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Washington Elementary School

Goal 1: K-3 Literacy Instruction

Year: 2014-2015

Evidence of Need: Current data show that 60% of K-3 grade students scored below benchmark on the beginning of year TRC assessment.
Measurable School Goal: 80% of K-3 grade students will score at or above benchmark on the end of year TRC assessment.
North Carolina 21st Century Goal(s)/Indicators Addressed: North Carolina public schools will produce globally competitive students.
Cleveland County Schools Strategic Plan Indicator(s) Addressed: Goal 1.2: Beginning in 2013-14 and beyond, students will demonstrate authentic literacy skills (reading, writing,
listening, speaking, and presenting) at every level (PK-12).
Research-Based Improvement Strategies:

Guided Reading Lessons during reading instruction

TRC question stems in reading instruction

Think Alouds

Reading Response Journals

Close Reads

Reading 3D TRC assessment and progress monitor all students at least once a month

Inclusion and small group reading support with Title I staff with Intervention Model

Reading intervention pyramid that outlines sequence of interventions based on the five big ideas of early literacy skills

Read Naturally Live/ Read Naturally GATE

Achieve 3000
How Will Technology Be Utilized? Teachers will use iPads, iPods and Smartboard technology during classroom and small group instruction. Second and third grade students will
access informational text using Achieve3000 on computers and iPads. Classroom teachers will use iPad minis to record progress monitoring data, and will also use various apps to
enhance fluency and comprehension instruction.
Tasks/Action Steps




1. Small group guided reading instruction will

be provided to all students.

1. Classroom teachers
Teacher Assistants

1. Leveled texts, Jan Richardson

Guided Reading book and materials

1. September 2014 through June 2015

2. A master schedule that provides a weekly

extended planning time for teachers to
collaborate and focus on developing quality
reading instruction and activities.

2. Administration
Classroom teachers
Teacher assistants
Media coordinator

2. Master Schedule

2. August 2014 through June 2015

3. Intervention Model during WIN time will be

used to provide research-based literacy
interventions to all students.

3.Classroom teachers
Case Colleagues
Title I Teacher

3. MClass data and progress

monitoring data

3. September 2014 through June 2015

Professional Development Necessary to Accomplish This Goal:

Guided Reading Training led by CTC
Guided Reading Workshop with Jan Richardson
CTC, classroom teachers, and Title I staff will facilitate ongoing literacy professional development

Community Involvement:
Parent involvement activities offered by Title I and grade levels to inform parents about academic and curriculum needs.
Community Volunteers
First Quarter Progress Report:
Second Quarter Progress Report:
Third Quarter Progress Report:
Final Data Outcomes and Evidence:

Washington Elementary School

Goal 2: 3-5 Literacy Instruction

Year: 2014-2015

Evidence of Need: 2014 EOG data show that 54.6% of students in grades 3-5 were proficient in reading.
Measurable School Goal: 70% of 3-5 students will score proficiency in reading on the 2015 EOG.
North Carolina 21st Century Goal(s)/Indicators Addressed: Goal: North Carolina public schools will produce globally competitive students.
Cleveland County Schools Strategic Plan Indicator(s) Addressed: Goal 1.2: Beginning in 2013-14 and beyond, students will demonstrate authentic literacy skills (reading, writing,
listening, speaking, and presenting) at every level (PK-12).
Research-Based Improvement Strategies:
High-yield instructional strategies: thinking maps, note-taking, close reads, journals, performance task-based assessments, small group instruction, student collaboration,
evidence-based questioning, PLCs, reading/phonics programs
How Will Technology Be Utilized?
Students will use computers, iPads, iPad minis and iPod Touch for research and various apps available to practice fluency, comprehension, and writing skills.
Tasks/Action Steps




1. Students will receive differentiated reading

instruction through Achieve3000.

1. Classroom teachers
Teacher assistants
Media Coordinator

1.Achieve3000 program, computer labs,

iPads, laptops, classroom computers

1. October 2014 - June 2015

2. Third grade implementation of guided

reading instruction.

2. Classroom teachers
Teacher assistants

2. Leveled texts, Jan Richardson

Guided Reading book and materials

2. September 2014 June 2015

3. Fourth and fifth grade novel studies with

focus on comprehension strategies and
multi-skilled tasks.

3. Classroom teachers

3. Novels, teacher created questions,

assessments, and tasks

3. August 2014 June 2015

4. Teachers will implement standards-based


4. Classroom teachers

4. Common Core State Standards

4. August 2014 June 2015

Common assessments and data

Checklists that identify standards

5. Intervention Model during WIN time will be

used to provide research-based literacy
interventions to all students.

5. Classroom teachers
Case colleagues
Title I teachers
Teacher Assistants

5. MClass data and progress

monitoring data

5. September 2014 June 2015

Professional Development Necessary to Accomplish This Goal:

Guided Reading training led by CTC
Guided Reading workshop with Jan Richardson
CTC, classroom teachers, and Title I staff will facilitate ongoing literacy professional development
Achieve3000 training
Community Involvement:
Parent involvement activities offered by Title I and grade levels to inform parents about academic and curriculum needs.
Community Volunteers
First Quarter Progress Report:
Second Quarter Progress Report:
Third Quarter Progress Report:
Final Data Outcomes and Evidence:

Washington Elementary School

Goal 3: PBIS

Year: 2014-2015

Evidence of Need: According to the Positive Behavior Interventions Support (PBIS) Continuum, a school-wide system approach for behavior should reach 80% of students.
Measurable School Goal: 80% of the student population will meet their quarterly PBIS goal.
North Carolina 21st Century Goal(s)/Indicators Addressed: Every school provides an environment in which each child has positive, nurturing relationships with caring adults. Every
school focuses on developing strong student character, personal responsibility, and community/world involvement.

Cleveland County Schools Strategic Plan Indicator(s) Addressed: Goal 1.7: By August, 2016, character education will be integrated into a positive behavior program in all schools
to develop well-rounded, successful citizens, who are responsible and globally aware.

Research-Based Improvement Strategies: Teach student expectations through texts, videos, and role-playing.

How Will Technology Be Utilized?

Teacher created videos to teach student expectations
Refocus referral spreadsheet
Bus discipline spreadsheet
Staff access to PBIS materials on Google drive

Tasks/Action Steps




1. Train all staff on the new school-wide

behavior system.

1. PBIS team

1. Behavior expectation matrix

Office referral form

1. August 2014

2. Teach and model appropriate school-wide


2. All staff

2. Display of matrixes around campus,

Videos links

2. September 2014 - June 2015

3. Plan student celebrations.

3. PBIS team
Classroom teachers

3. All staff, schedule

3. August 2014 June 2015

4. PBIS team will meet monthly to evaluate

the effectiveness of the program.

4. PBIS team

4. Teacher input, refocus referral

spreadsheet, office referral
spreadsheet, quarterly reward data

4. August 2014 June 2015

Professional Development Necessary to Accomplish This Goal: Ongoing PBIS training for staff, PBIS data collection and data management system training

Community Involvement:
Volunteers to help monitor celebrations
Donations for rewards

First Quarter Progress Report:

Second Quarter Progress Report:

Third Quarter Progress Report:

Final Data Outcomes and Evidence:

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