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“John Robertson and now Gayle Arch chief proud of what has been 2222 we. done for Berwick = snes they'tibeallowed togetonwithit” | GUSTY itcecicmsegreaet Company isanarmriengin pres tice he alto Secpiissccieatnct ctmpesutanty teensy Scan tenied wie seaideoniiarin — yachadataiatit secret Stancrstensigts we Siete Sy aca Meioremomesmeee! SEE my Ececray oe qcitncmriaggess "Sttinzemaiyie Sl Siottteconpeniyie Scott peta le opetberse Socecaseenon ea eptecees Shiela Eaineeaicene ton gmtomry tna aria errs SaaS SOMUSRSAe nein sbeponecc See Tart year and the company? wickshesaye ‘orteconomie develop Imore recent plan to Knock" Berwic soneofthe pati ‘Combined with fxtrnal ‘down he Ke Sav on Walk- proves” fr Arh n Nort ‘funding ike BU and UX gov ‘rgtebuildingandcepaceit timberland. Me Mele say ‘rnment grants or Heritage ‘shots blacks hel proud af what hasbeen tty fe hey enables TInpart two ofatwo-part achieved far but recog te delver other iportaat, quutlonand unower ston, tatrorecanbedone ‘on-commerca serce ke eireerlarsthecompe [Rscing inward inert ‘Bytremitsoditsreationship WHAT DOES ABEHDO? feetoftuaneseapace sndrunningbusneesGesop: puliied it widely. the A ‘Mihitsowner, Nrthunber” Peter Melatyrer Arch, che """Weprojeet manage infra: tent rogers ‘erie an abig place about {t,we made a presentation to Pledoplesnreustiomany ewe tnd we wil tart work on ilenechemctoreperand renovate the bulldngseahy Weal sguied apart imentsorentintheed poste. Fie butding tn Woolmarkt: teenworingo ‘hem Walergae Project ‘ileretermo igh quality of Eee uldings onthe erect. mae dee and the rat bulldingshouldbe ‘ea toocapy youre "eve aua apport other Inititves. The Beto {repartnership recommend ‘situ tereabould bea rechdropoffplntinChurch ‘Seectardseaehpakin hap ‘Street, Mina couny cou ‘Slssheme and work should Stara Arctfascommis Stoned landscape aries 0 Shnuretiattisagodeealty heme, Weare also projet manag- Ing asmal scheme to rerat- fate the Beige Street cu park cdimprevetheentrnce The ‘oun counl wil delves is ‘heme. {overey can san be exp. erated, We've gat exellent Fsionhpswithlotsofpeope bere and were pared Withtheprogetwevermase ‘Rsonome eonuitions are hard snd that ie reflected in ‘ep shopeandotiees vic ‘body kes: Sometimes Fstratonsapilover andl Anetand that bt ink most People recognise that there Feo quickie ust need tohepatient and determined fndiep tyngtdo the ght things, ‘A for Jon he just one hehe overy wee and that takes him ville But her FgesopperterotBorickand Tevewhe ery worrginthe {own dont thaksfewalied ‘wos bether hin ery mae, wurearroesTo ‘Tagserenacs TURE Parent PM: We one some Ber- ‘eke meng 08 201 and wey were very a We wed them to eet and insappet frauen Blnandthereweresome ct frusfuldscustonsontopis istoutanandesechparting, However thetowmncoate it “John Lordisjust oneof many ofour people whoare working on projects in Berwick. Idon't thinkafewunkind words bother him verymuch” ssyoureported last week had {itther turbulent time nit See ony a en =o Saeco cageeroa Soeeenaai eee pans a {dod that NCC deciedto ‘math bf falper ‘hen the county counsi Sounall who ed ben pata thecriginal id= scemed the bestia Asyou now twas fermented. ver was completed and tam road af thejob we di in he obviously woulda’ hare been appropriate to bring fo star peers four own: bat ‘wetadniontatoommand ‘deommunity supper Ike ‘ereoration ete unk {eltnd thersrttingcor ‘un fotheLowy enon hin John abertaon and ‘ow Gayle Skelly deserve a lot Steed frtakingtejobonst ‘almeuttime and hope hat owterineteainetiogst Now aus vousomaT Aan aust oF Ta Peorucorserwic? Tor hiaweveeverlnthe trum ofthe prope oerwick. reheat bemeciteutpe onthe ofthe town sad {very mall amber ofpeeple Ive targeted Arch mong et ‘re Iedaeen¥ effet our Cum iment to etn bere {indwellcontinue to focuses thethingswe dba an werk Inpartnership with those ‘wo want to make a posite

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