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Georgia All-State Chorus 2015 Terms and Symbols: Grades 11 & 12


Singable with the melody smoothly performed and well brought out

allegro giusto

Strictly quick and lively


Time signature denoting that there are five beats in a measure; typically the eighth note
beats are subdivided into either 2+3 or 3+2

tempo primo

At the first tempo; an instruction to resume the original tempo after a passage departing
from it

rit. e dim. poco a poco a fine

andante con tenerezza

Gradually decrease in tempo and volume, little by little, to the end

Moderately slow, with tenderness

D flat major/ b flat minor key signature

Time signature indicating that each measure consists of three beats, each of which falls
on the three half-notes
sotto voce

Below the voice; barely audible

sempre staccato

Always detached; the whole passage or composition is sung so that all of the notes are


Robbed; the practice in performance of disregarding strict time


Majestic, a term used alone as an indication of mood


The same; indicates that a phrase is to be performed in the same manner as the
preceding phrase


Suddenly, Example: subito piano (suddenly quiet)

E major/ c sharp minor key signature

Accent; an emphasis on a particular note

Glissando; A sliding movement from one note to another

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poco meno mosso e giocoso Sing with a little less motion and playfulness
Tie; a curved line used in musical notation to join two successive notes of the same pitch
Mezzo piano (moderately soft); mezzo piano is somewhat louder than piano
Fortepiano; sudden decrease in volume

portando la voce

Carriage of the voice; the connection of two notes by passing audibly through the
intervening pitches
Tenuto (held); i.e. sustained to the end of a notes full value

D.S. al Fine

An indication that a passage is to be repeated from the place marked by the sign, , then
continued to the end

These terms and symbols have been selected from the Georgia All State Chorus 2015 Repertoire.
All definitions are taken from Groves Music Online, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, or The Oxford
Companion to Music. Some definitions have been edited for conciseness.
Ten of these items will be included on the Aural/Theory Assessment portion of the audition.

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