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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: CPR/AED, First Aid

Name: Jasmine Simental

Content Area: Health Science and Medical Technology

Grade Level: Junior (11th) & Senior


CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

10.0 Technical Knowledge and Skills

10.5: Complete certification in emergency care as appropriate (cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR], automated external
defibrillator [AED], first aid).
Big Ideas:

Students will learn:

1. How to assess a victim.
2. Types of injuries/illnesses & how to care for them.
3. How & when to perform CPR.
4. How & when to perform rescue breathing.
5. How to use an AED & when is it needed.
Unit Goals and Objectives:

1. Student will demonstrate and identify finding the problem for a person who is sick or injured. (6/7)
2. Students will properly demonstrate how to remove gloves to prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens. (4/4)
3. Students will properly learn how to administer and assist a patient with an epinephrine pen. (3/4)
4. Students will demonstrate how to properly manage bleeding and bandage victim with open wounds. (5/5)
1. Students will demonstrate proper hand placements, adequate depth of compressions & proper recoil.
2. Students will demonstrate CPR with the correct compression to breath ratio.
3. Students will demonstrate the appropriate steps to use an AED.
(Total 12/13)

(Displayed numbers are the accuracy in which students should achieve in order to complete learning objectives.)
Unit Summary:

On this unit site you will find all the resources you need to help you learn CPR/AED and First Aid in addition to the
hands on skills you will be learning in class. Not only will you learn how to aid a victim in need, but you will also be
learning the anatomy and cause of the conditions you will learn to treat. At the end of this course you will have
completed the requirements to be certified in CPR/AED and First Aid for an adult, child, and infant. This course is
reflected upon the subject area of Health Science and Medical Technology and is intended for junior (11th) and
senior (12th) level students.

Assessment Plan:

Entry Level



Brain Storm/DiscussionWhat do we know about first aid?

Who needs first aid?
What does first aid entail?
Ranking- Importance of
Quiz- First Aid Basics
Jeopardy- Whats the next step?
Quick Assessment &
Reflection- Skills testing prep
Critical Performance Skills- First
Aid Skills Testing
Poster Presentation- On injury or
illness covered in first aid
Lesson 1
Student Learning Objective:

Acceptable Evidence:

For this assignment students will

first learn how CPR/AED and first
aid can affect their community.
Students will also learn the duties of
a certified responder, safety
precautions for both the victim and
themselves, how to properly call for
help, and how to find the problem
for a person in need.

Students will follow along with

the teacher lecture while
completing the guided notes.



Lesson Activities:

(Guided Notes and Prezi)

Lesson 2
Student Learning Objective:

Acceptable Evidence:

On this assignment students will

learn more about CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). This
assignment is an introduction to the
next section or their CPR/AED and
First Aid certification. Students will
review in short, about the history of
CPR, the difference between a
heart attack and cardiac arrest, the
purpose of an AED, and the
difference between CPR and Hands
Only CPR.

Students will complete all

activities and questions on

X Collection
X Organization
X Interaction

Lesson Activities:

(Webercise/ Webquest)

Lesson 3
Student Learning Objective:

Acceptable Evidence:

Students learning objectives are to

understand the importance and
detail to each step of finding the
problem for an ill or injured person.
Students should be able to identify
the steps to finding the problem;
this assignment will benefit students
when they are later tested on their
competency of these phases.

Students will fill in columns

with the information they
know and ask relevant
questions about what they
would like to know. They will
then use their textbooks to
complete the assignment.

X Collection
X Collaboration
X Organization

Lesson Activities:

(Graphic Organizer)

Unit Resources:
Prezi Presentation:

Useful Websites:

American Red Cross

American Red Cross Refresher
CPR Flash Cards
American Heart Association
Save-a-Life Stimulator
Keep the Beat
What is a Heart Attack
Understanding the Heart
Be The Beat- Interactive Games

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