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Future of Nile

How and why is human activity modifying the river channel's flow?
Case Study: Nile Delta - Egypt
The Nile delta is home to 2 thirds of the countries population and is responsible
for supplying 60% of the countries food supply. The Nile delta is under threat
from rising sea levels. The delta provides huge amount of fertile land for
agriculture. The formation of the Aswan High Dam has led to the annual deposits
of the Nile flood not reach the delta. But the erosion of the delta still continues as
much as 100m per year. This has led to the delta slowly diminishing. It is also
predicted that the erosion of the delta may increase mainly due to global
warming which will lead to increase in sea levels and therefore leading to
Egypt has a growing population of 83 million and as time passes more and more
people are using cars this leads to people constructing roads and bridges again
obstructing and modifying how the river flows. The pollution also contributes to
gloval warming again aiding in increase sea levels leading to erosion of the delta.

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