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Engineering and Profession

By: Estherfe D. Rafaela

Professionals with an engineering and technology orientation form are an important ethic
group of knowledgeable workers in the innovation in general. Their learning interaction and
tacit knowledge transfer are influence by individual and collective thinking styles, mental
dispositions and cognitive science. The cognitive styles of engineering and technical
knowledgeable workers are significant issues for systems of innovation. The paper is discussing
base on the known knowledge the following topics: professionals with an engineering and
technology orientation and future engineering education.
An abstract published on a paper Submitted at the University of Science and Technology
entitled Professionalism in engineering practice.
Engineering is a true profession, before you become an Engineer an extensive training is
needed, in the Philippines; a 5-year Bachelors Degree in Engineering is required. Fundamental
knowledge in Mathematics & Applied Science is a necessity before entering the World of
Engineering. An Electronics Engineer must always know Safety Management, Basic Electronics,
Principles and Digital Communication. He/she must complete a minimum of 240-hours of Onthe-Job training with an Electronics and Communications Company. With these requirements,
one should think thoroughly if he/she can handle engineering.
To become a complete professional Engineer, one must abide the laws and ethics
established by a group of Engineers to protect the credibility of ones profession. For an
Electronics Engineers in the Philippines, Codes of Ethics is formed by the members of Institute
of Electronics and Communications Engineer of the Philippines (IECEP).
With all your knowledge about your profession, an Engineer is successful if he/she is
always in good terms with his/her workmates and never sacrifice any of his personal principle
just to get his/her personal interest and at the end of the day, you know you are happy and
fulfilled of everything you did.

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