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Thoughts On The Brain

Think about how many billions of years of personal time Jesus had with Jehovah. Interestingly, when the
heavens were opened up, and his prehuman existence was recalled to mind, no wonder he took 40
days! But all of that history fit in that perfect man's brain. We use all of our brain; many parts play
different roles. But we only use a tenth of a hundredth of a percent of the storage capacity. Jesus didn't
have extra storage needs; we really were designed to live forever.
Scientists have discovered how the brain is very active right before death. Like there's this last "huzzah"
before expiring. Personally, I think that is when your life flashes before your eyes; the holy spirit could
be making a recording of the exact placement of all the cells in the brain and how they are all
connected, so that upon resurrection, you really are you, not just some copy. Jesus life and ministry
proved that he really was the son of God.

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