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Cornerstones of Christian Leadership

Cheryl Mendoza
Azusa Pacific University

LDRS 502
Paul Kaak, Ph.D.
September 18, 2012


On my pursuit to a life of wholeness it is important to plan principles to

work toward. Organizing my values in my life helps me identify the areas that need to be
included in my plan. There are a few important areas in my life, which I hope to work on
such as my spiritual growth, my family, education and physical health.
My personal philosophy of wholeness includes Jesus as the center of my
life, which is my foundation. Jesus and his word (The Bible) is what guides me through
life. It is him who gives me strength and teaches me how to live my life. By making Jesus
center of my life helps me keep my priorities in order. This value is also taught and lived
out for my children to see and also learn. As a family we grow spiritually by our
devotions, discussions and life experiences.
Another importance is education and to continually learn and read about
many topics on how to better my life and skills. For example bible studies, college
courses, management and parenting topics. There will never come a time where I will
have learned enough.

The last area is physical health; this I believe also brings wholeness. This
is an area I currently lack the most in but believe it has a great contribution toward my
personal wholeness. I need to develop an action plan and be committed to it in order to be
successful with my physical health.
My wholeness plan embraces my principles/values in my life, which
include, spiritual growth, family, education and physical health. This plan on wholeness
helped me gain great insight through the book Wisdom Distilled from the Daily by


Joan Chittister. According to Chittister (1991), The rule of Benedict is simply a plan of
life, a set principles that is clearly meant to be near to the original meaning of the Latin
word regular, or guide, than to the concept lex, or law (p.7). Reading this book helped
me learn the importance of recognizing the values in my life and being sure these value
takes priority. Another key principle I learned was I can think these areas in my life are
important but not be living it out because of all the other insignificant things taking up
my time and energy. Life, according to the Benedictine tradition, is to have order and
balance and quiet to it (Chittister, 1991, p. 185). Having balance in my life is what I am
striving for. My prayer is to be a good steward of my life, which is taught in Psalms 8
according to the Bible.
The short video Big Rocks I watched in class about fitting values first in
life before all the little things really resonated and helped give me a visual abut what is
important. I could definitely relate to putting in too many insignificant things in my life
instead of what is of great value first. Planning and organizing my thoughts help me keep
my life in perspective.
The first important and significant values in my life are spiritual growth.
According to Chittister (1991), Benedictine spirituality with its emphasis on prayer and
work and listening and the other, on order and silence and balance, on humility and
patience and contemplative consciousness is an invitation to personal peace (p. 186).
These key concepts in my life working actively will keep me on the right path to personal
growth. I have also studied that this spiritual growth, which also includes my relationship
with Christ, will help me display Gods beauty and the leader God has called me to be.
The second most valuable area of my life is my family. This would begin


with my relationship with my husband, children, parents, siblings, nephews etc. When I
examine each of these relationships it helps me take notice on how much work I need in
this area. It makes me readjust some things in my life and make sure they know and feel
valuable to me. This will include me to examine my attitude, conversation, and being
sure to listen to their needs and expressing my love to them.
The next is my education. This is an area in my life that has always been a
desire in my life was to continually learn and pursue an education. This is both learning
the bible and also education in general. This was never an area in my life that had too
much guidance growing up. My parents did not graduate from high school, so just
obtaining a high school diploma was suffice. During my high school years I never
prepared myself to go to a four-year college. I understand now it was because of the lack
of direction and development of my education kept me from entering a University after
high school. I am very grateful to be pursuing my education even though it was done
untraditionally. I do also understand that my learning will take place through out my life.
God has placed people around me to inspire and encourage me to do what is important to
Finally is the physical aspect of my life. This is the area that is most
neglected. This is because there is not an action plan and certainly no action. While I
know this is important to me I never seem to have time for physical activity and I have all
the excuses why I do not have time. I do realize that in order for my life to be in balance I
do need to create an action plan in my life and discipline my self to doing it. This is both
in eating healthy and physical activity.
For each of my principles I will apply two specific and doable rituals. The


first is spiritual growth. I will read the bible and or a spiritual book before I go to bed. I
will also take 10 minutes in the morning to pray and meditate on the Lord. By reading
and praying this will help me to continually grow my spiritual life. These two actions will
help with strengthening my foundation in my life.
The second is my family and my action plan is to be sure to connect with
them each on a daily bases, this will include my husband and children. My husband and I
need to plan date nights once a month and I will be a better listener during conversations.
Also I will read a devotion once a week, tuck my children in bed, and listen to them. I
will also plan a lunch get together with my husband and kids, since my son is a student
and living on campus at APU. I will also communicate with my parents on a weekly time
and my siblings biweekly.
Another principle is my plan for education which I am currently pursing a
master degree. This is an area that I have been pursing for the last five years. I thank God
that he has given me the opportunity to pursue a dream I have desired for a long time. My
plan is to take two courses each semester and one course in the summer. I hope to
graduate in 2 years.
Finally is my plan for physical health. I will plan a menu to prepare my
food. I will also cook during the week and take lunch to work four days out of the week. I
will start by exercising twice a week for an hour, once during the week and once on the
weekend. This will help me live a healthy life style.
In conclusion my plan for pursuit to wholeness, which are spiritual
growth, my family, education and physical health, are the Big Rocks in my life. I
understand this takes discipline and work. There is no quick and easy way to make the


life of God the life we lead (Chittister, 1991, p. 26).



Chittister, J. (1991). Wisdom distilled from the daily: Living the rule of st. benedict today. San Francisco:
Harper & Row.

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