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I chose that our need to deliberate and debate idea for our democratic system of self-
governance to function is the most important because in order for a government to function in a
reasonable way we need to have a difference of opinion that deliberates to come to a
consensus on what is right. In most situations it is best to have a difference of opinions on
issues because it is the consensus that is reached after much deliberation that tends to be the
best option.

Our first priority should be preventing another 9/11 scenario, but that being said Im not sure
how limiting freedom of speech will help prevent anything. I can partially see how preventing
freedom of assembly can prevent a terrorist attack, but even with that the chances are slim to
none that anything would happen during a protest that would be considered terrorism.

I think the PATRIOT act needs major reform. At the moment it focuses on preemptively striking,
but I think it needs to focus more on surveillance before striking because otherwise there are
many people who are detained illegally. I think for certain situations it is well written, but in most
it needs to be rewritten to be more specific so it cant be interpreted in a poor way.

In what way are first amendment freedoms important beyond our borders and how as a country
should we support them?

I think first amendment freedoms are important anywhere, but I dont think that it is our job as a
country to enforce them anywhere but here. It isnt Americas job to intervene any time there is
something happening in the world that we dont agree with. If it ends up that the first
amendment issues are affecting us in some way, then it is time to get involved and support the
other country, either by assisting them in times of war or something similar.

I experience free speech most when I talk to my mom because I constantly criticize things that
congress in particular do, ranging from SOPA and PIPA to the new net neutrality laws that
passed due mostly to lobbyism, which is just absurd. Freedom of speech is important because
it enables you to call someone or something out on something that you know is wrong.

In the future I could see myself using freedom of assembly or association to protest against the
new net neutrality laws that have been passed. That being said I dont think it would affect me
much if the freedom of assembly and association laws were taken away, mainly because I dont
see myself actually protesting and I dont know what I would be associated with.

If freedom of press were taken away it would affect me because I tend to get my news from
sources other than what is on TV because historically TV news is usually distorted a little bit. I
like to know everything about something without anything being left out, so I tend to get my
news from multiple internet sources.

If I didnt have freedom of religion I would be forced to believe in something that scientifically
doesnt exist. I tend to have a more scientific mind that believes more in what has been proven
to exist rather than what hasnt. I could rant for hours on why I dont think that religion is
important, but having the freedom to choose what to believe and what not to is what is valuable
to me about freedom of religion.

I think that there are some situations that should be restricted, such as the student that wore the
shirt that was offensive. I think that if it offends someone than it should be restricted because it
will cause more of an issue because it will be a distraction in the classroom. Any other type of
speech should be fine though, because for the most part there wont be an issue with other
students and if there are it wont be with as many students. In some cases, like Morse v.
Frederick, I think that it is ridiculous that it got as far as it did because it wasnt offending
anyone, in fact it was just the principal thinking the student was trying to promote drug usage
when in reality he was just wanting to be on TV as the olympic torch bearer ran by.

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