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(MORDECAI, RIGBY, MARGARET, CJ and EILEEN are in the kitchen looking at

pictures from a magazine. BENSON then walks in disappointed looking at a letter.)
BENSON: Bad news guys, I just got a call saying that the park has been dangerously
close to becoming underfunded. And with where we are lately, I dont know if we
can make this months payment without some pay cuts.
MORDECAI: Aw, Really?
BENSON: Sorry guys, theres no other way.
RIGBY: But without any new paychecks we wont be able to get the new Strong
Johns party game!
BENSON: (Peeved) Well sorry about caring more about our jobs than some stupid
timewaster, Rigby!
RIGBY: Its not dumb! Its been getting stellar ratings from GameBro magazine! You
cant argue with an 8 out of 10!
EILEEN: Are you sure theres no other way to fund the park, Benson?
BENSON: If there were, then I would love to hear them. But with the time we have,
these changes start immediately.
(As BENSON walks out, both MORDECAI and RIGBY groan out of annoyance.)
RIGBY: Man this sucks! Now we can never get our game, or get proper payments at
all! Does anyone know how we can get a lot of money around here?!
MUSCLE MAN(VO): I think I know how.
(MUSCLE MAN walks in smugly after hearing RIGBYs plea.)
MORDECAI: What are you hinting at?
MUSCLE MAN: After hearing Benson whine about the parks funding, it reminded me
about a special place my bro told me about that can totally save the place and your
RIGBY: Is this story going to be long? I dont have the time for this I just want the
MUSCLE MAN: (Stern) Hey, do you want my help or not?

RIGBY: Fine! Just spit it out!

MUSCLE MAN: Well, legend has it that a wealthy man has a secret chest hidden atMARGARET: (Interrupts) Wait wait, this is a legend? How do you know that this
supposed treasure even exists?
MUSCLE MAN: (Cocky) Well how do you know that this treasure doesnt exist?
RIGBY: You cant argue with that.
CJ: Are you guys really that desperate for money? I mean what if its some sort of
fools gold trap?
MUSCLE MAN: Whats that? Do I hear someone starting a challenge?
MARGARET: No, its more along the lines of not using an urban legend to save the
MUSCLE MAN: So youre saying we wouldnt be able to find this treasure?
CJ: Were saying you shouldnt, not wouldnt! Big difference, man!
MUSCLE MAN: Well I say that us guys go out there and come right back with a big
stack of riches! More than whatever you girls will get!
EILEEN: Guys, guys! We dont need to make this into an unnecessary battle of the
sexes! Lets just sit down and come up with an idea we can all agree on! How about
that? Huh?
(EILEEN notices that MUSCLE MAN, MORDECAI and RIGBY left the kitchen.
Suddenly the sound of a cart driving off is heard, as she runs towards the window to
see the guys driving off on the cart.)
MUSCLE MAN: Treasure hunt! Wooooooo!
(As the guys drive off frame, EILEEN looks out disappointed, as CJ and MARGARET
stand behind her annoyed by the outcome.)
MARGARET: Sometimes I wonder whats more annoying than men.
CJ: Muscle men, clearly.

(EILEEN, MARGARET and CJ are walking together, still disappointed by the turn of
events by the guys.)
EILEEN: Even though I like Mordecai and Rigby, I really wish they could just use
some common sense. Maybe then they wouldnt almost get themselves killed most
of the time.
MARGARET: Eh, thats how they roll.
EILEEN: Well I dont want the park to go under because of Muscle Man. Theres got
to be a better way we can save the park. Or at least a sane way to do it.
CJ: There probably is, though if were going to take this supposed sane route, we got
to choose wisely.
MARGARET: How come.
CJ: With the time I spent with Mordecai and Rigby, you gotta expect the unexpected.
Cause theres a good chance we might get tangled into some sort of absurd conflict,
no matter what we go with.
MARGARET: Not every idea is going to end like that. Like how about a park
fundraiser? That might work without a hitch!
CJ: Somebody could give us fake money and anger some sort of fundraiser god.
MARGARET: A yard sale to raise cash?
CJ: Lead to an alien invasion because we gave someone a bad bargain.
MARGARET: (Annoyed) Oh now youre just reaching for conclusions! Hmmmoh!
Maybe you can try to get the mole scouts to help us, Eileen!
EILEEN: (Stern) Over my dead body
CJ: (Surprised) Jeez, Eileen.
EILEEN: Sorry, I had some incidents with the scouts, soooo yeah. Not goin there.
Oh hey!
(EILEEN walks over to the Convenience Bulletin Board near by and plucks a flyer
off of it that features a silhouette of a portly smiling man holding an open box.)
EILEEN: Oh man this is perfect! We can get a funding for the park just by collecting
box tops! This offer applies to educational or national institutions or properties. The
park is a national property! And each box top can translate up to a hundred bucks!

MARGARET: Thats perfect!

CJ: Almost too perfect
MARGARET: I know you mean well, CJ, but not everything is going to destroy the
universe. Maybe without Mordecai and Rigby well have a better shot at this.
CJ: Good point. Though whos running this thing? This is the first Ive heard of it and
theres a good chance that this dude could be a scammer.
EILEEN: Its run by Sign O. and the National Restoration Society. Sounds like its
for a good cause.
CJ: Wellokay. We can try this out. Though we got to have each others back on this.
EILEEN: Understood. So youre up for this, Margaret?
MARGARET: Totally, lets do this!
EILEEN, MARGARET, CJ: Dooooooooonations!
(EILEEN, MARGARET and CJ are pushing a cart packed with all sorts of boxed meals,
and adding more to the pile. BENSON then walks by them and notices the girls
BENSON: (Surprised) Oh wow, thats a lot of groceries. You girls planning a party?
EILEEN: Were actually trying to collect box tops to trade in for funding.
MARGARET: Hopefully if we donate enough of them, well be able to get enough to
fully fund the park!
BENSON: (Pleasantly Surprised) Oh hey, thats nice of you girls! (Confused) Though
wheres Mordecai and Rigby, arent they helping you?
BENSON: Wait let me guess. Theyre out at an unknown location?
BENSON: Following some urban legend about possible riches?

BENSON: And unprepared for any possible dangers out there?
CJ: Yep.
BENSON: Anyone else with them?
EILEEN: Muscle Man.
BENSON: (Irked) (Sighs)you gotta be kidding(Picks up park phone.) Skips,
Mordecai and Rigby areSKIPS (V.O.): Heard every word. Ill go get them. You oughta try making sure your
phones off more often. I dont need to hear you telling Snuffles McPurr not to go
tinky on the carpet.
(BENSON quickly shut off the phone to prevent that info getting to the girls.)
BENSON: (Embarrassed) Hahahaergood luck with the funding.
(BENSON rushes out of the aisle, leaving the girls confused about what happened.)
EILEEN: Awwww! What a cute cat name!
MARGARET: You know, Benson brought up a good point. We certainly have a lot of
food. Maybe too much?
EILEEN: (Confident) I just want to be sure to get enough box tops to match the
parks bill. With all the coupons I saved over the years, we dont really need to spend
much on these. Plus I have a nice, spacey kitchen around home for them. I totally got
this covered!
(Jump cut to EILEEN in her kitchen, with every nook and cranny of the room blocked
off by many box meals.)
EILEEN: (Embarrassed) or maybe I dont No! I gotta do this. For the park!
(MONTAGE: Set to Donna Summers She Works Hard for the Money, EILEEN
prepares a big pair of scissors to cut all sorts of box tops. As she cuts off one boxes
tops, she grabs the meal inside and begins to cook it, to be sure that she wont waste
it. With a bunch of food cooking in the background, she considers putting a meal in
the fridge for later, but as she opens the fridge door, she realized that its filled with
too many meal boxes, stressing her out. EILEEN cuts off various box tops off in a

quick pace and placing them on an expanding pile of them, as they turn into a pile of
money and blow away. She proceeds to put another fully cooked meal in the fridge
for later, only to find out that its filled to the brim with other cooked meals,
stressing her out even more. Various meals then appear out of thin air all over
EILEENs house, to the point of either knocking over or placed on appliances.)
(MARGARET and CJ walk up towards EILEENs door and press the doorbell. After a
couple of awkward seconds of silence, CJ presses the doorbell again.)
CJ: (Confused) Yo Eileen! Are you there?
EILEEN (VO): Be right there!
(MARGARET and CJ wait for EILEEN to open the door, who upon doing so reveals
that shes completely stressed out, with bags under her eyes and messy hair.)
EILEEN: (Weakly) Hey girls! Come on(yawns)in!
(As MARGARET and CJ walks in, the look at all the meals all over her living room,
shocked at the plentiful and weird meals covering every corner of EILEENS house.)
CJ: Oh my Gosh, Eileen, you were SUPER busy tonight.
EILEEN: thanks. You wouldnt believe how many hours I put into doing all this. But
at least we got a lot of box toooopssss!
(EILEEN happily holds up a deck of box tops.)
MARGARET: Oh cool! How much do we have at the moment?
EILEEN: (Pause) a looooot!
CJ: Well you certainly made a lot ofunique meals here.
(CJ picks up a burger with a bunch of burger patties within a piece of cake with two
sausages sticking out, between two pancakes with a chunk of cheese on top.)
EILEEN: I had to mix them up a bit. Didnt have enough pots and pans to properly
cook all of them with the time I had. Not to mention I didnt have enough room for
them, and its been hard to find anybody to eat them with Rigby gone.

(EILEEN walks over to her living room window, looking at a bunch of squirrels
around a pizza-chicken taco with chocolate chip cookie dough on top. They sniff
around the meal and take a bite out of it, only to spit it out in disgust. The squirrels
then turn to EILEEN and angrily chatter at her.)
CJ: Well maybe Margaret and me can help you out with clearing out this food.
MARGARET: Youre kidding right?
CJ: Hey, its free! Once you disregard the appearance, theyre actually quite edible.
(CJ picks up chicken tender covered in cheese and pepperoni and takes a bite, with
MARGARET disgusted at the sight.)
MARGARET: I dont know
CJ: Let me put it this way. Do you want Eileen to live in a house filled to the brim
with rotten and beyond-expired food?
MARGARET: suddenly you made the chicken patty bun sandwich look appetizing.
EILEEN: (Tiredly) Thanks for the offer, guys. Though are you guys sure you want to
go through with this?
CJ: Well Im up for it! I cant speak for Margie though.
MARGARET: (Feeling ill) Well I wish we had a different way to help Eileen, but
hopefully my metabolism wont let me down
(MARGARET looks at a patty bun sandwich uneasily before taking a cautious bite
out of it.)
CJ: Just try to get some rest, okay? You deserve it!
EILEEN: Whatever you say, Cloudy(yawns)
(EILEEN walks over to the kitchen as MARGARET and CJ clear out the meals. Trying
to keep herself awake after cooking all night, she picks up her phone and tries to call
RIGBY [V.O.}: Hello?
EILEEN: Hey Rigby, its Eileen.

RIGBY [V.O.}: (Surprised) Ohuhhi Eileen. How are things with Margaret and
EILEEN: Theyre okay.
MARGARET [V.O.]: (Feeling ill) Ugh, who in their right mind thinks burger patties
and cookies would make good pizza toppings?
CJ [V.O.]: I dunno, but Ill eat it if you dont want it.
EILEEN: How about you with Mordecai and Muscle Man? You guys okay?
(A new panel slides into frame, showing RIGBY at a snowy mountaintop. Hes
wearing a light jacket and a scarf, not enough to keep him warm under these harsh
winter conditions. MORDECAI and MUSCLE MAN are in the background trying to set
things up to climb higher up the area.)
RIGBY: Eh, could been better. Though Im freezing my butt off to find this stupid
EILEEN: (Worried) Oh no! Are you sure this quest is a good idea? You could get sick!
RIGBY: Dont worry, Eileen! Ill be fififiiiACHOO! (Sniffs) Ill be fine.
EILEEN: I think you might be better off coming back and forgetting about this
competition. Maybe you can stop by my house! I just got done cooking a
smorgasbord of food, so Ill make sure that youre fed well!
RIGBY: you do that for me?
EILEEN: Mhm. (Singsong) And I made sure to cook your favorite grilled cheese
RIGBY: (Gasp) With extra cheese and bacon?
EILEEN: The works!
MUSCLE MAN: (Yelling from the distance) Yo Rigs! You dont need Eileen to feed ya!
Once we get the treasure, youll have enough money to start your own fast food
chain! Think about it, bro. All you can eat, all day, EVERY DAY
(RIGBYs eyes grow big thinking about the possibilities of his own restaurant.)
EILEEN: Rigby? Rigby are you still there? Please dont listen to Muscle MaRIGBY: (Proudly) ALL YOU CAN EAT RIGBYS!

(RIGBY hangs up the phone as his panel slides out of frame, leaving EILEEN
EILEEN: (Disgruntled) I hate Muscle ManI really do. Ugh
(EILEEN bangs her head on the table as she dozes off to sleep)
(Eileen is still sleeping on the table, but as the sun shines through the window, she
starts to wake up.)
EILEEN: (Yawns) Ugh..what time is it? Uh(Shocked) oh come on!
(The camera pans out, showing that theres still an abundance of food around the
(EILEEN walks in to the living room, worried)
EILEEN: Hey, are you girls up? (Gasp) Margaret! CJ! What happened to you?!
(The camera pans to a sleeping CJ and MARGARET, who gained so much weight that
they filled out Eileens couch with their new girth. Upon EILEENs exclamation, both
girls woke up, CJ becoming wide-awake while MARGARET still feeling a bit tired.)
CJ: (Shocked) Whoa! Whoa. Eileen? Is everything okay?
EILEEN: (Worried) I dont know, are you guys okay? Youre both huge!
(CJ looks around at her and MARGARETs fatter appearance. She pats her stomach,
noticing that shes more cloud-like now with the added weight.)
CJ: (Nonchalantly) Welp, big surprise there. We ate, we ate a ton more, we got fat.
MARGARET: (Waking up) Ughhow much did we eat last night?
CJ: About 50-60 plates. Maybe more since we had to clear all the ones blocking the
bathroom door.
MARGARET: (Feeling ill) Ooooooh gosh.
EILEEN: (Panicked) Oh no, I messed up so bad. I cant believe I didnt plan ahead
with this! What if we dont have enough box tops to fully fund the park? I dont want

to go through this again and I feel bad about what happened to you guys! Im so
(EILEEN topples to the ground, sobbing a bit. CJ then attempts to pull herself out of
the couch and waddles over to EILEEN to comfort her. As that happens, a rip sound
is heard, worrying Margaret as she checks behinds her.)
CJ: (Worried) Eileen, dont worry so much about it. Sure things got weird, but we can
make the best of it!
EILEEN: (Calming Down) You guys sure about that?
MARGARET: Were totally sure! If anything goes bad, itll be Muscle Mans fault.
MARGARET: As long as we save the park, thats all that matters.
CJ: Even if this box top deal turns into a big scam!
MARGARET: Definiet-(Confused)Waityoure still going on about that?
CJ: What? I still think this Sign dude could screw us over. However, we now have a
major benefit.
MARGARET: Being what exactly?
CJ: Were fat, Margaret! Possibly fatter than Sign here! If he challenges us to a sumo
battle, we can totally take him down with our thunder thighs!
(CJ proceeds to proudly slap her large thigh as MARGARET sits by confused.)
CJ: Bam! Hahaha!
MARGARET: (Confused) A sumo battle, seriously?
CJ: (Defensive) Hey, it could happen! Expect the unexpected, remember? (Relaxed)
Anyway, we'll be fine, Eileen! I honestly dont mind being this fluffy! I mean Ive
gotten much bigger during my emotional storms. At least with this I still have my
clothes on.
EILEEN: Fair enough. Though we still have the extra meal problem to deal with.
MARGARET: Might I suggest giving the remaining meals to Sign as a thank you gift?
EILEEN: You know that might just work.

MARGARET: (Embarrassed) Oh, one more thing. Uh, do you think you have any
bigger clothes I can wear? I dont think I can go out just yet.
EILEEN: Well you dont look so bad.
CJ: Yeah, you really gotta embrace your fat-self, Margaret! You honestly rock that
mid-drift well, if I do say so myself!
MARGARET: (Sighs) Its not that Im worried about
(MARGARET lifts herself off of the couch and turns her back towards CJ and EILEEN,
who look down and notices what MARGARET meant by that, as her jeans has a big
tear on the back of it.)
EILEEN: (Surprised) Oh wow, that is uh Ill see what I can do.
MARGARET: (Stern) What you saw today never leaves this room. Got it?
EILEEN: Got it.
CJ: (Holding back her laughter) Yeah! though I really like that shade of blue youre
wearing. Is that to impress Mordecai? (Bursts Out Laughing)
MARGARET: (Annoyed) Stop talking!
(EILEEN is walking down the street, pulling a wagon filled with food cartons of
various sizes and various bags of box tops. While doing so, EILEEN is checking her
phone. CJ and MARGARET, whos sporting a pair of sweatpants, waddles along with
her as they reach their radio house destination.)
EILEEN: Well try attacking the giant snakes head and stop the venom that way. Or
at least have Skips do that. Just try to make it out safely, okay?
(EILEEN hangs up the phone.)
CJ: (Concerned) Is Rigby doing all right?
EILEEN: (Concerned) Muscle Man forgot to mention that a giant snake is guarding
the supposed treasure and he angered it.
CJ: Big monster battle?
EILEEN: Big monster battle. I just hope Rigby will be okay in the end.

(While walking, MARGARET tries to adjust her sweatpants, still feeling off about her
new weight.)
MARGARET: (Disappointed) Man, its going to take weeks before I get to my regular
jean size
CJ: Clothing sizes are the least of our worries. The positives outweigh the negatives
to be honest.
MARGARET: Positives?
CJ: The fact that we gained enough weight to protect ourselves better. We wont be
pushed over so easily with the extra poundage!
EILEEN: Technically only you two gained weight, not me.
CJ: Oh shoot, thats right! Uhoh! Come here, Margaret.
MARGARET: (Surprised) Woah!
(CJ grabs MARGARET as she pulls her close, as they stand in front wide and tall in
front of EILEEN, like bodyguards.)
CJ: (Triumphantly) Then we can be your bodyguards, Eileen! Nothing will get pass
our big stomachs and our bigger hearts!
(The camera cuts to EILEENs perspective overshadowed by CJ and MARGARETs
large backsides, which she cant get her eyes off of.)
EILEEN: (Uneasy)and big butts. Lots of butts. (Shakes out of it) Look, I appreciate
the offer, CJ. But Ill be fine! You girls just being here with me is help enough. Though
if the donation process gets too long, do you mind if I sleep on you two? Both of you
would act like great pillows to lie on.
CJ: Shes got a point. With how plush we are, itll be like shes lying on a cloud!
(CJ lays her head and hands on top of MARGARET's shoulders and pretends to sleep,
until MARGARET pushes her away.)
MARGARET: (Coy) Ha ha. Lets just get this over with, okay?

(EILEEN opens the door and rolls the wagon into the empty entrance room of the
building, as MARGARET and CJ waddle in behind her. The girls are unnerved by the
lack of people there, especially nobody at the reception table.)
EILEEN: (Unnerved) Hello?
(EILEENs greeting echoes around the empty halls as the girls walk in further.)
EILEEN: Were here about the funding for box top donations. We need it for the
park! We also got treats for you for doing such a nice thing for us!
(Suddenly a bang is heard, shocking the girls. They turn to see a door with an eye
slot open, with a mysterious man on the other side.)
MAN: Are you all here about the box tops?
EILEEN: Uh, yeah! Are youSign O?
SIGN: Yes, yes I am. May Isee the box tops?
(EILEEN wheels the wagon in front of the door and holds up the bags of box tops in
front of the eye slot.)
SIGN: Hmmmyes. Just dump them into the slot to your right.
(A mail slot suddenly opens next to the door, catching the girls attention. EILEEN
then proceeds to dump the box tops into the slot until both bags are empty.)
SIGN: Ah yes! Thank you for your donation. Farewell!
(The eye slit shuts with a loud bang, as EILEEN is surprised that he didnt give her
the donation money as she tries to knock the door to get his attention.)
EILEEN: Umhello? What about the donation money for our park? The one you
promised on the flyer! (Annoyed) Hey! Hey come back here!
MARGARET: Did he ditch us?
EILEEN: He scammed us!
MARGARET: Ugh! The nerve of the guy! After all we went through!
(MARGARET turns to see CJ, who has the biggest grin on her face about how she was
right about it being a scam.)
MARGARET: (Sigh) Go ahead.

CJ: (Coy) What?

MARGARET: You know what.
CJ: (Coy) Oh you mean the fact that I told youuuuuuuu! Hahaha!
EILEEN: Nows not the time for bragging, we got to get our donation money!
(CJ cracks her fists, preparing herself to help the girls.)
CJ: Leave that to me. Stand aside and follow close behind.
(EILEEN and MARGARET steps back as CJ run towards the door, busting it down
with her immense weight. MARGARET and EILEEN follow her with the cart of food.
They then find themselves in some sort of void, lighted by a faint blue hue.)
EILEEN: Where is he?
MARGARET: Actually, where is everything? I cant see much in here.
(Suddenly a silhouette of SIGN appears in the background, similar to the one on the
box top flyer.)
SIGN: (Puts on Announcer Voice) Thiiiiiis is Sign On! And welcome to another airing
of Sound! Of! Winning!
(The Sound of Winning logo appears, catching the girls attention.)
EILEEN: Wait, weve been tricked into a game show?
MARGARET: So much for this supposed sumo battle, CJ.
CJ: Its still possible! This could be a Japanese game show.
SIGN: I would like to thank our sponsors for todays show! Give them a warm
(A spotlight suddenly shines on the girls, as the sound of applause plays on an
EILEEN: We didnt sponsor anything. All we did was donated box tops!
SIGN: Which was grateful of you! Without these box tops I wouldnt be able to put on
the show at all! You see we here at the National Restoration Society, I.E. me, have
been waiting for the opportunity to bring this show back on the air after a long

hiatus. Sound of Winning was a big hit in the old days, however we were only able to
fund the show with box tops. Once those stop flowing in, we were gone. Until now,
thanks to you guys!
MARGARET: Wait a minute. Somethings off here! The flyer said that you only fund
educational or national institutions or properties!
SIGN: Well were a national hit! And had moments of educational entertainment!
CJ: (Annoyed) And you said I was reaching for conclusions
SIGN: Now that you mentioned it, lets go on to round one!
MARGARET: (Uneasy) So what do we do now?
CJ: (Confidently) Easy peasy! We dont need to do much. Just have Eileen answer all
the questions!
EILEEN: Well pop quizzes are my specialty.
SIGN: The first question goes to contestant one!
(The spotlight falls on CJ)
CJ: (Shocked) What?!
SIGN: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
CJ: (Pondering) Wait, aint that one of those unsolvable riddles?
SIGN: Wrong! Now its time to pay the penalty!
(Suddenly a silhouette of a canon appears in the background as SIGN lights the fuse.
As a drumroll plays, the sight of the canon scares the girls as they duck and turn
away from the cannon. The canon shoots out smoke, accompanied by a loud
explosion, but nothing else, leaving the girls confused.)
EILEEN: (Concerned) CJ, are you all right?
CJ: Yeah. Confused but all right.
(The spotlight then falls onto MARGARET as SIGNs shadow appears behind her.)
SIGN: Contestant 2, the question falls on you! Im sure you have the answer!

MARGARET: Umdo you mind if I call a friend for this? I mean said friend is right
here but still.
SIGN: Thats not the answer! Aiming right in the smarts!
(SIGNs silhouette disappears as a loud roar is heard. A silhouette of a large dragon
appears to the left of the girls. The girls are scared as the dragon blows fire into the
air. The dragons head then turns to the girls, and with a loud roar blows fire
towards the girls. They cover their eyes, but the flames never really hit them,
instead it stays within the lighted area in the left as the dragon slides out of frame.
The girls open their eyes even more confused than before.)
MARGARET: (Frightened) Is this maniac trying to kill us?!
CJ: If he is, hes doing a bad job at it.
SIGN: Contestant 3, last chance!
(The spotlight falls onto EILEEN, as she jumps out of shock. SIGNs silhouette
appears near her in the background.)
EILEEN: Hold up! Arent we getting close to a commercial break?
SIGN: Wro-errwait. Why yes it is! Well be right back to the Sound of Winning after
a word from our sponsor!
(SIGN disappears as EILEEN starts a group huddle with MARGARET and CJ.)
EILEEN: Guys, I think I know whats going on around here, but Im not sure if Im
right on this.
EILEEN: I think Sign is playing mind games with us. Think about it. The show used to
be run on box tops, yet he got dragons and cannons lying around. The budgets too
small for that sort of stuff!
CJ: He couldve stolen them from some movie lot somewhere. If hes scamming
people, he mightve done other shady things on the side.
MARGARET: So if hes playing dirty, should we get even?
EILEEN: How though? Theres nothing we can do around here!
CJ: Actually, wait a minute. Do we still have that wagon with us?

EILEEN: With the food? Yeah, its here.

CJ: (Pleased) Perfect! Okay, I know what we can do, just try to answer the question
the best you can, Eileen. Ill do the rest.
MARGARET: You sure you got things sorted out?
CJ: (Confidently) Im going with my gut instincts on this. With how big my gut is, Im
sure this will work!
MARGARET: (Uncertain) God I hope youre right about this and that its not another
excuse for a fat joke.
CJ: Cant it be both?
(The shows theme starts to play as the girls break away from the huddle. EILEEN
and MARGARET are a bit worried while CJ has a big smug on her face. SIGNs
silhouette appears in the background as the spotlight comes back to EILEEN.)
SIGN: And were back! Contestant 3, did the chicken come first, or was it the egg?
EILEEN: Let me ask this. Is this egg any egg or is it specifically a chicken egg? Just
want to know the specifics.
SIGN: (Confused)huh. Err Uhh
MARGARET: (Impressed) Wow, stumping the stumper. Clever!
SIGN: (Angry) How dare you make me into a fool on my own show!
EILEEN: Well you stole our box tops without keeping up with your side of the
bargain. If anything, you made yourself the fool here.
MARGARET: Yeah, you cheapskate! Nyeeh!
(MARGARET sticks her tongue out as SIGNs shadow shakes in anger. The lighting
suddenly turns red as a silhouette of a killer robot appears in his place, with all sorts
of violent sound effects and various weapons in sight. MARGARET and EILEEN are
both scared at the sight, as CJ prepares to throw a meal from the wagon at it.)
CJ: Order up!
(CJ throws the burger pie in her hand at the robot, which upon impact the shadow of
the small meal is the same size of the giant robots. EILEEN walks off screen as CJ
glows triumphantly as her plan worked.)

MARGARET: (Irritated) That was your plan? Throwing food at it?

CJ: It worked, didnt it?
(EILEEN walks over to where the burger pie has landed. From the splattered mess,
EILEEN picks up a piece of wood that was sticking out of it. Upon examination, the
wood was the same shape as the supposed killer robot.)
EILEEN: (Surprised) A cut out? Wait, these things are just shadow puppets!
(EILEEN looks up and spots lights switches near the wall. She reaches to one of them
and turns it on. Light hits the area where MARGARET and CJ are standing, revealing
big sound studio and a collection of record players, as MARGARET examines on of
the records)
MARGARET: (Confused) And the sounds we heard was just from some SFX record?
SIGN: (Shocked) What are you doing to my studio?!
(EILEEN flicks more light switches to illuminates the whole studio, revealing more
of SIGNs tricks, including more sound machines and cut outs.)
EILEEN: Just shedding some light on a couple of things.
(On the last light flick, a spotlight falls on SIGN, who is revealed to be a tiny radio on
wheels, with a fake cut out body on top in a tiny room with curtains. His radio dials
resembling the eyes the girls saw from the door slit.)
SIGN: (Embarrassed) Noooo! Do not pay attention to the old appliance behind the
CJ: So this is the mastermind behind the National Restoration Society? Heh, I knew
he was just some dorky robot all along. Granted I thought he was going to be some
evil warlock, but a robot was my second or third guess.
MARGARET: (Doubtful) Uh-huh.
SIGN: Okay, okay! Just take the box tops back! I dont need them anymore! Just
please have mercy on my work!
(EILEEN walks over to the food wagon and proceeded to grab some meals out of the
cart, as MARGARET and CJ follow her lead.)
EILEEN: (Mildly-Threatening) Dont worry, we just wanted to give you the meals we
made for you. Our treat!

(EILEEN proceeded to throw the sloppy meals towards the sound machines and
props, messing up the mechanics and causing them to malfunction and combust into
flames. MARGARET and CJ proceed to do the same, as they destroy the entire sound
studio with the food.)
SIGN: (Panicked) No! Nooooo! Everything that I worked and scammed hard for,
(The girls then proceed to aim their last meals straight at SIGN.)
CJ: Bon Appetite!
(The girls then throw the meals at SIGN O. Covered by all sorts of grease from the
food, the radio robot vibrates violently and explodes. EILEEN looks over the damage
while CJ raises her hand up to MARGARET for a high five, which she returns.)
CJ: We did it you guys!
CJ: Belly bump!
MARGARET: (Confused) Wait what? Ahhh!
(CJ attempts to give MARGARET a belly bump, only to knock her over.)
CJ: (Worried) Oh, sorry! Got caught up in the moment.
EILEEN: (Disappointed) But how are we going to save the park now? We still have
no money.
MARGARET: Kinda makes me wonder how this show even survived only on box
tops. Was there even an actual prize at all?
CJ: Maybe its up there?
(CJ points up to a safe hanging on the ceiling, which the sparks from the broken
sound machine hits the rope holding it up. The rope then snaps and the safe falls in
front of the girls. EILEEN cautiously walks up to the old safe, exanimating it, only to
accidentally pull out the weak lock. The door falls down, revealing a pile of cash.)
EILEEN, MARGARET, CJ: (Celebratory) Paaaaaydayyyyyy!

(BENSON counts up the last stack of cash given to him by EILEEN, CJ, and
MARGARET, whos now wearing a new pair of plus size jeans. They proudly stand
besides BENSON whos equally as happy with the results.)
BENSON: Wow, this all checks out! Ill be able to meet the park payments for the rest
of the year! If you girls actually worked here, I wouldve given you a bonus by now!
CJ: (Bashful) Awww it was nothing!
EILEEN: We just want to make sure that you guys still have jobs here!
MARGARET: Speaking of that, where are the guys anyway?
MUSCLE MAN (VO): We came bearing goods!
(The camera pans to SKIPS with an injured and bruised MUSCLE MAN, MORDECAI
and RIGBY, whose tail is on fire for mysterious reasons. SKIPS also holds a treasure
chest that MUSCLE MAN found. The girls run up to the guys worried.)
MARGARET: (Concerned) Mordecai! What happened to you?
MORDECAI: Long story. What happened to you? Long story too?
MARGARET: (Relieved) Yeah, haha. Im just glad you guys are okay.
EILEEN: I was able to keep that grilled cheese sandwich you wanted, Rigby. Plus I
bought you that new Strong Johns game with the leftover money!
(RIGBY blindly snags the Strong Johns game and attempts to eat it.)
EILEEN: (Confused) UmI still have the sandwich in my hand.
RIGBY: Huh? Awww man! Sorry Eileen, couldnt think straight. I just needed to eat
something. Muscle Man didnt bring any food with him!
CJ: Though apparently you actually found that supposed treasure?
MUSCLE MAN: (Bragging) Oh yeah, puff n stuff! Read it and weep!
(BENSON walks up and tries to open the chest. Upon opening it, the gold inside
illuminates brightly, surprising BENSON and the girls.)
BENSON: (Pleased) Oh wow! With the money both groups got, the park could be
funded for the next year or so! I was honestly impressed bywait a minute.
(BENSON examines the coin in his hand, as his happiness turns into anger.)

BENSON: (Peeved) Are you trying to pull a fast one on me?!

BENSON: (Angry) This is not gold! Its a freaking Fun Fun Zone token! There all are!
At least the girls actually brought me real cash! Youre all getting pay deductions!
(BENSON throws the coin away and kicks the chest of tokens as he storms off
towards the house. EILEEN, MARGARET and CJ smugly look at the befuddled guys.)
EILEEN: (Coy) You know, if we actually worked together instead of having this
dumb competition, you guys wouldnt be in this situation right now.
MUSCLE MAN: Wait! We can still make this work! You know how much money we
can get for selling these tokens online? Well be able to make millions from these!
Even more than what the girls made!
CJ: (Angry) Are you serious with this? Another dumb competition?!
MARGARET: Wait! I think this might be that supposed sumo battle you were talking
about earlier.
CJ: Huh?
MARGARET: (Coy) You know what I mean.
(MARGARET winks at CJ and points to MUSCLE MAN. CJ then shares the same coy
expression MARGARET has.)
CJ: (Coy) Thanks for reminding me, Marge! Might as well make the best of it before I
shed these pounds. Yo MM!
(CJ walks off screen as she then yells and attacks MUSCLE MAN, as he squeals in
pain. MARGARET watches the fight with a satisfied smile on her face.)
MARGARET: Remember to expect the unexpected, Muscle Man! Hahaha!

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