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Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level
Big Ideas

Essential Questions

Ms. Gabby Giovenco
Visual Arts
45 min, September 30,2014
Skills, techniques, elements, and principles of the arts can be
learned, studied, refined, and practiced.
Artist use tools and resources as well as their own experiences
and skills to create art
How do artist refine their skills to carry out intention in their art

9.1.12.A: Know and use the elements and principles of each

art form to create works in the arts and humanities.

9.1.12.B: Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of

appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review
and revise original works in the arts.

9.1.12.D: Demonstrate specific styles in combination through

the production or performance of a unique work of art (e.g.,
a dance composition that combines jazz dance and African

9.1.12.F: Analyze works of arts influenced by experiences or

historical and cultural events through production,
performance or exhibition.

Bloom's Taxonomy
Webb's Depth of
Knowledge (DOK)

1.In a class room collaboration (condition), all students

(audience) will work together to distinguish (behavior) at least
two (degree) elements and principles, while also being able to
explain them, from an art piece that is being critiqued by the
2. Working independently (condition), students (audience) will
sketch (behavior) three well developed concepts to the point their
pieces could be understood if explained (degree)
Steps to class
Develop students understanding of the elements and principles
Start with a historical piece (Van Gogh, Dega)
Explain the piece
Have students critique the piece
Talk to class, group discussion of the piece
Introduce the new assignment based off of this historical piece
Have students sketch out their ideas and present them to the
teacher .


Formative &

ISTE Standards for

Framework for 21st
Century Learning


Teacher will give advice on the piece and send students on their
Complete the project, turn in for evaluation.
Students will complete an evaluation sheet on their own works
Teacher will grade students understanding through the sheet
Then grade the physical piece on quality and concept

Formative Evaluation
-Observation and discussion regarding the elements and
principles of the painting is being provided to see what the
students understand.
- For this lesson students will be tested on their knowledge of the
elements and principles through the production of a sketch at the
end of the class, like a quiz, but in drawing form.
Summative Evaluation
- At the end of the unit students will be tested on their
understanding of all the elements and principles through a
critique of a finished piece, and a written understanding of the
elements and principles.
Creativity and innovation
Students will observe a video demonstrating the elements and
principles and define them.
Students will often use technology to access historical pieces
regarding the elements and principles.
Students will create and be innovative, in their thought processes
by applying the elements and principles of art to their own pieces.
Students will collaborate and discuss what the elements and
principles are with each other and develop a wider range of how
to apply these ideas. Students will implement their
understandings of the elements and principles to how they create,
and critique.
Students will develop skills in critical thinking and problem
solving by reasoning effectively to decide how apiece meets the
elements and principles of art. Students will analyze the elements
and principles to apiece. Students will make judgments regarding
the use of the elements and principles. Students will solve
problems regarding the way the elements and principles were
used in a piece by asking themselves why and looking at the piece
through different perspectives.
Communication and collaboration, students will orally distinguish
their judgments of a piece based on their understandings of the
elements and principles, this will provide them with a greater
knowledge because they will be exposed to many countering
opinions. By doing this they will also be working together with
the class as a whole, this will open up the mind to more

In the art room accommodations will be made to aide students by

breaking down and listing exactly what has to be done.
Both oral and written instructions will be provided.

Sequence steps, provide a time frame for transitions as well.

Lengthening the time frame of the project
Provide students with the possibility of a shorter assignment
Keep the classroom organized and clean, free of unnecessary
Have a flexible classroom, open to change


Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step Procedures

Learning Plan


This lesson is built on the idea of properties of art and judgment. These
understandings of art will help aide students in understanding the
elements and principles
Activating Prior Knowledge
Show famous paintings to spark recognition
Involving what they already know or feel about a piece to get them
to begin to think about the deeper parts of it. The elements and
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
Show a few different paintings, point out some differences, open
the subject up to question. Provide titles and artists.
Create a discussion based on the ideas stated by the students.
Provide examples of elements and principles through
demonstration, have them try their hand at different ideas (clay,
paint, pastel) connect it all together. Different media but same
elements and principles.
Big Idea Statement
Main focus- elements and principles in art- in other words, the
ideas and developments that go into a painting
Essential Questions Statement
How do artists create a piece, what goes into it?
Objective Statement
-Students will work together in groups to pick up on what elements
and principles are, and what they are to a painting
-Students will work on their own to create three sketches from
their own ideas, implementing elements and principles and being
able to explain their concepts.
Transition from the hook by posing a question, if answered
correctly by student provide a reward (candy), from discussion


Lesson Procedure
Must include
adaptations &
for students with
special needs

questions, transition to action by asking students to get out their

materials and use their new ideas and understandings to develop a
Key Vocabulary
Elements and principles
These are just some of my theoretical thoughts to planning in this
manner, not everything may be concrete in adaptations and
PreAssessment of Students
Entrance slip on what their ideas of elements and principles are,
exit slip what the elements and principles are now to them.
Modeling of the Concept
Demonstration, demo by teacher of elements and principles to
provide an understanding. Break down of the processes.
Start with a demo of the elements of principles, explain to them
that they are to start to analyze others art. Then their own after
they sketch something out, begin a discussion. Define what the
elements and principles actually are. Provide written and oral
directions, repeating as much as needed.
Guiding the Practice
This lesson is centered on open discussion, I will allow an open
thought pool as long as it reaches the subject matter. Keeping on
task by providing focus questions. I will answer any question pose.
For the independent study I will walk around the room providing
praise and guidance on the students development. Look for
constant pencil movement, but also look for the blank stare some
will get looking at the paper, provide some motivation and
guidance. Focus on individuals at times. Bring focus back to center
occasionally, to relax the mind.
Providing the Independent Practice
Encouraging independent work, encourage students to try stuff on
their own and experiment, teach them to be confident in their ideas
by having them develop them thoroughly first. Students will work
to develop sketches in class, this will extend their learning because
they will have something to apply their new understandings of the
elements and principles to that is their own, plus guidance will be
giving by the teacher. There are no faults in art, just alterations.
Movement from elements to principles, connect the two and show
their importance.

Evaluation of the

Adaptations/Accommodations for Students with Special Needs

Breaking the subject down to help explain the concept in a less
overwhelming way
Oral and written directions for the visual and auditory learners.
Art Therapy
Aiding them mentally and physically
Formal Evaluation

of the Concept


Reading Materials

Students will be evaluated on their pieces on their use of the

elements and principles in a final artwork.
Students will be assessed on the how they define the elements and
At the end of the unit, students will be assessed on their
understandings through these evaluations.
Informal Evaluation
Students will be informally assessed through judgments of their
sketches to determine their understandings of elements and
principles through their development
Students will also be evaluated through enter, and exit slips.

Summary & Review of the Learning

Students will explain what the elements and principles are and
how they develop a painting.
Determine the factors to elements and principles.
Students will be able to thoroughly develop their ideas into a piece.
Discuss what is difficult about this subject, and what is enjoyable.
Two sketches focusing on elements and principles, due next class.
Students should be able to explain what elements and principles
are used. Need to identify at least two to the class for each sketch.
Sketchbook, binder
Pencils, pens, paint
Projector, or elmo will be used.
Access to internet videos

I know what the students have learned through their participation,

their test results, and through observations of their
understandings, and through their advancements in their projects.
Lack of mastery will be addressed in possible tutoring by me.
I myself need to work on my delivery and confidence in the class
Need to work on not over thinking, panicking, and freaking myself
The actions in the lesson plan could be carried out in a more
extensive way by myself, for example as the teacher I could
provide ways the elements and principles of art are used in
everyday life.

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