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DAY 1 Date:__18-11-2014___________________________

PART I: THE MIND Goal-Setting Workshop

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You must start preparing for what you
want to be in twenty or thirty years this very day, not twenty or thirty years from
today. You have learned in Parts I & II of the minds true potential and that you have
the incredible power to transform your life in a second if you really want to. Today,
make those changes you have put off for so long. Start living your dreams and finally
create a new personal destiny.
List your top ten i)
12 hous study______________________
mind improvement goals ii) ___One Essay Daily________________
for the next 30 days iii) ________One chapter English Daily________________________
iv) _____________one chapter typing__________________________
v) ______________5 question GS daily_____________________
vi) ______________English speaking one hour daily_________________________
vii) ______________Learn maths_____________________
viii) _____________One chapter aptitude____________________
ix) _______________Be happy and drink warm water_________________
x) _______________Machine design____________________
Go over this list at least three times today, repeating your burning commitment to
achieving these goals and a clear date by which you will have attained them. Let the
power of autosuggestion work for you as it has worked for so many success stories of
the past. Now think of all the pain you will feel if you do not make these
improvements - really see and feel it. Finally, think of all the pleasure you will have
if you indeed accomplish the above goals, how increased concentration, mental focus
& supreme confidence will enhance your life. Please review your mental goal list
every remaining day of the MegaLiving! program, even if for only a few seconds.
Today is the first day of your new physical reality. Over the next 29 days, you will
learn secrets for taking your body and physiology to its highest level. You will learn
how to condition it for peak health and peak life performance. Welcome to the path
of physical mastery.
List your top five i) _____50 push up a day__________________________________
physical goals ii) ________2 km walking_______________________________
iii) ____________________Abs excercise ___________________
iv) ____________________half an hour therapy___________________
v) _____________________half an hour meditation__________________
List the top five improvements in your character (your public and private self) which
you are determined to have over the coming month. Consider their importance and
repeat them aloud when you awake and immediately before you sleep for the next 29

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