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W.E.B. Du Bois Vs. Booker T.


Scott Suaso

Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois, both early advocates of the civil
rights movement, offered appropriate strategies to achieving solutions to the
discrimination experienced by black men and women in the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries. Despite having that in common, the two men had almost
completely polar approaches to that goal. Washington, a man condoning
economic efficiency had a more gradual approach as opposed to Du Bois, whose
course involved immediate and total equality both politically and economically.
For the time period, Washington overall offers a more effective and appropriate
proposition for the time whereas Du Bois's approach is precedent to movements
in the future. Both have equal influence over African Americans in politics, but
Washington always seemed to have the high card in white politics. Washington's
proposal excels in reference to education while Du Bois can be noted for achieving
true respect from white Americans.

Du Bois urged African Americans to involve themselves in politics. Gaining this power would
be essential to immediate beseeching of rights. Political association would prevent blacks from falling
behind because when the Negro found himself deprived of influence in politics, therefore, and at the
same time unprepared to participate in the higher functions in the industrial development which this
country began to undergo, it soon became evident to him that he was losing ground in the basic things
of life (Doc I). Du Bois also directly challenged Washington when he stated that the way for a people to
gain their reasonable rights is a not by voluntarily throwing them away and insisting that they do not
want them (Doc E). W.E.B. Du Bois goes on to criticize that that the principles of democratic
government are losing ground, and caste distinctions are growing in all directions (Doc F). All of these
political demands are comprehensible but Du Bois desired a radical change; Negroes must insist
continually, in season and out of season (Doc E). This is close to nagging, which was surely
unfavorable among primarily white politicians. The effectiveness of perpetual complaining would
steadily decrease. Washington avoids political involvement which in general is a neutral action neither
promoting nor causing defacement of the Negro population.

In 1880 the percentage of 5-19 year olds enrolled in school for whites was
approximately 60% while the percent of blacks was roughly half that, which was a
vast improvement over just thirty years before when black enrollment was around
zero (Doc A). Although black students appear to be bettering themselves, it is still
quite unfortunate; there may be more black students enrolled but their education
system was still below that of white folk. This in effect explains why the illiteracy
rate of the white population was at 10% while the percentage of the black
population unable to read sky-lined at 60% (Doc B). Both Washington and Du Bois
recognized the gap but took completely different approaches to achieve a remedy
and also had differing views of what necessary education was. Washington
believed that if blacks focused their attention on striving economically they would
eventually be given the rights they deserved. To do this, he encouraged
attending trade schools like the ones which he worked with. The Tuskegee
Institute of Alabama, which he founded, was where no time was wasted on dead
languages or superfluous studies of any kind. Then he proposed working either
industrially or agriculturally since their education would be based on what is
practical and what would best fit the young people for the work life (Doc G). Du
Bois, on the other hand, had grown up well rounded culturally. A historian
specializing in the history of blacks and a renowned sociologist, at the age of 93
he became a member of the communist party and exiled himself to Africa. Du
Bois had high hopes for the Talented Tenth: after thorough education they could
succeed. The fight for first class citizenship could be earned through the university
educated Negro through the court systems. Although it is a well thought out
solution, the number of black college students enrolled was still quite low at the
time. He believed along with others, that industrial education would not stand
African Americans in place of political, civil, and intellectual liberty (Doc H). It is
true that being cultured is important but for the time, labor was the necessity and
would bring supposed status.

W.E.B Du Bois, however, is able to surpass Washington in the area of overall

respect and morality concerning white folk. Booker T. Washington made a point
that if blacks could prove themselves useful, they could achieve their rights.
Washington stated, “No race that has anything to contribute to the markets of the
world is long in any degree ostracized”. It is important and right that all privileges
of the laws be ours, but it is vastly more important that we be prepared for the
exercise of those privileges. The opportunity to earn a dollar in a factory just now
is worth infinitely more than the opportunity to spend a dollar in an opera house.
In theory, Washington concluded that in order for African Americans to succeed, it
was imperative for them to befriend the white men. Only then would the struggle
for blacks end. He continually sounds of begging when stating to the white men:
Casting down your bucket among my people, helping and encouraging them as
you are doing on these grounds, and to education of head, hand, and heart While
doing this you can be sure in the future, as in the past, that you and your families
will be surrounded by the most patient, faithful, law-abiding, and civil people that
the world has seen. All this had been said in his Atlanta Compromise Address in
1895 (Doc D). It was also apparent to everyone African American who did not
totally agree with Washington's idea that this was a sign of submission for the
black race. The submissive part was, if none else, the fact that we were to accept
that black people were going to continue to use their hands as a means to be
productive to a white society. Many blacks turned away from such a statement
and this is where W.E.B. Du Bois came to relieve them. Although Fortune stated, It
is impossible to estimate the value of such a man (Doc G), Du Bois rejected the
philosophy of Booker T. Washington declaring that he was condemning their race
to manual labor and perpetual inferiority. He argues that the way for a people to
gain respect is not by continually belittling and ridiculing themselves (Doc E). The
De Facto segregation, such as a separate water fountain for colored only (Doc J)
proposed by Washington did alleviate white and black tension but nonetheless
was degrading. He presents that the wisest among the African-American race
understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is the extremest folly,
and that progress in the enjoyment of all the privileges that will come to us must
be the result of severe and constant struggle rather than of artificial forcing (Doc
D). Barnett criticized that Washington, one of the most noted of their own race
should join with the enemies (Doc H). Such attitudes from Washington could truly
be appreciated by Southern whites who in no way would want to be equivalent to
a Negro.

Although both men approached the topic differently, the advancement of

civil rights would not be as far along today if it were not for both simultaneous
views. Each needed the other to achieve his agenda. However, the most
experienced in dealing with the sensitivity of the prejudices was Washington. He
seemingly knew what buttons to push and how far he could push them. Curiously,
the year Washington gave his Atlanta Compromise Address in 1895, the number
of blacks lynched dropped from 170 the previous year to just above 120. It is also
interesting to note that after Du Bois gave his speech about The Niagara
Movement in 1905, the numbers began to steadily increase again (Doc C, D, F).
Du Bois approach of ceaseless agitation, unfailing exposure of dishonesty and
wrong (Doc F) was not ready for the time where Washington is more rational in his
gradual approach.

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