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We are gifted, but what does that mean?

"An unusually advanced degree of general intellectual ability that requires differentiated learning
experiences of a depth and breath beyond those normally provided in the regular school program to
satisfy the level of educational potential indicated."
As quoted above, this is the TDSB official description of "Gifted".
Jumping straight to the point, being Gifted is simply being placed in a different class, right? I
disagree. We've always thought there was something wrong with us for them to place us in an isolated
class, only allowing us to socialize with others of the apparent same intellectual. This led to a group of
gifted children to theorize and come up with a highly plausible conspiracy theory.
We are mutants. All of us in this "specialized program" designed to allow us to rise in intellectual
levels and socialize. This program is supposedly made to help us cope emotionally and mentally.
However, the further we delve into this theory, the more plausible it seems.
We will first begin with the white TDSB vans. Why are they needed? Why are they even used for
TDSB? An organization that supposedly helps gets education to all the children in Toronto. Although this
is most certainly true, there may be a darker side to them. As it gets closer to grad, more and more white
windowless vans are seen driving around the city. Why? This is where the theory gets worse. They are
going around, prepping for the kidnapping of gifted children in grade 8.
As we grow older, our mutant powers will be harder and harder to suppress, as the teachers have
been doing for the past 5 years of our lives. A few of our mutant powers have already began to develop as
will be listed below. In order to solve this "problem", the TDSB organization will therefore kidnap all
those who may possess supernatural powers beyond what can be shown in public.
Although no clear motive can be identified in the proposed kidnapping of gifted children, a few
theories can be made.
(1) They want to harness our powers for their own purposes, whatever they may be.
(2) They do not want us to use our 'gifts' for evil (although I do not think this is a very plausible because
they could simply send us to a school to specially allow us to control our powers
As I stated in a paragraph above, as it gets closer and closer to the Ottawa grad trip, more and
more white TDSB vans are appearing. Why is this? Here, the theory then goes that the widespread
kidnapping will begin when we get on the bus to Ottawa. The buses that are supposedly supposed to go to
Ottawa will bring us instead, to a place where they will transfer us onto the white TDSB vans. This timing
is perfect as it gives them 3 days to replace us properly and in front of those who either dont know us so
well, or wont bother to care.
Then after the kidnapping, youd think that a million kids disappearance would be noticeable.
However, my thought on this is that when you are kidnapped, theyll have already spent 1-5+ years
studying us. Theyll then put in our place, a replacement that acts most similarly to us; the only difference
being that they have none of the mutant powers that we may possess right now. My theory continues as I
believe these replacements may not even know theyre replacements. Theyll go on leading the lives their

host wouldve lived, and believe that they are the true person. This makes it difficult to discern who are
already replaced, and who are still mutants.
Quoting directly from a TDSB Education Report PDF file that was probably never intended for
gifted childrens eyes,
"Although students identified "Gifted" may demonstrate superior intellectual ability, there may be
other learning and behavioural needs that need to be addressed. Students with the most severe needs may
demonstrate a marked disparity between the expected and observed achievement in the area of academic,
communication, or social-emotional skills."
As the quote explains above, the gifted "qualities" can be simply a cover for other qualities we
may possess; ones such as mutant powers. Many gifted children will naturally possess higher intellectual
level simply from being taught differently. As the TDSB organization is worried that students in the
gifted program may not meet the supposed requirements to enter gifted and therefore state that some
students may appear to not meet the guidelines.
All of us apparently require differentiated learning experiences beyond normal. Why do we
require this? As you can see, many students who are in the normal program actually perform better
academically and otherwise than many gifted students. And many gifted children were only recruited in
grade 6, and even in grade 7. So why is it that they were okay in grade 4, and 5, without joining the gifted
program? They did not cause trouble, nor did they require this "special aid" that is given to children in the
gifted program.
My theory is that at this point, the TDSB only invite children to the gifted program when their
mutant powers begin to develop, when they can actually sense the power. If the TDSB can not sense the
mutant power, they will not invite the child to gifted. Since some gifted children only develop these
gifts later on, theyll only be invited into gifted later on.
Although most gifted children are chosen by their grade 3 teacher to be tested, a point brought up
by another fellow gifted is that some parents voluntarily request for their children to be tested. My counter
for this is that gifted is known as a good thing; a place where those with higher intellect can be
surrounded with peers that share interests and will encourage learning. Instead of knowing that gifted is
actually classified under special education needs, this is what parents believe gifted to be. Many of the
children volunteered by their parents probably dont get into gifted anyhow.
To back this theory up even further, a few students in our classes may already have begun to
develop or show side effects of possessing mutant abilities. Everyone knows that Sharpie permanent
markers dont rub off in a day, much less naturally come off in a day. However, one gifted child seems to
either have absorbed the toxins in the Sharpie or peeled dead skin unusually fast as she got rid of many
Sharpie marks on her skin in less than a day. Another instance is a gifted childs seemingly either
immunity to cold and burns, or heals fast as after getting extremely hot glue on her, the wound healed
quick if there ever was a wound. And yet another, there is a gifted student who can write extremely small
and yet make it so its still legible. Even stranger is with two gifted students who can both channel energy
into a specific area of their body, both developing this strange occurrence in the 7th grade. All these
instances, Id call a side-effect of mutant powers as the TDSB slowly loses control over suppression.

The gifted program is supposed to help with mental stability and social interactions. However, I
remember that before I entered the program, I was mentally and social stable. However, now, I question
my sanity as I continue to stay in the gifted program. Every single gifted child is either insane, depressed
or unstable in many ways. This goes on to prove that being placed in a gifted program was not necessary
for any of the children and may have done more harm. So why would they place us? So they can contain
our mutant gifts. So in ways, Ill call insanity, depression, procrastination and several others, sideeffects of the gifted program.
As I continue to type more and more of this, I am constantly saving this file since TDSB may be
out to corrupt this file as already, when typing this:

(1) My laptop glitched and shut down, causing whatever I was writing to not be saved (although they did
not count on auto save)
(2) My phone gave up on me and refused to let messages come through and began to stop functioning
Although this theory may seem a bit far fetched, the immense proposed evidence for it is slightly
terrifying considering we are talking about ourselves being kidnapped. However, this might be the
terrifying truth and the truth must go out. As I type this, I fear many things.
(1) I might be a replacement remembering discussions in my subconscious areas of my brain
(2) If (1) is false, the kidnapping will begin very soon and may even be earlier for me as I might be
leaking super secret information
(3) I will not be able to send this out.
I do wish all who read this a cautious good luck and hope that they think and talk with care next
time they converse with TDSB employees.
With regards,
A fellow Giftee

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