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Patrick S.

Dr. Dewitt Jones
Evaluator Approval for Improved Student Learning (EDLEAD 6284)
University of Northern Iowa

I, Patrick S. McAndrew, promise and pledge to observe and practice the

following set of expectations. I agree to engage in the best possible
practices in any situation where I am given the role of administrative
supervisor or evaluator.
1) I promise to hire intrinsically motivated, passionately inspired,
emotionally stable, and educationally modern educators who are hardworking, dedicated to the vocation of teaching, and talented teamplayers.
2) I promise to pay my teachers a fair salary, and provide them with
professional development opportunities that motivate and inspire
them to become even better educators.
3) I promise to respect my teachers and create a working environment
that is conducive to quality education. This includes a positive climate
and culture, a clearly articulated vision and mission statement, a clear
curriculum, professional time to collaborate, necessary classroom
materials and space, a mutually agreeable schedule, and strong and
confident leadership.
4) I promise to evaluate and appraise my educators in a manner which
provides meaningful feedback and knowledgeable advice which
provides an accurate sense of the quality of classroom instruction and
the effectiveness of the educational methods being utilized.
5) I promise to give positive and frequent affirmation to my educators
and provide leadership opportunities which further develop their skills
in the field.
6) I promise to address ineffective and/or mediocre teaching methods
and guide plus coach any teachers who need my support in becoming
more effective educators.

7) I promise to utilize a variety of evaluative techniques such as selfevaluation and peer evaluation in conjunction with formal evaluation
strategies frequently and reasonably to provide my educators with a
balance of usable feedback.
8) I promise to remember and engage in practices and behavior that
keep student learning and development as the first and foremost
school goal.
9) I promise to remember that time is valuable and to respect this in my
teachers and manage time effectively always remembering to have
time for the people in my life that are most important; those I love.
10) I promise to maintain an attitude that motivates me to engage in
constant professional growth and thus model the standards of being a
lifelong learner.
11) I promise to guide staff in creating school initiatives that put
student achievement as the primary goal and improve the school in
ways that benefit all stakeholders.
12) I promise to build trusting and important relationships with my
educators and always engage in transparent actions and
13) I promise to use effective and valid data collection techniques which
provide valuable information to further improve the school community.
14) I promise to spend as much time in classrooms as possible to se
everyday teaching in action, and thus never lose my own connection to
the passion and art of teaching.
15) I promise to become a visible participant in the daily goings-on in my
school as well as an active member of my local school community.
I solemnly vow to adhere to the standards stated above in this document
and agree to frequently evaluate my own leadership and administrative
professionalism with the intent to adapt and improve my style to meet
the needs of the school community.
Patrick S. McAndrew
Kathmandu, Nepal

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