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Bonnyrigg and Lasswade Community Council

Minutes of meeting held on 19th September 2013 at Sports Pavilion, King George V park,
Bonnyrigg at 19:30 hours.
Present: !


Darius Namdaran (Chair), Elaine Fergason (Treasurer), Janet Clark,

Ruth Scott, Gilbert Scott, Cameron Scott, John Dowling, Jim Green
(Vice Chair).

In attendance:!

Isabel Hessler, Councillor Ian Baxter, Gail Keating, Craig Findlay

(Midlothian Advertiser)

Appologies: ! !

Jo Lee (Secretary)

The chairman welcomed the new visitors and stated the Community Councils statutory
responsibility: To express to local authorities the views of the residents of the ward.
Those present were informed that the public meeting is recorded for reference by the
Lasswade High School Invitation
Head Boy or Girl were expected to share experience of school. At the last minute they
were unable to attend this month. Darius relayed discussion with Head girl: Pupils are very
happy with the new school and are also happy with the new open plan toilet arrangement.
Police Report
Issue: Concerns raised that community policemen may not be attending Community
Councils in the future.
Proposal: Secure reassurance from community police inspector that a representative will
attend meetings from 7:30pm to 8:15 pm each month.
Decision: Agreed.
ACTION- Darius will email community inspector and ask for assurances.
Previous minutes
TAPTAG to be deleted in reference to Isabel Hessler because she is attending in her
personal capacity.
Insert: We agreed to ask Ian (community policeman) about Golf Course Road
Amended minutes proposed and seconded by - Cameron and Janet.
Matters Arising.
Golf Course Road
Issue: How do we support Golf Course Road Residents?
Proposal: Write to Police and ask for a formal response to parking on golf course road.
Write a letter to golf club supporting residents complaining about parking.
Decision: General Agreement.
Action: Write to Police and ask for a formal response to parking on golf course road.
Action: Write a letter to golf club supporting residents complaining about parking.
High School Toilets

Issue: Will girls be comfortable using the new open plan design? Head girl and other pupils
confirm in practice they are happy with it.
Proposal: Drop this issue
Decision: Resolved. Consensus agreement
Action: None.
Lasswade High Engagement
Issue: Didnt turn up this month.
Proposal: Find out what happened and invite to next meeting.
Decision: Consensus agreement
Action: Darius will contact Deputy head again.
Issue: Midlothian news rejected proposals to have a two page spread for Community
Councils to share. Instead articles must be submitted and accepted like a newspaper.
Otherwise we must pay for an ad if you want your own copy and space.
Proposal: Councillor Baxter to put pressure on Midlothian News to give Community
Council independent space in the paper, in light of last years discussions with SNP to keep
Midlothian News on the basis of more community content. He should request, at the
minimum, every edition to include the time and location of all the Community Councils and,
ideally, a page for each Community Council to take turns in producing its own newsletter
within the paper with full editorial control.
Decision: Consensus agreement
ACTION: Councillor Baxter will communicate with SNP and Midlothian News.
ACTION: Invite the editor of Midlothian News to visit the meeting for a Q and A.
Financial Report:
No transactions. Balance Current Account 1423.42 Twining account 1713.89.
Issue: Bank delays for new signatories
Action: Wait.
Commemorative Wreaths
Issue: Which one should we buy?
Proposal: Same wreaths as previous year.
Decision: Consensus agreement
Action: Elaine will order them.
BLCC Funding
Issue: Need to apply for next years funding
Proposal: Apply for 1000 instead of last years 670.
Decision: Consensus agreement
ACTION: Jo will give Elaine figures of current members of Community Council.
ACTION: Elaine will make application for annual grant from the Community Council.
Bonnyrigg Events Committee
Issue: Bonnyrigg Events Committee have not asked for money towards the lighting
ceremony yet.
Decision: Wait till next month for their request.
Action: None.
New Community Councillors
Invitation: New attendees invited to join as Community Councillors if they wished.

Decision: Isobel Hessler agreed to try for 6 months.

ACTION: Jo will bring application from to next meeting.
Commemorative Plaque.
Issue: The provost agreed over 3 years ago to erect a plaque in memory of David Dunn,
a local Bonnyrigg man killed trying to stop a bank robbery. It was to be put in the play
park beside Lasswade Centre when it was upgraded. It has not been done.
Proposal: BLCC should pursue Midlothian Council to put up the plaque before its too late
for his elderly widow to see the honour bestowed.
Decision. Consensus agreement
Action: Brian will write a letter to Midlothian Council, asking when they are going to put
up the plaque and what is going to be written on it.
Bonnyrigg Leisure Centre Consultation.
Whos in charge of the consultation?
Issue: To avoid division and ensure every group has the chance to be included an
impartial public meeting and consultation, a duly constituted and authorised group needs
to take control of the consultation.
Proposal: Bonnyrigg Centre Initiative propose that Bonnyrigg and Lasswade Community
Council, as a statutory voice of ward residents, take over and take charge of the
consultation process. This is with the aim of drawing people together with one voice on
behalf of the residents. On the day of the public consultation there a world cafe meeting
following guided tours of the main building. Each table will have a particular focus to
discuss. Every community group interested shares open information with everyone in the
Decision: Consensus agreement
ACTION: Jo Lee will coordinate the world cafe sessions.
ACTION: The day will be coordinated by BLCC members with the help of any other
groups willing. Bonnyrigg Centre Initiative agree to help.
Best date for the consultation?
Issue: Whats the best date for the consultation in light of the 26th November deadline.
Proposal: 13th October in the building from 10am-4pm.
Decision: Consensus agreement
ACTION: Chair will write to Midlothian Council requesting the date.
ACTION: Invite local ministers to invite their congregations to come after the service.
Pupils 3D Virtual Model
Issue: Reluctance of Midlthian Council to let pupils into Bonnyrigg Leisure Centre to
measure up for a school project.
Proposal: Bonnyrigg and Lasswade Community Council agree to host Lasswade High
School pupils in the building to measure up and use their indemnity insurance. Enabling
them to create a virtual 3D model of the building with Google Sketch up to aid the
Decision: Consensus agreement
Action: Write to Midlothian Council requesting access for this.
Community Asset Transfer
Issue: Community Asset Transfer Policy has been delayed because a seminar has not
been arranged for Midlothian Councillors.

Proposal: The community council write to the CEO asking this seminar to be arranged so
the policy can be passed promptly.
Decision: Consensus agreement
ACTION: Chair will write to CEO asking seminar to be arranged so the policy can be
passed promptly.
Suggestion made to rename centre after David Dunn. No proposal made. No decision
Concern raised about the 25 year lease advertised in the Advertiser.
A letter from Bonnyrigg Rose was received by Darius Namdaran saying they supported the
demolition because they wished to develop facilities on the footprint.
Newsletter for the Consultation.
Issue: Bonnyrigg residents need to know when the consultation is happening.
Proposal: Bonnyrigg Centre Initiative Proposed that Community Council create and pay for
a newsletter that invites all the residents to the open day on 13th October.
Decision: Consensus agreement.
ACTION: Newsletter Group formed Elaine, Janet, Cameron and Darius.
ACTION: 240 authorised to print 10,000 leaflets.
Delivering Leaflets:
Issue: Delivering leaflets to each house in Bonnyrigg.
Proposal: Leaflets be professionally delivered through the doors at cost of 240.
Decision: Consensus agreement
ACTION: Darius will coordinate the company to deliver.
ACTION: Darius will ask Poltonhall Community Council chair (Keith Fuller) for their
permission to deliver it in their ward at BLCC cost.
Neighbourhood Plan:
Reflections on the first meeting: Good meeting of local residents with nearly 30 people.
Gelling together. It was pointed out that a great deal of provision has been put in place
already. Important that we find small doable things that make a big difference for
Next Neighbourhood plan meeting advertised Wednesday at St Leonards.
Greater neighbourhood plan engagement:
Issue: Who should be informed of the Neighbourhood plan process?
Proposal: Each person write a list of individuals and groups:
Decision: Agreed. BLCC identified a list of 30+ groups and individuals to be informed of
the Neighbourhood Plan.
ACTION: Darius will pass list on to facilitators of the Neighbourhood Plan in the next
Report From Councillor Baxter
20 mph zone proposals are ongoing.
Recordings of Midlothian Council meetings are probably going to be made public.

Tenants Action Group

Issue: Tenant Action group low in numbers.
Proposal: Could there be possibilities of BLCC partnering and supporting the Tenants
Action Group?
Decision: None
Action: Discuss on Octobers agenda.
Any other Business:
Old Old Library?
Question: What happened to the old Old Library?
Answer: Sold to an Islamic group.
Pavilion in Lasswade Park
Issue: Concerns about its dilapidation.
Proposal: Discuss in next meeting
Decision: Agreed
ACTION: Put on Octobers agenda.
20 MPH speed limits.
Issue: 20mph speed limits keep getting short shrift as a talking point.
Proposal: Discuss in next Meeting
Decision: Agreed
ACTION: Put on Octobers agenda.
Tesco Metro application for License:
Issue: Proliferation of licensed premises in Bonnyrigg.
Proposal: Although its out with our ward, it affects our residents. We should write a letter to
the licensing board objecting to proliferation.
Decision: Agreed.
ACTION: Isabel and Janet will write the letter.
ACTION: Licensing will go on Octobers agenda.
Date of Next Meeting:
Thursday October 17th, 7:30pm.

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