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Philosophy of Education

Nine-tenths of education is encouragement.-Anatole France

Enrich the environment and the lives of every student with joy, comfort, and support.

Nurture each student with genuine love and care.

Challenge students to go beyond what they already know how to do.

Organize a safe and effective classroom where students are free to be themselves.

Understand where the students are coming from.

Reach out to students and exceed expectations to meet their needs.

Advocate for the needs of all students.

Greet each obstacle as an opportunity for learning to take place.

Enhance the learning experience by incorporating engaging activities.

Motivate each student to reach his/her full potential.

Engage in interactions with families.

Notice the individuality and unique characteristics of each child.

Take notice of student progress and help them improve in all areas.

I will create an educational experience in which learning and discovery can take place,
while encouraging students to push themselves to be all they can be.

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