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Issue 1

As you may be aware, we are measuring drillpipe
tripping speed in EDRS to be able to analyse and
improve our performance. Any trip coded as POOHC
or RIHC will be used to determine tripping speed.
To measure the average tripping speed, the system
adds the measured tripping distance and divides it by
the time taken. Therefore it is important to ensure that
the correct tripping depth information is entered.
The Activity Codes RIHC and POOHC should only be
used to code tripping with drillpipe in cased hole when
your tripping performance is not restricted.
If your tripping speed is restricted because of reasons
which you can not control for example downhole
conditions or downhole equipment then use the
Activity Codes RIH or POOH.

Enter Tripping Start and
Finish Depths in the
designed boxes
(highlighted); otherwise
you would decrease your
tripping performance

Next Issue

How to report BOP Operations

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