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Observation One

Observation date:

Nov 13, 2014 - 12:12 PM

Submitted by: BURGER,


Nov 21, 2014 - 1:17 PM

Date Confirmed:

Nov 21, 2014 - 1:17 PM



Additional instructions:

Scores and Evidence

1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy


Score: 3

Critical Attributes
Proficient - The teacher can identify important concepts of the discipline and their relationships to one
Proficient - The teacher provides clear explanations of the content.
Proficient - The teacher answers students' questions accurately and provides feedback that furthers their
Proficient - Instructional strategies in unit and lesson plans are entirely suitable to the content.
Distinguished - The teacher's plans reflect recent developments in content-related pedagogy.
*Teacher connects lesson to Common Core State Standards: RF2a.1, RF2a.2, RF2a.3, RF3, RF3b.1, RF3,
RF3b.1, RF3b.2, RF3c.2, RF3c.3, RF4, RF4a.2, RF4b.3, RF4c, RF4c.1, RF4c.4, RF4c.3 *Teacher indicates
during pre-conference that her lesson supports the foundations of literacy that students need to master to be
successful readers farther down their educational paths. *Teacher's lesson supports and connects to the
school literacy trajectory as a method of determining if a student has made sufficient progress. Teacher
incorporates school's literacy practices into each of her lessons. *Teacher is trained and knowledgeable in
research-based reading methods (i.e., Wilson, Fundations, etc.).

1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students


Score: 4

Critical Attributes
Proficient - The teacher is aware of the special needs represented by students in the class.
Distinguished - The teacher uses ongoing methods to assess students' skill levels and designs instruction
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Distinguished - The teacher maintains a system of updated student records and incorporates medical and/or
learning needs into lesson plans.
*Teacher shared during pre-conference that she is working on introducing activities that students will
eventually choose from in order to get the most out of their time with teacher and make the most progress in
the areas of phonics and sight words. The choice piece allows students who are more introverted to continue
progressing without the heavy spotlight of other observing eyes on them in a meaningful way. *Teacher plans
for individual students' approaches to learning by observation of students' level of comfort with independence
and student feedback of activities until students seem to have an idea of how the activities work. *Goal of
students in the why portion of the objective: to be an independent C by November 24th

1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes


Score: 4

Critical Attributes
Distinguished - The teacher's plans reference curricular frameworks or blueprints to ensure accurate
Distinguished - The teacher connects outcomes to previous and future learning.
Distinguished - Outcomes are differentiated to encourage individual students to take educational risks.
*Lesson plans have multiple objectives planned for students and are written in student-friendly format.
Example: What-read story, Paint it Purple How-looking at letters and pictures, using letter sounds, reading
sight words, Why-to be independent C by Nov. 24th *During pre-conference, teacher shared several learning
outcomes for this lesson-1) swabat identify vowel patterns that make the long A sound 2) swabat read and
write the second twenty pre primer sight words 3) swabat read a level B book with fluency via sue of sight
words, initial letter sounds, and picture clues 4) swabat discuss events in a story and/or choose the correct
structure of a text *Teacher cites that these are skills that will allow students to read smoothly and fluently, as
well as the skills that enable them to make sense of text and self correct.

1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources


Score: 3

Critical Attributes
Proficient - Texts are at varied levels.
Proficient - Resources are multidisciplinary.
Proficient - The teacher expands his/her knowledge through professional learning groups and organizations.
Proficient - The teacher pursues options offered by universities.
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Distinguished - Texts are matched to student skill level.

*Teacher uses to plan lessons and link to literacy team *Teacher plans with the literacy primary
reading trajectory and uses the Dolch preprimer sight words *Teacher utilizes Words Their Way spelling
resources such as picture sorts *Teacher has been trained and utilizes Fundations resources throughout her
lesson *Teacher utilizes Reading A-Z resources, as well as story maps and graphic organizers and running
record forms *Teacher also plans with and utilizes a variety of leveled literary and informational text for her

1e: Designing Coherent Instruction


Score: 4

Critical Attributes
Distinguished - Activities permit student choice.
Distinguished - Learning experiences connect to other disciplines.
Distinguished - The teacher provides a variety of appropriately challenging resources that are differentiated
for students in the class.
Distinguished - Lesson plans differentiate for individual student needs.
*Teacher's lesson plans reflect the components of a balanced literacy/reading program. Teacher shared that
her lessons is designed to scaffold the learning and provide practice and success at the skills that indicate
growth as measured by the Primary Reading Trajectory. Teacher shared that as students master content,
they will move on to the next levels to ensure growth. *Teacher's plans provide support for reading which is
necessary for each discipline. The series of lessons also provide support in perseverance, perception, and
resourcefulness, as each student realizes they are in control of their learning and discovers the ways they
learn best. They can then use this knowledge to continue growing with the goals teacher/student set together.
*Lesson plans are laid out with estimated time frames that keep the lesson fast paced and moving.

1f: Designing Student Assessments


Score: 3

Critical Attributes
Proficient - All the learning outcomes have a method for assessment.
Proficient - Assessment types match learning expectations.
Proficient - Assessment criteria are clearly written.
Proficient - Plans include formative assessments to use during instruction.
Proficient - Lesson plans indicate possible adjustments based on formative assessment data.
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During pre-conference, teacher shared that she does Friday assessments to help establish clear evidence of
student mastery. These assessments are small, and parts are individualized to ensure students are not
missing parts of the intended content. *Lesson plans indicate student(s) that will receive a running record
during their independent reading time. *Lesson plans also indicate a weekly check for letter ID, sight word
spelling and identification, and demonstrating comprehension of text.

2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport


Score: 4

Critical Attributes
Distinguished - The teacher demonstrates knowledge and caring about individual students' lives beyond the
class and school.
Distinguished - There is no disrespectful behavior among students.
Distinguished - When necessary, students respectfully correct one another.
Distinguished - Students participate without fear of put-downs or ridicule from either the teacher or other
Distinguished - The teacher respects and encourages students' efforts.

2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning


Score: 3

Teacher reviews objective with students. Puts it right in front of them to read with her.
12:13 pm
Teacher talks about setting goals. Get to reading level __ by December. We may need to update this b/c
several of you have already hit that goal.
12:13 pm
Teacher states learning capacity that they are learning today and describes that.
12:14 pm
Teacher reviews objective with students. Shows it to them.
12:31 pm
Students begin reading the book together has a group. Teacher stops and asks, "I thought we were going to
practice being perceptive today....seeing what it real and what is there."
12:32 pm

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T-chart is laid on table throughout the lesson....difference between made up and real text with text structure
icons below each side. "Practice communicating about text."
12:35 pm
Critical Attributes
Proficient - The teacher communicates the importance of the content and the conviction that with hard work all
students can master the material.
Proficient - The teacher demonstrates a high regard for students' abilities.
Proficient - The teacher conveys an expectation of high levels of student effort.
Proficient - Students expend good effort to complete work of high quality.
Proficient - The teacher insists on precise use of language by students.
Distinguished - The teacher communicates passion for the subject.
Distinguished - The teacher conveys the satisfaction that accompanies a deep understanding of complex

2c: Managing Classroom Procedures


Score: 4

Students come in from recess and instantly know routine at guided table.
12:13 pm
Timer goes off. T: Put markers and white boards away.
12:20 pm
T: We did our sight words. We are now going to be working on letter sounds. Teacher reviews choices of
activities they can do to practice sounds.
12:21 pm
Teacher asks student to go over and get three pencils for group while she draws tic tac board.
12:22 pm
T: Pencils up. Say it.
12:25 pm
Story map is quickly sketched for student to begin map. S: What about the characters? T: Yes-you can add
that in there if you want.
12:39 pm
Students all working hard at their written responses as teacher assists as needed. Teacher filling in student
scores for today as they are working.
12:41 pm

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Students clean up materials and put them in their pockets/folders.

12:52 pm
Critical Attributes
Proficient - Classroom routines function smoothly.
Distinguished - With minimal prompting by the teacher, students ensure that their time is used productively.
Distinguished - Students take initiative in distributing and collecting materials efficiently.
Distinguished - Students themselves ensure that transitions and other routines are accomplished smoothly.

2d: Managing Student Behavior


Score: 4

Critical Attributes
Distinguished - Student behavior is entirely appropriate; any student misbehavior is very minor and swiftly
Distinguished - The teacher silently and subtly monitors student behavior.

2e: Organizing Physical Space


Score: 4

White boards are from "Fundations."
12:17 pm
Critical Attributes
Proficient - The teacher makes appropriate use of available technology.
Distinguished - Modifications are made to the physical environment to accommodate students with special
Distinguished - There is total alignment between the learning activities and the physical environment.
Distinguished - Students take the initiative to adjust the physical environment.
Teacher has room organized and welcoming. Students know where to find their materials and are quick to do
so. Teacher has a small guided table to do small group instruction. She has spots around the room to gather
for independent reading and/or individual work. Technology is available for student use.

3a: Communicating with Students

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Score: 3

Teacher reviews objective with students. Puts it right in front of them to read with her.
12:13 pm
T: Does your word have 4 letters? Now you have to find the words that have that and turn them over.
12:19 pm
T: reviews short a and long a sounds and explains how to cross off on the tic tac board
12:24 pm
T Says word....blame. Asks student to say word. T: Cross off which one you heard on your board.
12:24 pm
T: Tale Say it. Cross off which one it is.
12:25 pm
"Rash...say it." Teacher helps them tap it out. "Listen for what you hear. short got it."
12:26 pm
Practice communicating about the text. T: We are moving on to the heavy reading part of our day.
12:27 pm
Begin reading the book...Paint it Purple. Discussion about /ai/ and sound it makes.
12:32 pm
T: I am going to give you this book for you to read by yourself. I want you to point to the words as you read b/c
I want you to practice being perceptive as you read. At the end you are going to tell me if it is real or made up.
12:34 pm
T to S: We don't have time to write the question and answer it so I'm going to teach you how to steal words
from the question to be your answer. Teacher circles the words for them to steal and begin their journal entry.
12:38 pm
S: I know how to write that word. T: That's good b/c that is one of our sight words and our trajectory says we
need to be able to spell and write it.
12:41 pm
Teacher tells students she hates to stop them but it is time to clean up. T: I will give you time tomorrow to
finish your thoughts.
12:52 pm
Critical Attributes

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Proficient - The teacher states clearly, at some point during the lesson, what the students will be learning.
Proficient - The teacher's explanation of content is clear and invites student participation and thinking.
Proficient - The teacher makes no content errors.
Proficient - The teacher describes specific strategies students might use, inviting students to interpret them in
the context of what they're learning.
Proficient - Students engage with the learning task, indicating that they understand what they are to do.
Proficient - If appropriate, the teacher models the process to be followed in the task.
Proficient - The teacher's vocabulary and usage are correct and entirely suited to the lesson, including, where
appropriate, explanations of academic vocabulary.
Proficient - The teacher's vocabulary is appropriate to students' ages and levels of development.
Distinguished - The teacher points out possible areas for misunderstanding.

3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques


Score: 3

S: Does your word have an i in it? T: flip over the words without it
12:19 pm
Story map is quickly sketched for student to begin map. S: What about the characters? T: Yes-you can add
that in there if you want.
12:39 pm
S: Do we need to add that little dot? T: Yes that is called an apostrophe and that is part of the word.
12:40 pm
Critical Attributes
Proficient - The teacher makes effective use of wait time.
Proficient - The teacher calls on most students, even those who don't initially volunteer.
Proficient - Many students actively engage in the discussion.
Proficient - The teacher asks students to justify their reasoning, and most attempt to do so.

3c: Engaging Students in Learning


Score: 3

Sight words laid out on table. Students have white boards and write sight words on them. They ask questions
of teacher....does your word begin with an f? Does it end with a d?
12:15 pm

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One student using iPad to practice words.

12:18 pm
S: Does your word have an i in it? T: flip over the words without it
12:19 pm
T: We did our sight words. We are now going to be working on letter sounds. Teacher reviews choices of
activities they can do to practice sounds.
12:21 pm
Students chose letter/sound tic tac.
12:22 pm
"Rash...say it." Teacher helps them tap it out. "Listen for what you hear. short got it."
12:26 pm
Practice communicating about the text. T: We are moving on to the heavy reading part of our day.
12:27 pm
Begin reading the book...Paint it Purple. Discussion about /ai/ and sound it makes.
12:32 pm
T-chart is laid on table throughout the lesson....difference between made up and real text with text structure
icons below each side. "Practice communicating about text."
12:35 pm
As students finish teacher asks, "Was it a made up story or a real story?" S: Made up Teacher folds chart in
half with choices.
12:36 pm
Teacher reviews choices with students b/c not all have been done yet. T: You can do a story map or answer
the question, "Why do you think the girl's mom does not like purple paint?" Students choose.
12:37 pm
One does story map and two choose question. All get out their journals to write in.
12:38 pm
Students all working hard at their written responses as teacher assists as needed. Teacher filling in student
scores for today as they are working.
12:41 pm
Critical Attributes
Proficient - Students are invited to explain their thinking as part of completing tasks.
Proficient - Materials and resources support the learning goals and require intellectual engagement, as
Proficient - The pacing of the lesson provides students the time needed to be intellectually engaged.
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Distinguished - Virtually all students are intellectually engaged in the lesson.

3d: Using Assessment in Instruction


Score: 3

Sight words laid out on table. Students have white boards and write sight words on them. They ask questions
of teacher....does your word begin with an f? Does it end with a d?
12:15 pm
T: What word is that right now that you wrote? Students read word to teacher.
12:17 pm
T Says word....blame. Asks student to say word. T: Cross off which one you heard on your board.
12:24 pm
T: I am going to give you this book for you to read by yourself. I want you to point to the words as you read b/c
I want you to practice being perceptive as you read. At the end you are going to tell me if it is real or made up.
12:34 pm
Students read individually and teacher listens in and assists as needed.
12:35 pm
As students finish teacher asks, "Was it a made up story or a real story?" S: Made up Teacher folds chart in
half with choices.
12:36 pm
Teacher reviews choices with students b/c not all have been done yet. T: You can do a story map or answer
the question, "Why do you think the girl's mom does not like purple paint?" Students choose.
12:37 pm
S: I know how to write that word. T: That's good b/c that is one of our sight words and our trajectory says we
need to be able to spell and write it.
12:41 pm
Critical Attributes
Proficient - The teacher makes the standards of high-quality work clear to students.
Proficient - The teacher elicits evidence of student understanding.
Proficient - Feedback includes specific and timely guidance, at least for groups of students.
Distinguished - The teacher is constantly "taking the pulse" of the class; monitoring of student understanding
is sophisticated and continuous and makes use of strategies to elicit information about individual student

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3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness


Score: 3

Students begin reading the book together has a group. Teacher stops and asks, "I thought we were going to
practice being perceptive today....seeing what it real and what is there."
12:32 pm
T to S: We don't have time to write the question and answer it so I'm going to teach you how to steal words
from the question to be your answer. Teacher circles the words for them to steal and begin their journal entry.
12:38 pm
Teacher tells students she hates to stop them but it is time to clean up. T: I will give you time tomorrow to
finish your thoughts.
12:52 pm
Critical Attributes
Proficient - The teacher incorporates students' interests and questions into the heart of the lesson.
Proficient - The teacher conveys to students that she has other approaches to try when the students
experience difficulty.
Proficient - When improvising becomes necessary, the teacher makes adjustments to the lesson.

4a: Reflecting on Teaching


Score: 4

Critical Attributes
Distinguished - The teacher's assessment of the lesson is thoughtful and includes specific indicators of
Distinguished - The teacher's suggestions for improvement draw on an extensive repertoire.
*See teacher's notes on Domain 4-Post Conference section of Teachscape.

4b: Maintaining Accurate Records


Score: 3

Critical Attributes
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Proficient - The teacher's process for recording completion of student work is efficient and effective; students
have access to information about completed and/or missing assignments.
Proficient - The teacher has an efficient and effective process for recording student attainment of learning
goals; students are able to see how they're progressing.
Proficient - The teacher's process for recording noninstructional information is both efficient and effective.
*See teacher's notes on Domain 4-Post Conference section of Teachscape.

4c: Communicating with Families


Score: 3

Critical Attributes
Proficient - The teacher regularly makes information about the instructional program available.
Proficient - The teacher regularly sends home information about student progress.
Proficient - The teacher develops activities designed to engage families successfully and appropriately in their
children's learning.
Distinguished - All of the teacher's communications are highly sensitive to families' cultural norms.
*See teacher's notes on Domain 4-Post Conference section of Teachscape.

4d: Participating in the Professional Community


Score: 4

Critical Attributes
Proficient - The teacher has supportive and collaborative relationships with colleagues.
Proficient - The teacher regularly participates in activities related to professional inquiry.
Proficient - The teacher frequently volunteers to participate in school events and school district and
community projects.
Distinguished - The teacher takes a leadership role in promoting activities related to professional inquiry.
Distinguished - The teacher regularly contributes to and leads events that positively impact school life.
*See teacher's notes on Domain 4-Post Conference section of Teachscape.

4e: Growing and Developing Professionally

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Score: 3

Critical Attributes
Proficient - The teacher seeks regular opportunities for continued professional development.
Proficient - The teacher welcomes colleagues and supervisors into the classroom for the purposes of gaining
insight from their feedback.
Proficient - The teacher actively participates in organizations designed to contribute to the profession.
Distinguished - The teacher seeks regular opportunities for continued professional development, including
initiating action research.
*See teacher's notes on Domain 4-Post Conference section of Teachscape.

4f: Showing Professionalism


Score: 4

Critical Attributes
Proficient - The teacher complies completely with district regulations.
Distinguished - The teacher is considered a leader in terms of honesty, integrity, and confidentiality.
Distinguished - The teacher is highly proactive in serving students.
Distinguished - The teacher makes a concerted effort to ensure opportunities are available for all students to
be successful.
Distinguished - The teacher takes a leadership role in team and departmental decision making.
*See teacher's notes on Domain 4-Post Conference section of Teachscape.

Areas of Strength:
*Pacing of the lesson-you are fast-paced and purposeful in your teaching. You make the most of a small block of time with these
*Knowledge of students and of their learning needs/goals with regard to the area of reading
*Engagement and working toward student choice; allowing students to help you set goals and be aware of their learning goals
Areas for Growth:
*Time for discussion between students about the book; opportunities for questioning between students-you may already be doing
this, but I didn't get the opportunity to see that during the observation.
*Closure with reflection on the the lesson-do students have an opportunity to do this on a typical day?

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Additional Comments:
Report exported on Nov 25, 2014 - 2:03 PM

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