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Peer Review

The topic for the group that we are going to write peer review is biography.
Although there were only two members of that group presenting yeaterday, their
presentation is well structured. The power point is organized with many visual
content. And both presenters prepared scripts for the presentation.
In general, their power point is beginning with a clear and brief outline which
divided the presentation to seven parts. Each sections are started with a short
question which is very attractive to the audience. They strictly follow the presentation

Comment [CE1]: I agree: The only

confusing thing is that the first slides are
about biography instead of profile: Then,
on slide 9, it says that biography is a type
of biography
Comment [CE2]: Yes, the visuals are well
done, especially the first page
Comment [CE3]: Great!
Comment [CE4]: Good idea

rules introduced by the guest from technology department. Every slide is formed with
short phrases instead of using long sentences which is breif and strong.
In deep, there are many small details inside their persentation help them
express their opinion clearly. They use different fonts to emphaize their key words.

Comment [CE5]: Thats true, although

some of the lists (such as on slide 15) are
Comment [CE6]: Good point

For example, in their third slide, they use three different fonts in this slide two in the
title and one in the main body. This can provide audience easy access to their main
points. Also, when they try to explain the definations of their topics, they use four
aspects to divide this genre. Each aspect is matched with at least one picture and
example to illustrate it which is more conprehensive than simply listing the

Comment [CE7]: Yes! Thats great: Make

sure you read some excerpts of the
examples, too

Many attractive methods were used to present their ideas. For example, they
use a tree diagram to introduce the types and style of this biography which is very
clear to the audience. They use a interesting topic as Two W and Two H to

Comment [CE8]: good

introduce some helpful tips to provide audience a further introduction of this genre.

Comment [CE9]: I thought that was very

smart: Helps the audience understand

They also use several phrases to teach audience how to interact and write biography
and the reasons why we should read biography and the group of people who read
biography as the Two W and Two H.

This group inserts many pictures as examples to illustrate their point which is
more direct and more effective. Except using pictures as example, they also use
interesting pictures as the interconnnection between parts of their presentation.
There is a video from Barack Obama to introduce biography. Several famous people
were used in their examples such like former president Bill Clinton and president
Barack Obama which provides audience a more comprehensive connection between
biography and their own knowledge.

Comment [CE10]: I love that this peer

review keeps returning to the audience:
Always think about what will be most
helpful to the audience

This group also present a practice section in the last part of the presentation
which ask us to write a short biography for a person. Although I never wrote one
before, but after catching those key words in the power point and take some notes of
their scripts, its not hard to finish this short practice. In the last two slides, all the

Comment [CE11]: Great! Thats exactly

what you want the audience to be able to do

work citations are carefully edited and they also quote the source for every pictures
they used.
Font, too light. They need more passion to led us to the presentation.

Comment [CE12]: In the font or in the

speaking? Not clear

Besides, their presentation have a few words about their example, because it is
difficult for audiences to understand what they are analyzing about the example. As

Comment [CE13]: Yes: This is why its

important to read parts of the examples

an audience, we really want to learn a example of biography because we are able to

learn how to use this technique in the future study.
All in all, We have to say they are well done for their rough draft. but during

Comment [CE14]: I agree!

their real presentation, they need talk more details for their examples, but not just
show the picture to audiences. They can have more intersting idea during the
presentation, which can capture audiences attendtion on their powerpoint. More
pages and examples mean that you have to be well prepare. They are lack of the
information, maybe they only show up two group members at that day effects their
presentations quality.

Comment [CE15]: I also agree about that

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