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Biiections: Nanage youi time caiefully so that you can:
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plan youi iesponse;
wiite youi iesponse; anu
ievise anu euit youi iesponse.

You have 9u minutes to ieau the passages, anu plan, wiite, ievise, anu euit youi

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By }ason Lombaiuozzi

Scotlanu, Pennsylvania

Befoie the 0niteu States anu its allies invaueu Euiope in 1944, Ameiicans flew
bombing missions ovei Fiance fiom bases in uieat Biitain. Theii mission was to
stop Nazi ueimany uuiing Woilu Wai II (19S9-194S). }ason inteivieweu his gieat-
uncle, Aiuell |Auiej Bollingei, who was shot uown ovei Fiance in 194S.

Ny gieat-uncle, Auie, enlisteu in the Aimy in }uly 1942. Insteau of becoming a
paiatioopei1 as he hau hopeu, Auie went to iauio school anu joineu a B-17 bombei
gioup. In Nay 194S, he was sent oveiseas to Englanu. Buiing one mission, 0ncle
Auie was shot uown. Be jumpeu out of his plane into an open fielu. Be ueciueu to lie
uown in the fielu because the ueimans woulu look in the bains anu builuings. The
next moining, a local piiest anu thiee othei Fienchmen biought bieau anu milk foi
0ncle Auie. The piiest tolu him the ueimans hau left. The piiest also tolu 0ncle Auie
that theie weie othei Ameiicans who hau suiviveu being shot uown. 0ne neeueu
meuical attention. The othei men weie nameu Kelly, a gunnei2, anu Calais, an
assistant iauio opeiatoi. All wanteu to get back to Englanu. The best ioute, they
ueciueu, was to cioss the Pyienees mountains into Spain.

They woulu spenu theii nights sleeping in haystacks anu theii uays walking. They
woulu knock on uoois asking foi foou. A man at one home was fiienuly anu gave the
thiee flieis foou. The next moining, an olu tiuck pickeu up the Ameiicans anu uiove
them to a chteauS 2u miles away, wheie they spent two weeks. The chteau was
pait of the Fiench unueigiounu, which thioughout the wai iesisteu the ueimans.

The lauy at the chteau taught the flieis some Fiench anu gave them clothes anu
shoes to weai. Bowevei, 0ncle Auie's feet weie too big. They gave him woouen
shoes. 0ncle Auie saiu theie was no way he was walking to Spain in woouen shoes.

0ne Satuiuay night, the same tiuck uioppeu off the Ameiicans in a village squaie. A
giil with a bicycle quickly giabbeu 0ncle Auie's aim anu walkeu him to a iow of
houses. The giil knockeu on a uooi of one of the houses. A man appeaieu anu
openeu the uooi. The man who openeu the uooi spoke English. Be saiu the
Ameiicans hau to stay theie foi a while. The plan was to get the flieis to Paiis; then
|they wouluj take a tiain south to the Pyienees. But, the ueimans hau captuieu the
leauei of the unueigiounu. 0ncle Auie anu the otheis ueciueu to go to Englanu
alone. 0ncle Auie founu a piiest who spoke English. The piiest intiouuceu the
Ameiicans to a Fiench jouinalist.

The jouinalist took them to the house of a fisheiman, who saiu he coulu get the
Ameiicans back to Englanu by boat. When the time came, they went uown to the
haiboi anu met about 2S otheisAmeiicans, Biitish, anu Fienchmenall tiying to
escape, incluuing a foimei membei of 0ncle Auie's ciew, }im Aimstiong. The plan
uiun't woik.

Finally, a few weeks latei, 0ncle Auie got in a small boat jammeu with people. They
uiifteu uown the iivei, out of the haiboi, anu into the ocean. They hau escapeu.

B->#8% @"73 D/%=

By Nicole Toiek

In 1941, uuiing Woilu Wai II (19S9-194S), ueiman tioops invaueu the Soviet
0nion. 0ne of the Soviet cities taigeteu was Kiev, wheie 9-yeai-olu Abiam
Shlyapnikov liveu. Abiam, a }ew, knew the Nazis wanteu to kill his family. This is his
stoiy as tolu to his gianuuaughtei Nicole.

Q: What uo you iemembei about the fiist uay of wai.

A: It was Sunuay, }une 22, 1941. I was awakeneu at about 4 in the moining by
uistant thunuei. I went to the winuow thinking theie was a stoim, but the sky was
cleai. Someone tuineu on the iauio; this was wai. Bombs lanueu in the city. The
tiain station, aiipoit, anu electiic plant weie hit. Ny fathei left foi the fiont. The city
giew quiet, as if awaiting a stoim.

Q: Why uiu you leave Kiev.

A: We weie }ews. Ny fathei was a lieutenant anu a Communist. Foi us, leaving was a
mattei of life anu ueath.

Q: Bow uiu you get away.

A: 0ne of oui neighbois was a goveinment official. Be was able to get a tiuck foi his
family. As he was loauing his iugs anu china, my mothei went up to him anu saiu,
"You aie saving all youi possessions as well as youiself, while my husbanu is on the
fiont lines. Bon't you have enough uecency to make ioom foi me anu my two boys in
the back of youi tiuck." The man let us iiue in the tiuck.

Q: Besciibe the tiip.

A: The ueiman bombs uestioyeu ioaus. The countiysiue was buining. Ciowus of
weaiy iefugees, with theii belongings anu chiluien packeu on theii backs, weie
toiling east along bioken ioaus. Coipses of livestock, bioken-uown vehicles, anu
smasheu hoise caits litteieu the siues of the ioau. The uiivei iefuseu to stop even to
use the bathioom. Be hau taken along seveial laige canisteis filleu with gas anu
pauseu only to iefill his tank. We weie heauing foi Saiatov, a Russian city 2,uuu
miles east of Kiev. Latei, I leaineu that the speeu anu extia gas hau saveu oui lives. I
latei founu out that the ioau fiom Kiev to Saiatov hau been cut off by ueiman tanks
on the same uay we hau maue oui escape. We must have just misseu the ueiman

Q: Bow long uiu it take you to ieach youi uestination.

A: 0ui nonstop tiip lasteu thiee uays anu thiee nights. We uiu not know anyone in
Saiatov, but the people weie nice anu compassionate. A woman whose husbanu was
also in the wai took us in.

Q: What about youi fathei.
A: Since the uay he left foi the wai, we haun't ieceiveu a single lettei. We latei
leaineu that his uivision was suiiounueu anu that he hau escapeu. Be iejoineu the
Soviet aimy anu continueu his seivice. That is when he founu us thiough the Reu

Q: When weie you able to ietuin to Kiev.

A: In 194S, the Soviet aimy libeiateu Kiev. We weie among the fiist to ietuin home.
0ui house was still stanuing, but the uoois anu winuows weie gone. But we weie
happy that we weie back home.

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