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SOURCE CODE Khalid A. Mughal ,Rolf W.

Rasmussen A Programmers Guide to Java SCJP


A Comprehensive Primer Third Edition December 2008 ISBN: 0321556054


Source code
The source code from all the examples and solutions for the programming exercises is available in
electronic form. The source code is organized as Eclipse projects and can readily be imported into a
workspace using Eclipse. We encourage you to compile, run and experiment with the source code.
The source code is available as both a JAR and ZIP archive.

pgjc3-source.jar (275KB) (275KB)

The procedure involving right-clicking and choosing "Save Target as..." works well for
downloading the archive.
If the browser does not recognize the JAR archive as a binary file, the downloaded file can be
corrupted. We therefore also provide the option to download the archive as a ZIP file. The JAR
format is compatible with the ZIP format, so both files are identical, only the name differs.
The files in the archive can be extracted using the jar tool from the JDK. Just run the following
jar xvf pgjc3-source.jar

ZIP-archiving tools can also be used to extract the files from the archive.
The source code is copyrighted by Khalid A. Mughal and Rolf W. Rasmussen, 2008. You may
study, use, modify, and distribute it for non-commercial purposes. The code is provided without any
warranty either expressed or implied.

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