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TO: Anthony Cohen

FROM: Kendall Jimenez

DATE: September 21, 2014
SUBJECT: Research Proposal for Inquiry into the Discipline of Criminal Justice

In this document, I introduce my choice of research, provide background
information on the discipline of Criminal Justice as an undergraduate program as
well as a career choice, and discuss the procedure of my research.


(1) My purpose in exploring this discipline is to not only further my knowledge
regarding the topic as it will be my major, but I also want to be well informed of my
career options. (2) This topic is extremely relevant in that it will help dictate my
future after graduation and help to influence my decisions afterwards. (3) My
discipline will fulfill the objectives set to complete this project by becoming
familiarized with the Criminal Justice field as an undergraduate program, career
choice, and discipline as a whole. (4) Throughout this process, I plan to gain a new
and more organized perspective of Criminal Justice, in addition to choosing a career
path that is best for me. This can also serve as a guide for other students will
interest in this discipline or career field.

Criminal Justice Review/ Background

(1) This project can also be associated with feminism in the Criminal Justice field.
(2) I plan to become fully aware of how being a woman in a field dominated by men
will affect my career options. As gender inequality is still a major issue throughout
professionalism in general, I hope to accommodate my career around what
positions are most suitable for me as a graduate student and woman in the Criminal
Justice field. (3) Women have researched the topic of gender inequality in the
workplace, however they have hardly given solutions to the issue. Gender inequality
is not a problem that can be solved quickly or all at once, so I plan on revealing the
types of positions that have already begun to seek women. The difference between
my research and the research available is that mine will also provide a solution.


This section will allow me to find the proper data in order to evaluate job
opportunities for women in the Criminal Justice discipline. I will learn which career
paths have a shortage of women while also desiring them as employees, in addition
to the career paths that prioritize men. (1) I will need to collect percentages of
women employed in the Criminal Justice field as opposed to men and their
positions. (2) To complete this project, a lot of firsthand knowledge from a woman
who has experience in this field will be a priority; also statistics will be helpful in
seeing the numbers associated with different positions. (3) I plan to obtain all of this
information well before I even begin writing my research paper in order to be fully
prepared and also early enough to have the opportunity to gain more information if
needed without time being an issue or concern.

My main priority will be interviewing women in the Criminal Justice field. This
source will provide me with firsthand account experiences regarding gender
discrimination, and also insight to which positions are most fitting for women.

Surveys will also be extremely important in learning the statistics and ratios of
women and men in this discipline as well as where they are employed.

Document Analyses
Document Analyses will provide an overview of all the information I obtained,
making the relevance factor of each area easier to determine.

Site Observations
Site Observations will give me the ability to watch the behaviors of both genders in a
professional environment. I will have the ability to see for myself whether gender is
even that great of an issue in this discipline and evaluate which career I would
succeed most in.


My conclusion will be an informative study and evaluation of all my research and
studies. Ideally, it will provide me with a great understanding of my future discipline
and many possible career choices most suitable for me. My conclusion should
provide me with the best understanding possible into the Criminal Justice discipline.

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