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Topic Flood

Vietnam War

Article Title: Vietnam War

Authors: Jennifer Rosenberg
Retrieved from:
Summary: The Vietnam War was the prolonged struggle between nationalist
forces attempting to unify the country of Vietnam under a communist
government and the United States (with the aid of the South Vietnamese)
attempting to prevent the spread of communism. Engaged in a war that
many viewed as having no way to win, U.S. leaders lost the American
public's support for the war. Since the end of the war, the Vietnam War has
become a benchmark for what not to do in all future U.S. foreign conflicts.

Article Title: Children of the Vietnam War

Authors: David Lamb
Published: June 2009
Retrieved from:
Summary: They grew up as the leftovers of an unpopular war, straddling two
worlds but belonging to neither. Most never knew their fathers. Many were
abandoned by their mothers at the gates of orphanages. Some were

discarded in garbage cans. Schoolmates taunted and pummeled them and

mocked the features that gave them the face of the enemyround blue eyes
and light skin, or dark skin and tight curly hair if their soldier-dads were
African-Americans. Their destiny was to become waifs and beggars, living in
the streets and parks of South Vietnam's cities, sustained by a single dream:
to get to America and find their fathers.

Article Title: The Vietnam War

Published: 2008
Retrieved from:
Summary: The Vietnam War was the longest war in United States history and
the legacy of bitterness divided the American citizenry and influenced
foreign policy into the 21st century.

Article Title: America in Vietnam, 1963: Deeper into War

Authors: Larry Burrows
Published: Life Magazine, 1963
Retrieved from:
Summary: By early 1963, the number of American military personnel in
Vietnam had grown from several hundred to more than 10,000 in a few short
years. The ramifications of the United States direct involvement in a conflict
halfway around the globe less than a decade after the ceasefire in another
brutal war in Korea were certainly part of the national conversation, but in
63 Americas growing role in Vietnam was not even close to the allencompassing, divisive issue it would become by the middle of the decade.

Article Title: Historian To Discuss Vietnam War Era

Authors: Allan Gray
Published: October 11, 1998
Retrieved from:
Summary: This week historian David Denton will describe the issues and
controversies that surrounded the war, the people who opposed it, and,
perhaps most important, the people who fought it.

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