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CHDV 142

Observation Assignment Template

Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start

Title 22

Textbook Material

Observation Notes



Article 6: 101220.1
(a) Prior to admission
to a child care center,
children shall be
immunized against
diseases as required
by the California
Code of Regulations,
Title 17, commencing
with Section 6000
(d) The California
Code of Regulations,
Title 17, Section
6035(b), requires
that children receive
appropriate vaccines
as follows: The public
or private elementary
or secondary school,
child care center, day
nursery, nursery
school, family day
care home, or
development center
shall not allow the
admission of any
pupil seeking entry
who does not meet
the requirements for

If a child is missing
a needed
vaccination, the
program or school
contacts the family
and guides them to
obtain the
immunizations before
the child attends the
early childhood
setting or school
(Sorte et al., 2011, p.
As guided by the
health professional,
children may begin
receiving a
vaccination series
before entering the
early childhood
program, and then
complete the series
at the recommended
intervals while
attending (Sorte et
al., 2011, p. 323).

In the building before

you enter the
classroom there is a
board that has all the
information needed
for parents to see. On
that board is a
schedule which
provides the
vaccinations needed
for each age before
beginning school.
records and current
TB test (Mantoux
and/or chest x-ray)
are documents
required before

I can determine that

the Head Start
program is in
agreement with the
regulation, by having
this schedule of the
immunizations, to
assist parents in
obtaining the
necessary shots.
When and if the
vaccine is not done,
the child cant start
the program till they
get the TB test
(Mantoux and/or
chest x-ray).

I believe that this

program is following
the proper guidelines,
preventing any major
illness from

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
admission under
Section 6025 or
6035. The principal
or administrator shall
advise the pupil, or
the parent or
guardian, to contact
a physician or agency
that provides
(a) Drinking water
from a
fixture or container
shall be readily
available both
indoors and in the
outdoor activity area.
(1) Children shall be
free to drink as they
(2) Anchored steps or
a broad-based
platform shall be
utilized when a
drinking fountain is
too high for the
children in care.
(3) Bottled water or
portable containers
will be allowed
provided that:

Decreases in the
water content of the
body can have
Individuals feel tired,
headaches, and find
it difficult to
Insufficient water can
lead to dehydration
and death (Sorte et
al., 2011, p. 126).
Teachers must make
sure that infants and
children are well
hydrated, especially
on warm days when
children are active
(Sorte et al., 2011, p.

As I observed, I did
notice water
fountains available to
them outside, inside
the building, and of
course in the
As soon as the
children were coming
back from outside
play, some drank
from the fountain
outside and others
decided to wait to get
water from the

Head Start is in
agreement with the
Title 22 regulation by
having these water
fountains available to
children, preventing
them from becoming
dehydrated or having
any other serious
health issues.
With no restrictions,
children are allowed
to drink water as long
as they let the
teacher know so the
teacher can keep an
eye on them.

The program followed

the health guideline
for having water
available to the
children. The water
fountains were built
at an appropriate
level for them.
To ensure the
childrens health,
they should
recommend to the
children to take a
drink of water before
coming into the

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
(A) The water and
containers are kept
free of
Article 6: 101230
(a) Each center shall
provide a variety of
daily activities
designed to meet the
needs of children in
care, including but
not limited to:
(1) Quiet and active
(2) Rest and
(3) Eating.
(4) Toileting.
(b) All children shall
be given an
opportunity to nap or
rest without
distraction or
disturbance from
other activities at the
(1) A napping space
and a cot or mat shall
be available for each
child under the age
of five.

Ideally, young
children will play
actively for at least
60 minutes every day
(National Association
for Sport and Physical
Education, 2002).
This provides the
opportunity for
children to learn,
practice, and gain
competence in gross
motor skills and to
direct their energies
in appropriate ways
(Sorte et al., 2011, p.

In my observation, I
saw that the children
had both quiet and
active play and ate at
the times of the
schedule that was
provided to me. They
had plenty of
opportunities to use
the restroom, as the
teachers would ask
them before they
would go out to play.
They also had a time
period where they
took their nap. I was
not able to observe
during their napping

The children were

given appropriate
time frames where
they could do
activities and nap if
they chose to. With
these factors, I can
determine that the
program Head Start
is following through
with the regulation. I
cant determine if the
children were being
forced to stay awake
or to stay in the
napping area.

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
(3) No child shall be
forced to stay awake
or to stay in the
napping area longer
than the normal
napping period.
Article 6: 101231
(a) Smoking is
prohibited on the
premises of a child
care center as
specified in Health
and Safety Code
Section 1596.795(b).
(1) Health and
Safety Code Section
1596.795(b) states:
The smoking of
tobacco on the
premises of a
licensed day care
center shall be

I could not find in the


Before entering the

building, there are
little signs on the
walls that tell
smokers they are not
allowed to smoke
within 25 feet of the
building. And of
course in the building
there is no smoking
allowed period.

This observation
determines that there
is no smoking
allowed on the
premises of a child
care center,
concluding that the
center is following
regulation 101231.

Article 6: 101227
(a) In child care
centers providing
meals to children, the
following shall apply:

Prevention is key
aspect of keeping
food safe during
preparation. Three
important concepts
that support food

I was not able to

observe exactly what
the children were
eating but I did get a
daily schedule that
shows what times

I can determine that

the food is meeting
the needs of the
children but I cant
determine that the
food is being

I can only
recommend that
signs be put out in a
way that is more

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
(1) All food shall be
safety during
safe and of the
preparation and
quality and in the
service are
quantity necessary to maintaining personal
meet the needs of
hygiene, preventing
the children. Each
meal shall include, at and avoiding the
a minimum, the
temperature danger
amount of food
zone (Sorte et al.,
components as
2011, p. 266).
specified by Title 7,
Code of Federal
children rely on highRegulations, Part
quality diet to
226.20, (Revised
support growth and
January 1, 1990)
development. The
Requirements for
goal is to balance
Meals, for the age
their nutrient needs
group served. All
with their calorie
food shall be
requirements and
selected, stored,
energy expenditure.
prepared and served
This is best
in a safe and
accomplished by
healthful manner.
providing a variety of
foods rich in tastes,
colors, and textures
(Sorte et al., 2011, p.
Article 6: 101226.3 Through
observation, teachers
establish an
(a) The behavior and
understanding of
health of the children each childs typical
shall be continually
appearance and style
observed throughout of behavior so that
the period of
signs of illness are

they eat. I was only

able to observe them
eating a snack. The
food was prepared in
another room in the
building and brought
out to them at the
scheduled time.

prepared at
regulation standards.

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
more easily
(b) Any unusual
recognized (Sorte et
behavior, any injury
al., 2011, p. 335).
or any signs of illness
requiring assessment
and/or administration
of first aid by staff
shall be reported to
the child's authorized
representative and
recorded in the
child's record.
Article 6: 101226.2
(a) A center shall be
equipped to isolate
and care for any child
who becomes ill
during the day.
(1) The isolation area
shall be located to
afford easy
supervision of
children by center
(2) The isolation area
shall be equipped
with a mat, cot,
couch or bed for each
ill child.
(3) The isolation area
shall not be located

Sick children need

to be removed from
the general class
group activities to
prevent spread of
germs and to allow
them to rest
appropriately until a
family member or
emergency contact
person can come to
get them(Sorte et
al., 2011, p. 355).
An isolation area
should be identified
in the program
facility or in a quiet
area of the
classroom (Sorte et
al., 2011, p. 355).

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
in the kitchen area or
the general-use toilet
(4) In combination
centers, only one
isolation area that
serves all licensed
components is
(b) The child's
representative shall
be notified
immediately when
the child becomes ill
enough to require
isolation, and shall be
asked to have the
child removed from
the center as soon as
Article 6: 101226.1
(a) The licensee shall
be responsible for
ensuring that
children with obvious
symptoms of illness
including, but not
limited to, fever or
vomiting, are not

The daily health

check is planned
approach to direct
teacher attention to
the childs health.
Teachers conduct
these checks to
determine if the child
shows signs of
illness, injury, or
other health
concerns (Sorte et

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
(1) Additional
al., 2011, p. 334). If
attention shall be
the child appears ill,
paid to children who: the teacher needs to
(A) Have been absent be prepared to
because of illness.
explain to the family
(B) Have been
members the
exposed to a
symptoms that are
contagious disease.
observed and discuss
(b) The licensee shall arrangements for the
develop and
child to be taken
implement a written
home (Sorte et al.,
inspection procedure 2011, p. 334).
that shall include the
(1) No child shall be
accepted without
contact between
center staff and the
person bringing the
child to the center.
(2) The licensee shall
require that the
person bringing the
child to the center
remain until the child
is accepted.
(A) After the child has
been determined to
be without obvious
signs of illness and
has been accepted,
the center shall
require that the
person sign the child

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
Article 6: 101226
(a) The licensee shall
immediately notify
the child's authorized
representative if the
child becomes ill or
sustains an injury
more serious than a
minor cut or scratch.
The licensee shall
obtain specific
instructions from the
regarding action to
be taken.
(2) In the case of less
serious injuries
including, but not
limited to, minor
cuts, scratches and
bites from other
children requiring
assessment and/or
administration of first
aid by staff, the
licensee shall
document the injury
in the child's record
and notify the child's

The daily health

check and any
symptoms of illness
or concerns
regarding a childs
health should be
recorded on a
tracking chart (Sorte
et al., 2011, p. 334).
These charts make
it easy to notice the
pattern of symptoms
of illness and
absences (Sorte et
al., 2011, p. 334).

When I had the

opportunity to ask
the teacher a few
questions, she was
able to confirm to me
that when a child
does get injured,
right away an
emergency phone
call is made to the
parent(s). In a case
where the child is not
severely injured,
parents are notified
by the teacher when
getting picked up.

I can determine by
the conformation of
the teacher that the
proper guidelines to a
childs injury are
being followed
according to the
regulation. Not
leaving the parent
out of a serious
situation like an
injury prevents a
teacher and parent
relationship from
losing trust.

I dont know if it is
done but if not I
recommend that the
child be notified as
well that their
parents were
contacted so the
child is more at ease.

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
representative of the
nature of the injury
when the child is
picked up from the
Article 7: 101239.1
(4) Wiped with a
t weekly or when
soiled or wet.
(1) Bedding shall not
be shared by
different children
without first
laundering the
(2) Bedding shall be
individually stored so
that each child's
bedding is
identifiable and no
child's used bedding
comes into contact
with other bedding.
(3) Sheets shall be
washed weekly or
when soiled or wet.
(4) Blankets shall be
cleaned or changed
when soiled.

As I was observing, I
noticed the teacher
giving each parent
their childs pillow to
take home and wash
but I did not see mats
or cots. I noticed her
taking the pillows out
of a closet and did
not see them getting
pulled out from their
individual spots.

I can determine with

my observation that
only some of
guidelines are being
followed. Certain
beddings are being
sent home to wash
but I cant say the
same about the
others. By throwing
all the pillows in the
same closet, the
program is not
following the

I recommend they
provide individual
storage for the
childrens bedding to
avoid any cross

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start

Title 22
Article 6: 101216.3
(a) There shall be a
ratio of one teacher
visually observing
and supervising no
more than 12
children in
(1) The number of
children in
attendance shall not
exceed licensed
(2) Whenever
children are engaged
in activities away
from the center, no
teacher shall be in
charge of a group of
more than 12
Article 6: 101223.2
(a) Any form of
discipline or
punishment that
violates a child's

Textbook Material

Observation Notes



Most licensing
describe a minimum
teacher-to-child ratio
and minimum
number of teachers
for group of
particular size.
Improving on this
minimum ratio would
involve adding
another teacher to
the classroom (Sorte
et al., 2011, p. 470).
For a class size of 24,
the teacher-to-child
ratio is 1:12 (Sorte et
al., 2011, p. 463).

In my observation I
saw two teachers
with about 12
children. Even while
children were
leaving, there were
always two teachers.
If one teacher left to
do something outside
of class they had
someone else take
their place while the
other teacher

By having two
teachers observing
the children at all
times I can easily
determine that Head
Start is following the
proper regulation.
This allows for
children to be
eliminating any
threat to their safety.

I dont have any

recommendations for
this regulation. Head
start has followed the
proper guidelines by
providing the
appropriate teacherto-child ratio.

In my observation I
did not see any
punishment or
discipline that
violates the
childrens personal

Since there was no

violation of the
childrens personal
rights when it comes
to discipline, I can
determine that the

Instead of ignoring
the child when upset,
like one teacher did
to a child,
communicating to the
child would be more

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
personal rights as
specified in Section
101223 shall not be
permitted regardless
of authorized
consent or

rights. Instead,
communicated with
the children and
spoke to them in a
calm tone of voice.

program follows the

proper discipline

appropriate. Ignoring
can be a form of
punishment to a

I can easily
determine that the
program is following
regulation 101224 by
having telephones in
both parts of the
building and having
them in working
condition. In case of
an emergency, the
phones will be
available to them.
I can determine with
my observation that
they keep their
building sanitized,
following the
guidelines to prevent
infestation and any
harm to the children.
In this case, the
program is following
through with the

The only
recommendation I
can think of is having
devices with them at
all times like walkie
talkies, just in case
there is an
emergency they can
communicate to each
other easier.

Article 6: 101224
(a) All child care
centers shall have
working telephone
service on the

The childrens
program should be
closed if water,
electricity, heat, and,
the ability to
communicate by
telephone are
disrupted for more
than a short time
(Sorte et al., 2011, p.

In my observation I
noticed telephones in
both the front office
and in the classroom.
Both in working

Article 7: 101238
(a) The child care
center shall be clean,
safe, sanitary, and in
good repair at all
times to ensure the
safety and well-being
of children,
employees and
(1) The licensee shall

Any surface that a

child can reach,
including floors,
should be sanitized
regularly to minimize
contamination with
infectious germs
(Sorte et al., 2011, p.
products and
birdseed must be
carefully stored to

As I was observing, I
can see that they
kept the classroom
clean. The floors
were kept clean, as
well as all the
counters and tables
especially after
eating and finishing
an activity. I didnt
see any food-related
products left out that
could cause an

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
take measures to
avoid spoilage or
keep the center free
infestation by insects
of flies, other insects, or rodents (Sorte et
and rodents.
al., 2011, p. 500).
(2) The licensee shall
safely dispose of
water and any
s that have been
used for cleaning.
Article 7: 101238.2
(a) There shall be at
least 75 square feet
per child of outdoor
activity space based
on the total licensed
(b) The outdoor
activity space shall
be situated to:
(1) Provide a shaded
rest area for the
(c) Equipment and
activity areas shall be
arranged so that
there is no hazard
from conflicting
(e) As a condition of
licensure, the areas

The NAEYC (2007)

recommends that
outdoor areas should
provide a minimum
of 75 square feet per
child of usable
space (Sorte et al.,
2011, p. 504).
Monitoring the
amount of direct
sunlight children are
exposed to in the
environments is an
important safety
consideration (Sorte
et al., 2011, p. 506).
Climbing equipment,
slides, and swings
should be installed
away from other play
areas with a
sufficient setback


While I was observing

the outdoor activity
space, I saw that
shade was being
provided with trees;
play equipment was
placed with a good
distance between
them, and under the
play equipment was
sand. Also, the space
seemed about or
more than 75 square

With all that is

provided in the
outdoor space, I can
determine that the
program is following
regulation. Having
the shade prevents
children from having
too much sun
exposure. The sand
under the play
equipment gives
more of a cushion in
case of falling. The
space is big enough
for the children to run
and play with no
severe injuries

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
around and under
(Sorte et al., 2011, p.
high climbing
equipment, swings,
Protective surfacing
slides and other
for creating a safe
similar equipment
outdoor environment
shall be cushioned
includes: rubber
with material that
mats, sand, pea
absorbs falls.
gravel, and wood
(1) Sand, woodchips
chips (Sorte et al.,
and pea gravel, or
2011, p. 504).
rubber mats
produced for the
purposes of (e)
above, are permitted.
Article 7: 101238.4
(a) The licensee shall
ensure that each
child has an
individual permanent
or portable storage
space for his/her
clothing, personal
belongings and/or
(b) There shall be
permanent or
portable storage
space in the
playrooms for play
materials and

All cleaning
supplies, lotions,
bleach, and other
potentially toxic
materials must be
stored outside of the
childrens space or in
a locked cabinet
(AAP et al., 2002).

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
(1) The licensee may
store outdoor play
materials and
equipment outdoors.
(c) Napping
equipment shall be
stored at the center
when not in use.
(d) Combustibles,
cleaning equipment
and cleaning agents
shall be stored in an
area separate from
food supplies in a
locked cabinet or in a
location inaccessible
to children.
Article 7: 101239
(a) A comfortable
temperature for
children shall be
maintained at all
(1) The licensee shall
maintain the
temperature in rooms
that children occupy
between a minimum
of 68 degrees F (20

A system that
temperature and
humidity and controls
for air pollution is
important for health
and safety (Sorte et
al., 2011, p. 492)
Fresh air is needed
to maintain healthy
indoor air quality and
reduce the incidence
of respiratory
problems (Sorte et
al., 2011, p. 492).

As I entered the
building, I can feel
the air system on.
While the children
were being picked
up, I had the
opportunity to ask
the head teacher if
she knew what
temperature the
room was set up. She
told me it was set to
70 degrees F. I could
feel the difference of
temperature inside
then from outside. I

With my observation
I can determine that
the proper
temperature is being
set for the children
and the furniture
placed in the
classroom fits the
childrens height to
prevent any falling or

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
degrees C) and a
Child-sized furniture
maximum of 85
includes chairs that
degrees F (30
children can sit in
degrees C).
without climbing,
(b) All window
tables that are
screens shall be in
approximately waist
good repair and free
height where children
of insects, dirt and
can stand and play
with toys without
(k) Tables and chairs
straining (Sorte et
shall be provided to
al., 2011, p. 499).
meet the needs of
the children.
(1) Tables and chairs
shall be scaled to the
size of the children.
Article 7: 101238.3
(a) There shall be at
least 35 square feet
of indoor activity
space per child based
on the total licensed
(1) Bathrooms, halls,
offices, isolation
areas, foodpreparation areas
and storage places
shall not be included
in the calculation of
indoor activity space.

State licensing
standards and NAEYC
standards have
identified that each
indoor classroom
should provide a
minimum of 35
usable square feet
per child (Sorte et
al., 2011, p. 490).
Usable square
footage refers to the
floor space that is not
covered by
furnishings but is

was also able to

observe the way the
furniture was the
appropriate height
for the children this
included: tables,
chairs, sinks, and
shelving where
objects the children
used were placed.

As I observed, I
would say that the
indoor space for the
children was at least
35 square feet not
including any of the
built in cabinets and
sinks they had in the
classroom. Because
there were not a lot
of children in the
classroom, there was
an adequate amount
of space for them.

I was able to
determine that the
indoor space met the
proper standards of
being at least 35
square feet, giving
the children an
adequate amount of
space. This makes it
safer for children
when doing their
indoor activities

I cant really
recommend anything
because of the
building they were in.
If the building was
bigger there would be
more space and there
would be more
children enrolled in
the program. Even
with that small space
they were able to
meet the proper

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
(2) Floor space
open and accessible
occupied by shelves,
(Sorte et al., 2011, p.
permanent built-in
cabinets, space used
to meet the
requirements of
Section 101238.4,
and office equipment
shall not be included
in the calculation
of indoor activity

Article 6: 101229.1
(a) In addition to the
requirement of
Section 101226.1(b),
the licensee shall
maintain and
implement a written
procedure to sign the
child in/out of the
child care center that
shall, at a minimum,
include the following:
(1) The person who
signs the child in/out
shall use his/her full
legal signature and

Most early childhood

settings for infants
through preschool
age require that
children be signed
in upon arrival and
signed out at
departure. This
routine documents
who transported the
child and when and
creates a record of
the exchange if there
is any confusion
(Sorte et al., 2011, p.
526). Teachers are
responsible for
releasing children
only to the custodial
parent or authorized

Because of the time I

got to the center, I
was only able to
observe when the
parents were signing
out their children. I
did get to see the
sign in sheet where
parents had to
provide their
signature and the
time they signed
them out. The way
the teachers seemed
to know every parent
that walked in, shows
that they were
releasing the children
only to the custodial
parent or authorized

With my observation
I can determine that
the program provides
a sign in and sign
out procedure and
follows the
requirements of
article 101229.1.
When I saw that the
program had a sign
out sheet I assume
they had a sign in
sheet as well. This
safety precaution is
necessary to prevent
any confusion.

For the sign in and

sign out procedure I
recommend that the
sign out sheet be
placed somewhere
closer to the door to
prevent any mix up
with the rest of the
children waiting for
their parents. This
will allow for an
easier flowing
process. Other than
that, proper
guidelines are being

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Andrya Mariscal
Program Observed: Head Start
shall record the time
adult. The
of day.
identification of
(b) The person who
anyone who is
brings the child to,
authorized to pick up
and removes the
the child but is
child from, the center unknown to the
shall sign the child
teacher must be
checked (Sorte et
al., 2011, p. 526).
Article 6: 101229
Supervision is
crucial to safe and
effective teaching. It
is the most important
way that teachers
(a) The licensee shall ensure safe physical
provide care and
interactions and
supervision as
secure emotional
necessary to meet
environments for
the children's needs.
young children.
(1) No child(ren) shall Effective supervision
be left without the
decreases the
supervision of a
possibility of
teacher at any time,
unintentional injury
except as specified in and increases the
Sections 101216.2(e) likelihood that
(1) and 101230(c)(1). children will thrive in
Supervision shall
the setting (Sorte et
include visual
al., 2011, p. 530).


While I was observing

the children outside, I
noticed there were
two teachers out
there supervising the
children as they
played. If a teacher
left for a little while,
another teacher
came in to take her

With my observation,
I can determine that
the program is
following through
with regulation
101229. As the
teachers supervised,
there was less
chance a child could
unintentionally be
injured and when a
child did need a
teachers care, either
one of the teachers
were there to help.

Proper guidelines
were followed, but I
would recommend
that the teachers not
leave certain groups
of kids unattended
for too long, as they
are playing on the
play structures.

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