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The importance of early detection and an accurate diagnostic of oral tumors

using CBCT technique

A. Rogojanu, I.V. Simion, D. Haba
Oral cancer is among the most common malignancies worldwide, therefore
early detection and treatment is imperative. Early detection of the oral
tumors and its precursor lesions may be the most effective means to improve
clinical outcome and cure most patients. These lesions are discovered
occasionally by the radiologist in radiographs taken for other reasons. Threedimensional imaging is preferred by the radiologist for a precise and
accurate diagnostic. Over the last decade, CBCT has become available for
maxillofacial radiographic imaging. Cone-beam computer tomography is a
medical image acquisition technique based on a cone-shaped X-ray beam
centered on a two-dimensional detector. The source-detector system
performs one rotation around the object producing a series of 2D images.
The images are reconstructed in a 3D data set using an algorithm. CBCT
produces clear images with higher resolution at a reduced radiation and
lower cost when compared to medical CT. It is a more compact, faster and
safer version of the medical CT. The time needed for a full scan is typically
under one minute and the radiation dosage is several times lesser than that of
a CT scanner. In this article, we have discussed the value of CBCT in
diagnosis and treatment planning which we observed in many cases of
maxillofacial lesions. Early detection, prevention, and improved diagnostic
accuracy are essential for ensuring improved patient care and treatment
outcomes. It can also reduce treatment time, complexity, complications and
costs. CBCT is a useful tool for detecting incidental oral and maxillofacial

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