a
group assignment to be turned in. Each group will receive 1 packet of cartoons. There are 5
cartoons and 4 people to a group. Working together you will make 4 observations and then an
inference for four cartoons that you are using. Then provide a caption (or sentence) for the
cartoon using your list. You will get help from your group members. Your assignment, which
will be turned in is that each person in the group will scribe out one of the cartoons. Below the
cartoon caption that you scribe write your name.

Lesson Focus/Topic: Scientific Process Skills - Thursday, Sep 11


Goal: For students to be able to understand the concept of scientific method in real world application

Goal: For students to be able to create a bar graph with data they have gathered.


Curriculum Alignment: Earth Science p. 9-16

Handout-Graphing Activity

Activities and Time Frame:
Write learning goal #2 - 5 minutes
Vocabulary word for the day - 5 minutes
Review of Observation and Inferences
Graphing - 35 minutes


Completion of graph

Reflections & Feedback

Activities and Time Frame (including introduction/conclusion, transitions, good direction, back
up plans, best use of time, indicate what student and teacher is doing):

Review observation/inferences (worksheet)

Start graphs

Graphs are used to share information (different types)
Brainstorm what is needed for a graph to be complete. (first individual, then in groups)

Axis labeled (fully, units (both parts) give examples ie time (min)
Intervals move in equal increments
Intervals are consistent numerically
Key for lines
Dots are connected
Label experimental/ control as well as key
Comparison of 2 lines
Pts. Of origin (0,0)

Part 2 of assignment- start working on graphs

Lesson Focus/Topic: Science Process Skills - Friday Sep 12

Objectives/Goals (What will your students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?):
Goal: For students to be able to understand the concept of scientific method in real world application.
Goal: For students to be able to create a bar graph with data they have gathered.

Curriculum Alignment:

Handout: Understanding the Scientific Method
Playing cards for each group (8 sets)
Paper, Pencil

Activities and Time Frame:
Write learning goal - 3 minutes
Vocabulary word for the day - 5 minutes
Graphing - 10 minutes
Group Activity: Understanding the Scientific Method


Question completion of the group activity
Graph Assignment completed and turned in.

Reflections & Feedback

Activities and Time Frame (including introduction/conclusion, transitions, good direction, back
up plans, best use of time, indicate what student and teacher is doing):

Write learning goal - 3 minutes
Vocabulary word for the day - 5 minutes
Graphing - 10 minutes
Group Activity: Understanding the Scientific Method

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