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By: Beenish Ali,Ramsha Awan,& Madeline Salem

someone who advocates political,
social, and economic rights for women
equal to those of men
NOT someone who hates males
Ex. women are paid of what men

Definition of a Feminist
Sex- biological and physiological
characteristics that define men and women
male and female
Gender- socially constructed roles,
behaviors, activities, and attributes that a
society considers appropriate for men and
masculine and feminine
Sex vs Gender
Definition of Feminist Criticism
examine the social, economic, and cultural
aspects of literary works and what they
reveal about the role, position, and
influence of women
view literature as a constant struggle for
power and control because they see
literature as an avenue for social reform
1. To what extent does the representation of women (and men) in the work
reflect the place and time in which the work was written?
2. How are the relations between men and women, or those between
members of the same sex, presented in the work? What roles do men and
women assume and perform and with what consequences?
3. Does the author present the work from within a predominantly male or
female sensibility? Why might this have been done, and with what effects?
4. How do the facts of the authors life relate to the presentation of men and
women in the work? To their relative degrees of power?
5. How do other works by the author correspond to this one in their depiction
of the power relationships between men and women?

Feminist Theory Questions
1. Western civilization is centered and controlled by
man in such a manner that women are subordinated.
2. Current concepts of gender are developed by male
biases of our civilization.
3. Due to the patriarchal ideology, literature that has
been considered great has consisted of writing by
men for men.
4. Traditional aesthetic categories and criteria for
analyzing and approaching literary works are infused
with the masculine way of thought.
Four Central Tenets
The men in the novel view women as an object
of desire
The boys at school are seen as masculine based
on the amount of girls they have slept with
The novel is written from a males perspective
Holden is anticipated to be masculine, but is
portrayed the opposite
Feminism in The Catcher in the Rye
1. Women dont have any prominent professional
2. Football players are hulky, buff men while
cheerleaders are pretty, skinny women
3. Football was created for men by men
a. men play, coach, commentate, and are majority of the
4. Football players are ranked by masculine
Feminism in the NFL
DiYanni, Robert. Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and the Essay. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1990. Print.
Salinger, J. D. The Catcher in the Rye. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951. Print.
What Do We Mean by sex and gender? WHO.N.p.,n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2014.
< is gender/en/>.
Works Cited

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