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In addition / Additionally / Furthermore / Moreover /

Plus / as well
Transitions are word that help connect ideas in a paragraph.
When you are giving many examples or ideas in the body of a paragraph, you
should try to introduce each idea with a transition word. (You should not start a
sentence with And. !here are many transitions that mean Also or And"
These transitions are similar to Also. They are explained in
detail below.
1. In addition / Additionally
In addition and Additionally se utili#an para dar m$s informaci%n sobre
algo. &uando se escribe un ensayo formal, no se debe empe#ar por la
con'unction And. (ara ello a menudo utili#amos )n addition or
Additionally en lugar de And.
) studied 'ournalism in college. In addition, ) had a part*time 'ob
at a newspaper.
) 'oined the guitar club and the math club in school. Additionally,
) went on a camping trip with the debate team.
2. Furthermore / Moreover
Furthermore and Moreover tambi+n son formas muy formales y tienen
el mismo signi,cado -ue in addition y additionally. A menudo
utili#amos moreover y furthermore cuando nos referimos a una
opinion personal.
.mo/ing is a bad habit because it smells bad and it can damage
your health. Furthermore, it is a very expensive habit.
!he politician is too old to be our president. Moreover, he is not
.tudents are given too many tests these days. Moreover, they
don0t have enough free time.
1uman beings must ta/e care of their environment. We should
drive more fuel* e2cient cars, and we should recycle. Furthermore, we
should stop businesses from polluting the environment.
3. Plus / as well
Plus y as well pueden ser formales o informales. (3as well se usa al
,nal de una oraci%n.
In addition / Additionally / Furthermore / Moreover /
!hat car has new bra/es, an air*conditioner and a new &4 player.
Plus, it has an alarm.
!he typhoon destroyed my cousin0s home, and it destroyed his car
as well.
5y grandfather fought in two wars, and he travelled around the
world. 1e ran his own business as well.
!hat computer is way too expensive. Plus, it0s not even that good.
67ota" si la oraci%n es negativa, se usa 8either en lu!ar de "as well.
) li/e 5aths, and ) li/e .cience as well.
) dont li/e 5aths, and ) dont li/e .cience either.

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