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Flow Reference Section


Selecting a Flowmeter
What range do you intend to cover?
0 to 100% ________ 25 to 100% __________ 50 to 100%________________
Other __________________
What accuracy do you need? At:
100% ____________________ 75% ______________
50% ______________________ 25% ______________
What do you intend to do with meter output?
Indicate ____________________ Totalize ____________ Record ______________
Transmit ____________________ Compute ____________ Other ______________
What type of enclosure do you want?
Wall mount ______________ Panel mount__________ NEMA Code __________
What are your piping considerations?
New ________________________________________ Existing ____________________________
Elevation __________________________________ Straight pipe run __________________
Accessibility ______________________________ Environment ______________________________
Who will service the meter?
Troubleshoot ______________________________ Calibrate ________________________
What type of service life do you want from the meter? __________________________
What pressure drop can you accept through the meter? __________________________________
How much money can you appropriate? $ ________
What do you want to meter?
Steam __________________________________ Condensate ________ Natural gas ______________
Fuel oil (grade) ________________________ Chilled water ________
Heating hot water ______________________ Tower water ________
Domestic water ________________________ Other ________________________________________
Other data required for selection:
Pressure: Min. ________________ Max. ____________ Normal ________________
Temperature: Min. ________________ Max. ____________ Normal ________________
Viscosity: Min. ________________ Max. ____________ Normal ________________
Flow Rate: Min.____________ Max. ____________ Normal ________________
Pipe size: ____________________ Schedule ________________ I.D. __________________


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