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January 29th- February 2, 2003

Girls' Weekend Out

Guess what! I've just quit my job! I excitedly proclaimed the wondrous news to Janette and
proceeded to spill out the sordid details. The scene that had taen place that !ednesday
mornin" had been the proverbial straw that broe the camel's bac! The new year had been
one #illed with much stri#e and #rustration so #ar and not lon" a#ter it had started$ I became
very$ very sic. %ot lon" a#ter the %ew &ear had be"un$ it started with a cold that would not "o
away. I dra""ed and pushed mysel# throu"h that wee and ended up tain" 'riday o##$ hopin"
I could sleep away the symptoms that day. (owever$ I dra""ed mysel# in on the )aturday only
to "et pro"ressively worse as the day went on. *y the time +,-. rolled around I new I had
bronchitis and both ears were sore. /ave and I did not "o to church on )unday and o# course
I did not "o in on 0onday.
In #act on 0onday when we went to the Glacier 1linic$ my suspicions were con#irmed. The
doctor dia"nosed me with bronchitis and an ear in#ection and prescribed antibiotics. I
probably had strep throat too$ but the same antibiotics would have done the job a"ainst it.
Tuesday ni"ht when I resumed my cycle o# birth control pills$ they reacted in combination with
the antibiotics to mae me so nauseous I was almost scared /ave would have to tae me to
the hospital a"ain as that #amiliar$ searin" pain pressed my ribs. This happened to me be#ore
in early %ovember when I had that horrible #lu combined with carpal tunnel syndrome$ but
that's another story. !e also thin that previous episode had somethin" to do with the
in#amous (alloween 'loor )crubbin" Incident$ but that$ too is another story. 2t least this time I
#elt better a#ter a darned "ood cry while /ave held me.
I stayed home the rest o# the wee but dra""ed mysel# to wor the #ollowin" wee even
thou"h I was still nowhere near bein" better. I'd #inished o## the antibiotics on Thursday$ the
mornin" o# my own doctor's appointment. )he told me bronchitis symptoms could last as lon"
as six wees. 3ovely$ just what I needed. /urin" that wee$ my voice ept dyin" out on me.
)aturday mornin"$ not lon" a#ter I arrived at 4nion )tation$ I suddenly had that horrible rotten
e"" taste in my mouth. It was a taste I had experienced twice be#ore and both those times it
heralded impendin" disaster. The previous time it happened was when I came down with that
#lu where my body was in so much pain that /ave had to tae me to the hospital. This time I
was able to brin" it under control with some Gravol$ but the Gravol made me so sleepy I
hardly "ot any wor done that day. I called /ave to come and meet me a#ter wor as I still had
an errand to run. There wasn't really anythin" much he could actually do except #or the most
important thin" which was be there #or me. !hen he showed up we hurried to the /u##erin
0all so we could "et the #abric #or that prototype I was worin" on.
%one o# the available #abrics quite matched the sin tone o# the 0adeline doll I had in my
bacpac so I ased the lady worin" at 'abric 3and to cut me three samples. Then /ave
and I went to my old nei"hbourhood and had #ish and chips at )enior's. 2#ter dinner we just
went to 4nion )tation and too the Go train home. It was only 5,-. when we "ot in.
)unday mornin" my voice was completely "one! 6nce a"ain we did not "o to church but I did
not let mysel# miss his dad and 3aurie's #amily birthday party.
0y voice was so bad on 0onday I did not "o to wor. It could not be helped! 0y boss made
me stay home on Tuesday too.
!ednesday mornin" I waled strai"ht into the pit o# hell. 0a""ie's daycare appointment had
been canceled so she was ri"ht there and the #irst thin" she did was start lecturin" me about
how I was tain" too much time o## and she was thinin" o# lettin" me "o. To add insult to
injury she told me to do somethin" about my wei"ht. )he accused me o# stu##in" my #ace with
everythin" /ave puts in #ront o# me and blamed the pounds I've "ained since I've been
married on the #act that I'm always sic these days! 3ie$ hello7 The reason that I'm always
sic is because I'm overwored$ not overwei"ht. 6bviously that bitch had no intention o# "ivin"
me )aturdays o## lie she promised but this was no time to brin" that #act to her attention. To
mae matters worse she had to blame my laryn"itis on 6823 )9:!
This was it! This time she had "one too #ar! I braved my way throu"h the mornin"$ sendin"
out endless #axes to noti#y various daycares o# 8ichardo ;eens</ou"las' upcomin" boo
si"nin" at our store. 2t around =,.. 0a""ie said she had to "o mail a letter. 4sually she
sends me to do that sort o# thin". )ince my sel#<esteem >or whatever was le#t o# it? had been
trampled throu"h the pi"shit$ I allowed mysel# to indul"e in a much needed "ood$ hearty cry.
Then I went downstairs and paced several "rocery ba"s with my belon"in"s that had been
stored there. To show that I was completely serious that I was never returnin" this time I even
pulled my embroidered T<shirts and the last o# my )prin"time in %arnia@ 1/'s #rom the shel#
and too my runnin" shoes$ stu##in" one into one ba" o# belon"in"s and the other into
another. I ju""led #our plastic "rocery ba"s and a cardboard box out o# the door$ le#t a lame$
soppy$ loquacious note and "ot the hell out o# there.
I arrived at 4nion )tation just in time to catch the +,A. train. 0y hands were shain" so much
I could hardly do my embroidery$ but a#ter initial tears o# "rie# and loss$ my spirit san" with an
immense sense o# #reedom and relie#. I ju""led my belon"in"s to the shuttle bus and bumbled
my way across the 6shawa 1entre parin" lot$ bac to my humble abode.
!hen I came home I listened to my usual tape #rom /ave. (e taled about how disappointed
he was about how I said I'd be willin" to tae a cut to my pay in exchan"e #or )aturdays o##
and me bein" a#raid to stand up to 0a""ie. 3ittle did he now that that day I stood up to her
all ri"ht! )tood up and waled ri"ht out that door!!! 2nd this time there was no "oin" bac! I
recorded over that tape with the wondrous news$ but I didn't "o to bed early that ni"ht. I was
still awae to tell him in person when I "ot in.
0eanwhile I'd already told the news to Janette and we'd #ormulated our plan.
Thursday ni"ht we #inaliBed everythin".
'riday$ /ave and I went to Golden Griddle #or brunch. It #elt lie a celebration #east. !e also
piced up a #ew munchies #or my journey.
I le#t the house just be#ore +,.. p.m. It #elt stran"e catchin" the Go shuttle that time o# day$
lie I was runnin" away #rom home. It was also deliciously excitin". I cau"ht the +,A. train
bac to Toronto. The journey went #ast and it was around C,-. when I arrived at 4nion )tation$
bumblin" throu"h the rush hour crowd lie a salmon travelin" upstream a"ainst the #low. 'rom
there I too the subway to the bus terminal and had a hot do" while I waited #or Janette. 2n
annoyin" toddler whined continuously in the distance while I secretly worried$ hopin" Janette
hadn't "ot her wires crossed and thou"ht we were meetin" at 4nion )tation.
)he showed up just in time and we were able to catch the DEAC bus and be#ore we new it$
despite a brie# panic about losin" my Ti""er hat$ >which I discovered sa#ely in my ba" a#ter all?
we were on our way.
The journey #lowed alon" relatively smoothly$ althou"h it #elt later at ni"ht than it really was. It
was an enjoyable ride. 9ven the li"hts o# the tra##ic looed excitin" and we were in a peace#ul$
jovial mood as we pi""ed out on por rinds and chocolate covered cashews.
Janette won at our traditional "ame o# )pot the )ylon.@ *e#ore we new it we were there
and too a taxi to our motel where we checed in without any problem. !e unloaded and
rearran"ed our stu## and Boomed out to 1li#ton (ill where we ate at the #amily restaurant.
Janette had a bowl o# ve"etable<macaroni soup and I had #ruit salad. Then we buBBed around
1li#ton (ill looin" in several shops. 8oc and 8oll 2ll %ite@ by ;I)) was playin" while I
helped Janette select a birthday bear #or 0ar. I bou"ht a Ti""er suncatcher #or one o# /ave's
Falentine presents. I wanted to "et him some bubble"um #lavoured #ud"e$ but didn't see any
at the 'ud"e 'actory. !e made our way down by 6as Garden Theatre where the trees were
decorated with "or"eous$ colour#ul li"hts. Janette thou"ht this would be a romantic place to
introduce the bears to each other. This would have made a "reat picture$ un#ortunately$ it was
then I realiBed I'd le#t my camera in our room.
!e enjoyed a leisurely stroll by the #alls at ni"ht. They weren't illuminated this time o# year but
their surreal beauty amid the ice and snow was absolutely ma"ni#icent.
!e noticed somethin" stran"e "lowin" on the ice. !e had no idea what it was and we'll
probably never #ind out.
It "ot slippery as we neared the (orseshoe 'alls$ so we decided to mae our way bac to the
motel$ stocin" up on munchies at the G<AA. Janette bou"ht 'laies$ )wiss rolls and #i"
%ewtons. I bou"ht a =<litre ju" o# chocolate mil. !e enjoyed a snac as soon as we "ot in.
I had my usual bath be#ore bed. The tub too #orever to #ill so it wasn't quite as #ull as I would
have pre#erred it. It seemed to tae #orever to "et to sleep. I missed /ave and tried to phone
him at AA,=. but the line was busy. I wonder who he was talin" to at that hour.
I awoe at +,-. unable to "o bac to sleep so I wrote in my journal until I "ot this #ar.
!hile I was writin"$ Janette decided she'd start readin" the boo I'd been readin". )he wants
to borrow it when I'm #inished readin" it. I only have a #ew chapters le#t. !hen I #inished
writin"$we went bac to sleep #or awhile.
That while@ turned out to be lon"er than expected$ as it was dayli"ht when I "ot up to use the
bathroom$ thinin" it was only G,-.. 0y heart san to #ind out that it was already 5,-.. I hope
this doesn't happen tomorrow. !e want to "o to church on )unday!
Huicly we "ot dressed and cleaned up and headed out to our #avorite brea#ast boo#ette@
where we "ladly loaded up our plates in some #ine style with all our #avorite injittimentsE
pancaes$ sausa"e$ bacon$ scrambled e""s.... !e enjoyed a "ood salubrious #east. Then we
made our way down toward 1li#ton (ill. It was quite slippery out and I'd worn my runnin"
shoes this weeend because I was sic o# boots. !e popped into several "i#t shops and I
went a little craBy buyin" "i#ts #or my #oster child and /ave. !e stopped at the Great
1anadian 0idway and I treated Janette to a simulator ride$ a #eature called 1lown 1haos@. It
was "reat! The animation was brilliant! The whole thin" was so colour#ul and ima"inative. I
was ind o# disappointed that it was so short!
!e spent the rest o# the time poppin" into more shops includin" the (ershey outlet where I
bou"ht that bri"ht yellow bear that /ave was tempted to buy on our honeymoon$ with a
special Falentine's paca"e o# (ershey's isses. )o that's his Falentine "i#t taen care o#. I'd
also "otten him a ba" o# spearmint leaves in one o# the other shops prior to that last ni"ht and
the Ti""er suncatcher that shows Ti""er and Ii"let havin" a picnic to"ether.
In one o# the shops I bou"ht a special (oneymoon picture #rame which I saved to "ive him on
our anniversary. I'd also bou"ht him a shiny blue (ershey's ;isses tree ornament #or one o#
his 1hristmas stocin" stu##ers$ as well as several personaliBed items in various shops.
Janette and looed around in one shop where I couldn't resist a "or"eous little purple
triceratops #or ;pali"an<Jaari. I'd already bou"ht him tons o# stu## includin" a pencil case$ toy
Folswa"en$ double<decer bus$ T<shirt and various pens and pencils includin" one that
writes in about = doBen di##erent colours and one with a little 0aid o# the 0ist boat that moves
bac and #orth. !e also enjoyed watchin" the shars swim at the 8ain 'orest 1a#e.
6n our way bac to the motel$ we bou"ht a newspaper at the dru"store and stopped at
*asin 8obbins to enjoy decadent sundaes. 0ine was hot #ud"e with 1ola<'iBB and 1herry
1ordial ice cream. Janette had hot #ud"e with rainbow sherbet and chocolate chip. !e tried to
savor them slowly$enjoyin" the peace#ul atmosphere. !e were the only customers in there$
noticin" how quiet and un<crowded %ia"ara is this time o# year.
!e then made our way bac to the motel where Janette ordered a co##ee at the #ront des
where they have a bit o# a variety store. The co##ee would be ready in about A. minutes. !e
went bac to our room and I "ave her some money to "et me a bottle o# iced tea when she
went bac to "et her co##ee. !hen she came bac with my drin she still had to mae another
trip because the stu## they'd made was cold and they had to mae her another! !hile she
went bac #or her co##ee$ I or"aniBed the "i#ts I'd bou"ht into di##erent ba"s which I put in my
suitcase and when she came bac we prayed to"ether. Then we enjoyed some quiet siesta
time while Janette looed throu"h the paper and I write in my journal.
6h$ by the way$ I phoned /ave a#ter brea#ast. !e both miss each other very much.
2nyway$ a#ter writin" in my journal$ I embroidered #or awhile. I'd been worin" on and
interestin" monta"e o# carousel<related ima"es and it was th that moment I was worin" on
the part that's a peach<coloured strip o# ticets.
2t around +,-. we decided to set bac out a"ain. !e noticed that the #o" had cleared up
considerably so we decided we would "o up the )ylon as we wanted to tae pictures o# the
'alls but it mi"ht have been too slippery to enjoy looin" at them #rom "round level$ especially
the (orseshoe 'alls. !e made our way in and were almost immediately tempted by more
shops. !e decided we'd return to shopper's paradise@ a#ter our ascent$ as we wanted to "o
up the tower as soon as possible be#ore it "ot dar.
*e#ore we new it we were "lidin" upward in the #amous yellow bu" elevator$ enjoyin" the
ma"ni#icent view o# the #alls. 9lated$ we buBBed around the outdoor observation plat#orm$
tain" pictures o# the "lorious silvery<white winter wonderland beneath us. I probably too
some pictures by accident when I was tryin" to #i"ure out how to advance the Boom lens and
hit the wron" button instead.
0ore construction had taen place and I wanted to #ocus on this interestin" dome<lie
structure. Janette said it was part o# the new 1asino. 1olour#ul music played while we were
up there and I heartily danced and san" alon" with /ancin' in the )treets.@ %ow whenever I
hear that son" I'll be thinin" o# our wondrous winter escapade up the )ylon. It was
incredibly mild up there and not the least bit windy lie it had been when /ave and I had been
there on our honeymoon even thou"h it was the middle o# summer when the wind was so
stron" that it nearly ripped o## my sun dress!!
!hen we'd had our #ill o# the observation dec we had a loo around in the "i#t shop. !e
didn't buy anythin" althou"h I did #eel somewhat tempted by some attractive baseball caps
with colour#ul embroidery. 2#ter looin" around we too another pee be#ore tain" the
elevator bac down a"ain.
/own at "round level we looed around in more shops. 6ne place had$ #or K--C$ a #ull<siBed
motorcycle made entirely out o# wicer. !hat would anyone do with such a thin"7 &ou can't
actually ride it but it would loo lovely in a sun room$ surrounded by lush$ tropical plants and a
contented #amily cat snooBin" happily on its saddle. 2nother shop had a bri"ht oran"e
sin"in" sun#lower that opened and closed its eyes while sin"in" &ou 2re 0y )unshine@ in a
chipmun<lie voice. In the /utch store I saw a beauti#ul but expensive ceramic tray with a
scene o# children dancin" to a barrel or"an. The same picture was on a plate #or K+-. The
same picture was also on a smaller plate #or KAL which I bou"ht. 2t #irst I was "oin" to buy it
#or mysel#$ but then I decided to "ive it to my mom #or her birthday.
!e then went to the basement to #ind out i# there was anythin" new in the arcade. I don't thin
I remember there bein" a bowlin" alley there be#ore.
*y then we were "ettin" hun"ry so we made our way bac down to 1li#ton (ill. 6n our way$
we stopped at the 8oc 3e"ends "i#t shop where I bou"ht a ;I)) ey chain to put in /ave's
1hristmas stocin". There was only one o# this ind with a picture o# them in concert with the
bi" screen behind them so new I'd be puttin" it with the other "i#ts rather than eepin" it #or
Janette and I had supper at Iil"rims' where she had #ish M chips and I had a cheesebur"er
with #ries and iced tea. !e heard ba"pipes and a "roup o# protesters went by$ security "uards
#rom the 1asino$ who were on strie.
2#ter supper we buBBed around in a #ew more "i#t shops. I bou"ht /ave a )piderman ey
chain at the 0aretplace althou"h I must say I was tempted by a carousel "ira##e 1hristmas
ornament. I passed it up as it was KAL and money was "ettin" ti"ht. 8i"ht next to it was a
carousel lion just lie the one /ave's 2unt ;athy had "iven us #or 1hristmas.
The last place we stopped in was 1andy )a#ari$ where I bou"ht a carousel tin #or only 55
cents. It was a Huality )treet candy tin with horses in unusual colours lie "reen$ yellow and
*y the time we made our way bac to the motel$ I was cou"hin" pretty badly. !e wanted to
stop at the variety store but it was closed already$ so we went bac to our room brie#ly to drop
o## our treasures and let me use the washroom. Then we set o## to G<AA to buy tomorrow
mornin"'s brea#ast. !e each bou"ht a cinnamon bun and a blueberry mu##in and I bou"ht a
bottle o# passion<#ruit peach juice.
!hen we "ot bac to our room$party animals were cattin" around next door$ rowdy$ youn"er
"uys. I noticed one o# them checin" me out as we closed the door behind us. They were
very loud and we could hear them in the next room. )omeone noced on the door$ but we
i"nored it$ #eelin" scared. There were only two o# us and God nows how many o# them. The
last thin" we needed was to be involved in an or"y. !e were #eelin" ind o# scared and #retty
but started to relax as I read passa"es #rom the *ible. I had this handy little wheel at the bac
that /ave had sent me when we were correspondin" to help me loo up various verses #or
di##erent situations. )oon we were relaxed enou"h to settle and I had my bath.
2#ter my bath I did some more embroidery and wrote some more in my journal$ while Janette
did some readin".
It was a #it#ul ni"ht. %oise #rom next door dri#ted in and out intermittently but somehow we
mana"ed to "et to sleep now and then. It looed lie it was still pretty dar when it was time to
"et up and a"ain the water #rom the sin too #orever to "et hot so I brushed my teeth while I
waited. )oon we were dressed and eatin" our brea#ast. It was about L,-. when we checed
out. The lady at the o##ice let us leave our lu""a"e behind the des so we could come bac #or
it later.
It was a treacherous wal to church. 6nce a"ain$ the sidewals were so icy we had to wal
on the road. !e were way too early so we too a wal to ill some time. The 0inolta tower
was now dwar#ed by lar"er hotels. !e wanted to loo in some "i#t shops but nothin" was
open in that area. (owever$ we did have a beauti#ul view o# the (orseshoe 'alls and I too a
picture or two.
!e made our way bac just in time #or )unday school and helped ourselves to co##ee and
bundt cae. It was sort o# a spice cae with chocolate icin" and #illin".
2s interestin" as class was$ un#ortunately$ I'm a#raid I slept throu"h most o# it.
'ortunately$ I was able to stay awae throu"h the church sermon$ which was #ascinatin". It
was about the boo o# Ihilemon$ an obscure little boo in the %ew Testament$ that's only one
chapter. It was the story o# 6nesimus$ a runaway slave. I$ too$ was a runaway slave. The topic
was about di##icult people to "et alon" with and reconciliation. I suppose I can #or"ive 0a""ie
#or how she's treated me$ but I can't "o bac there.
2#ter church$ I phoned /ave #rom a phone booth. Janette and I wanted lunch but the 1hinese
restaurant near the church was closed. )6 we had to wal all the way to 1li#ton (ill and we
ate at the %ew &or 1hinese restaurant$ which is almost ri"ht nest door to the 3otus *lossom$
which is where we used to "o. The %ew &orer is better. 3otus *lossom used to serve soup
and chow mein noodles or #ried won<tons at the be"innin" o# each meal but now they don't.
0ar and Janette also had an unpleasant experience at the 3otus *lossom when the waitress
made a remar about the tip. 2nyway$ the %ew &orer has these thin"s that 3otus *lossom
has since laced. !e both enjoyed that plus chicen balls and chicen #ried rice. Janette had
a chicen and almond dish and I had bee# with mushrooms. It was very hot and I burnt my
ton"ue. 6wie! (owever$ it cooled rather quicly. I was done lon" be#ore Janette who ended
up tain" about hal# o# hers home in a do""ie ba".
2#ter lunch we "ot our stu## #rom the motel and too a cab to the bus terminal. !e'd just
missed the =,.. Greyhound and the next one wasn't until +,... 2t least the time went #ast as
we wored on our sewin" projects and I phoned /ave a"ain.
It was ind o# a disor"aniBed mess "ettin" people onto the bus. They were in serious need o#
crowd control. There were no two seats to"ether so I had to sit behind Janette. 'ortunately$
the "irl she was sittin" next to "ot o## in )t. 1atherine's so we could sit to"ether a#ter all. I
#inished the boo I was readin" and "ave it to her to borrow. Then I coned out and went to
sleep throu"h the rest o# the trip.
The bus stopped at 4nion )tation but they wouldn't let us out i# we had to "et our ba"s out
#rom underneath. It was a slow$ arduous ride to the /undas terminal and when we "ot o##$
everyone's ba"s were just thrown out already while people pushed and trampled to "et them.
Janette let out quite the shrie and #elt stupid when the needle #rom her sewin" stabbed her in
the le". I# any o# the treasures we'd bou"ht were broen$ I'd want to sue Greyhound #or bein"
so rou"h with everyone's ba""a"e! !e arrived at the bus terminal in a #oul mood and hurried
to catch the subway.
4nion )tation was only a couple stops away and I was just in time to buy a ticet. 6shawa
please.@ The lady didn't now what I was talin" about. 2 TI1;9T to 6shawa!@ I #elt lie bein"
really rude and addin" a hearty /4(((!@ #or "ood measure$ %o actually$ I want to own the
city!@ I could've said. I #elt lie I could've throttled her!
%ow here I am on the train. I tried to call /ave but this credit<card phone doesn't seem to
wor very well.

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