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Cody Loeper
Professor Hamby
UWRT 1101-019
Realization of Bullying
One thing that we all have learned about in school is that bullying should
never be tolerated in any form. Throughout school you attend many presentations or
workshops that are provided by the school system to fight against bullying. You
might even learn about bullying from a newsletter that you receive. The different
ways that you are approached with different types of literature to encourage you to
stop bullying are all genres. These genres exist in order to appeal to different groups
of people. They all include certain characteristics to ensure that a certain audience is
appealed to. On one hand, reaching out to those certain groups is one part while on
the other hand making sure that the groups get the correct message is on the other. All
genres are created for different reasons for example if you wanted to teach some thing
to some one you might create a workshop the will teach something to someone.
Bullying to us is a serious matter because when you are young you feel venerable and
almost as if there is nothing you can do to stop it. When we were kids all we wanted
was to be happy. School wasnt too tough and recess was something that all the kids
enjoyed but one person could ruin that. That one person is a bully. When it comes to
verbal bullying, this type of bullying is the most common type with about 77 percent
of all students being bullied verbally in some way or another including mental
bullying or even verbal abuse. (Bullying Statistics, Child Bullying). Bullies can truly
make an impact on a childs life making the child feel like they cant be who they

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truly are and want to be! The sad thing is that some children dont know that they
themselves are being bullies this is why we believe that bullies need to be stopped!
One thing in school that all of us received once a week was a newsletter. This
newsletter always included a statement about stopping bullying. Of course as children
we were only worrying about what time recess started and our last concern was
bullying. As the newsletters were given to us every week we distinctively remember
how colorful they made all the letters. When making all the letters colorful it entices
and motivates parents to read what the newsletter says. When designing our
newsletter genre we wanted to use the same idea of using different colors to attract
adult readers because bullying tends to happen without parents knowing. We also
wanted to ensure that even if you werent reading the entire newsletter you still left
with a message for that reason we included a picture. This picture was not just simply
chosen. When deciding the picture we focused on how it affects the reader. We didnt
want the reader to have a feeling of sadness because this newsletter is supposed to be
directed toward helping young children be treated better so we chose to expose the
feeling of friendship. The picture that is included is of two people holding hands
because the main message of this picture is that children should hold ands and not be
hostile toward one another. To make sure that this newsletter was easy to read we
made sure that the word choice was at a level that a young child could read. In our
genre we wanted to make sure that we defined a problem and also gave an answer.
After describing the problem in our newsletter we decided to include a section that
will help the parents find a solution if they happen to notice that his or her child is
being bullied. Once the parents have read this newsletter they should be clear on how
to tell if a bully is affecting his or her child and what to do if their child is being

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All of us remember getting excited to get out of class to attend a presentation
but never the topic of bullying. Every time we walk out of a presentation that included
the topic of bullying we always felt a feeling of despair because we knew that
students, including our friends, were being bullied. We chose to do a presentation
because they are interesting and fun for children. As a child and reading all the sad
and meaningful messages that the presentation included was something that a child
could never forget. After remembering this I knew that we needed to create a
presentation genre that was meaningful and always remembered children no to bully.
This genre had to be helpful to the audience to make sure that they would know that
to do if they were being bullied. The presentations would include many examples of
what a bully is and how someone might become a bully. A very important aspect of
this genre is that it should motivate the children to stop bullying in a safe way in order
to make their lives and school entail a safer social environment so that they can be
who they truly are as human beings. Knowing myself as a child in a presentation we
knew that we would need to make sure that this presentation was not too long causing
the children to be bored. The amount of words on the slides would need to be short
because if there would be too many words the children would not attempt to read the
presentation. The font and color of the words will need to be appealing to the children
so that they are attracted and enticed to read the information within each slide. This
presentation there would also, like the newsletter, have to be pictures describing the
actions that the presentation is describing and this will ensure that the children have a
clear understanding as to what bulling is. This genre would include a narrator that
would be giving the presentation and would include instruction on how to know if
you yourself are a bully, what to do if you are being bullied, and how to tell if
someone else is being bullied. The children will be told where and how they can

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receive help and how to approach telling someone that they are being bullied.
Because this presentation is directed at children they will enjoy a presentation that
involves them.
The workshop genre is an interactive experience where the teachers can learn
all about bullies and how they are created. We believed that we should create a
workshop genre because it is one of the easiest and the most informative ways to
teach a group of people something. Over 90 percent of teachers participate in
workshop-style training sessions during a school year (Darling-Hammond et al.,
2009). (Allison Gulamhussein, Teaching the Teachers: At a Glance) When over 90
percent of teachers attend a workshop that means that they are learning most from
attending workshops. The workshop will be completely interactive and will allow the
teachers to depict what they believe a bully is. At the end of the workshop after
learning all the material they will once again depict what they think a bully is and see
if their ideas of what a bully is have changed. The workshop is created in order to
make sure that the teachers know what to do when they have spotted a bully. The
teachers will not only learn how to speak to the child that is being bullied but they
will also learn how to speak to the bully. When they learn how to speak the to bully
they are not only taught how to discipline the bully they are educated by this
workshop on how to make the bully a better person socially and ensure that they find
the true reason that this bully is bullying. This is a genre that is directed toward
teachers so we believed that it was important that we included plenty of information
and statistics to ensure that the teachers learned facts that they can teacher the
students. The workshop will be mostly informative and should help the teachers
understand what the importance of stopping bulling really means.

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The ideas of how to appeal to children teachers and parent and help them
better understand what a bully is and what to do if you know anything of bullying that
is happening to someone are expressed, in our opinion, best through the three genres
that we chose. The newsletter gives a brief understanding of what bullying is and how
it applies to the parents and what those parents should be doing to prevent bullying.
The presentation is a great way that the children can learn why bullying is something
that should never be tolerated and how they should go about dealing with a bully.
While the workshop goes into a complete and full description of the ideas of bullies it
will also teach the teachers as to what they should do in order to keep the children
safe from bullies and how to make sure that bullies arent created. The best genre that
I believe we created was the newsletter because it included just enough information
for the parents to understand what was important about bullying and their child. The
picture included sends a true and dignifying message. Bullying is a serious matter and
no child should be put through the torture of being bullied. When someone torments a
child it can change who that child really is on the inside.

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Works Cited

"Child Bullying." - Bullying Statistics. Bullying Statistics, 2013. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.
Gulamhussein, Allison. "Teaching the Teachers: At a Glance." Teaching the
Teachers: At a Glance. N.p., Sept. 2013. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.

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