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Welcome to Ms. Perkins social studies class!

I am excited to get to know each and

every one of you this year. We have a great year ahead of us that is filled with activities
that will not only expand your knowledge in this content area but will also help to build
strong relationships with your fellow classmates. I have high expectations for all of my
students and I know that every single one of you has the ability to be successful here!
Please read the following information to learn about classroom expectations and rules.
Seven Ways to be Successful:
1. Be Professional
Being professional encompasses a lot. It means always coming to class,
treating myself and others with respect, turning in assignments on time,
and trying your hardest every class period. These skills are absolutely
transferrable and will only help you after you finish school!
2. Be On Time
Being on time to class shows that you care and are ready to learn.
Students that are on time are sitting in their desk when the bell rings and
have their warm-up notebooks out or any other materials that are
necessary for starting any given lesson.
3. Come Prepared
Students that are prepared have their notebooks, writing utensils,
homework, and anything else that is needed for a lesson. When all
students are prepared then we can jump straight into a lesson plan
without any distractions!
4. Respect Others
In order for our classroom to become a safe place to learn and grow it is
absolutely essential that we all respect each other and our opinions.
Always take the time to listen to your classmates, whether it is an
opinion that they are sharing or an idea they might have, there is always
something to be learned by simply letting others speak.
5. Take Responsibility for your Education
You are your biggest advocate. Whether you were out sick, had a rough
day, or went on vacation, please let me know so I can help you catch up
on everything you might have missed. High school is your jobas with
any job, please let me know when anything comes up so that we can
make sure the issue doesnt negatively affect your learning!
6. Ask Questions

This is two-fold. First, I believe that curiosity is the most effective way to
learn. Dont be afraid to question anything. I would love nothing more
than to help you find the answers to anything that you are curious about!
Second, if you are ever unsure of directions I have given or an
assignment, please ask me!
7. Actively Engage
I hope that over time every single one of you gets comfortable enough to
share your opinions with the class. This is crucial to learning and I love
hearing your ideas!
Attendance Policy:
Every class session is important to building knowledge. With that said, students should
do their best to be here everyday. I expect that students who do miss will either email
me or come to me in person to see what they missed and turn in any work that might
have been due the day they missed. Please read the make-up work policy for the
specifics on excused and unexcused absences.
Make-Up Work:
Excused absences can turn in missing work within three days of return for full credit.
Unexcused absences can turn in late work within two days of original due date for 50%
credit. There are make-up tests for students that have an excused absence.
Academic Dishonesty:
Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. Any student that is caught engaging in
these actions will get a zero on the assignment/test, and will be asked to speak with an
administrator for further action.
A: 89.5-100 %
B: 79.5- 89.4%
C: 69.5- 79.4%
D: 60-69.4%
F: 59.9 and Below
Please note that Fs will not be rounded.
Any student that receives lower than a 60% on an assignment will be asked to do it
again for a passing grade. I expect every student to turn in quality assignments. By
putting in effort and working with me, every student should expect to pass this class.
Cell Phones:
Part of taking responsibility for your learning is paying attention in class. Cell phones
are not only a distraction to the person using it but also to the entire classroom. For this
reason, I ask that cell phones are either turned off or in the students backpack at all

-Students are permitted to eat snacks during class as long as they are not a distraction
to others learning.
-Students are permitted to listen to music when working on individual work. If using an
iPhone, or any other music/cellphone device, I expect that the device is only being used
for music purposes and no other reason.

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