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Global Studies II Name: Philip Konrad

Unit II Russia Date: 10/28/14

Define the following terms: [remember, youll need these terms for your quizzes answer them well!]

Liberal Those who want some change but want it legally

Radical Those who want great change; and may suggest less than legal means to get it.

Conservative - Those in power who want to keep power

Domestic vs. Foreign matters involving one country vs coming from another country

Autocratic relating to a ruler that has absolute power

Divine Right theory ruled that derived directly from god

Russification a Program that Czar Nicholas I made. The program forced non-Russian peoples in the
empire to use the Russian language, accept the orthodox religions and adopt Russian customs.

Pan-Slavism The union of all Slavic peoples under Russian leadership.

Emancipation Edict Czar Alexander II freed all serfs with this.

Peoples Will Russian radicals turned to violent action, splitting off to a movement that led this

Pogroms They revived and intensified Russification in heavy-handed discrimination against minority
groups, and sponsored massacres of Jews in riots

Nihilists someone who believes in nothing or an object that has no meaning

Social Democratic Labor Party a political party formed in 1898

Duma council assemblies that were created by the emperor of Russia

Answer the following questions:
1. Summarize Ideas:
a. Explain how liberalism affected Russias domestic policy.

Russia struggled and they censored speech and rejected all demands from a constitution.

b. Describe two features of Russias foreign policy.

1.) Russia promoted Pan-Slavism to the union of all Slavic peoples under Russian leadership.
2.) Russia sought expansion.

2. Organizing Ideas:
a. List the liberal reforms that Alexander II accomplished in Russia.

Emancipation Edict, Modernize his nation and allowed rural districts to elect zemstvos.

b. What did he do with regard to the serfs?

Most freed serfs had to rent more land from there former owners and rents were very high.

3. Analyzing Ideas:
a. Why did the Revolution of 1905 fail to overthrow the monarchy?

1.) Army was loyal and didnt want to end the czars regime. 2.) The French were close to Russia by military
alliance which led to lending money to the government. 3.) Lots of revolutionary groups, radicals
disagreed among there selfs and demanded many things.

b. How did Nicholas II respond to the Revolution of 1905?
Government tried to treat people with contempt but mostly all broke the law.

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