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Culture Speech Outline


Studio Culture

Speech goal:

I would like to inform the class about the benefits of studio

classes and the culture that follows.


The point of this speech is to compare regular classes to my

architecture studio, which I believe is the best way to enhance a
students learning.



Attention Getter:
How many of you all have a large lecture class that has
over a hundred people? How many of you hate it
because you cant learn in that environment? Well, I am
going to talk about a magical thing called studio classes
that is kind of sort of way better.


Credibility Statement:
I am a credible source because I am in the
architecture program.


The point of this speech is to compare regular classes to
my architecture studio, which I believe is the best way
to enhance a students learning.


Body of Speech

Studio culture can be described as a setting much like a regular studio but is
different in the benefits that come form it, as well as the teaching styles.

There are a lot of people living on this planet, so theres a slim

chance that everyone will get along.


A lot of the studio class is designed to teach the student to learn from
others and learn how to work well with them
T. Abell (Personal communication, October 12th, 2014), an architecture
student, says the point the College of Design is trying to relay to its
students is that in a studio class the student must be able to work in an
environment with 10-15 other individuals who think differently
The good thing about the collaboration is that if you perceive the a
project criteria wrong then your classmates will help you sort out
what is really meant to be done.



Being in a studio class allows the student to grow as a person through learning
healthy habits, and gaining the ability understand people more efficiently,
even themself.







Not only does collaboration help the student with their class work, it
gives them the ability to work efficiently with other people, which is a
trait that is crucial to being successful in the future.

In terms of developing good habits Olivia Brouster, an interior design

student, (personal communication, October 13th, 2014) says that she
was able to develop time management and to be confident in her
Whitney Corcoran (personal communication, October 13th, 2014),
said That first long night in the studio really hit me, it was as if there
was this atmosphere of motivation. It helped me to realize that I know
I will always be able to push through.
Chris wilkins had an arguing problem and his studiomates helped him
realize that he had a problem.
Studio classes help students to realize their full potential and to
advance in positive habits that help the student to grow.

Its definitely beneficial to develop better habits but the rewards that
come from being in a studio class is also good.

From what Ive had to do so far, Ive learned how to rearrange objects
to create a space. I wouldnt have been able to do this unless I werent
allowed to cut the materials and rearrange them to study how they flow.
(show object)


(Graph) Its rewarding to know that all the hard work and long
hours we are putting in now will help us to be financially stable.

Now that Ive discussed Studio classes Im going to talk about regular
classes and how theyre less efficient.
Now that studio classes have been analyzed, there are certain aspects of
regular classes that make the studio culture more appealing and beneficial

The first problem with regular classes is that most of them are large lectures.


A lot of the time, students have a hard time paying attention because
of all the distractions from other students or could miss something
and get confused.


Because there is less teacher/student interaction, most of the

learning will be dependent on unguided student learning. This
would include reading books or labs


With a studio class, theres never really any reliance on outside

learning except for your imagination.

Being enrolled in a class with a large amount of people hinders th

a. Im currently enrolled in a psychology 100 class and the only thing

that really happens is that I go to class, I watch my professor talk
and then we have an assignment. Theres not a time that forces me to
get to work with other sutdents like I am in my studio.
b. I gave Zach Marshall (2014) a brief overview of how studio classes
benefit the learning process and asked his opinion on the interaction. He
said if you dont then youre constricted to your frame of ideas, which
can really limit you on how effective your project will come will come


In conclusion, regular classes vary quite differently from studio classes in
the common aspects and benefits that come with a studio class. Whether
the student will develop good habits or will become an all around better
person theyre still being benefitted. I believe experiencing the studio
culture is something everyone should get to do.

Borson, B. (2013). Pros and cons of the life of an architecture student.
Collaborative Studios llc. (2012). Philosophy.
Dowskin, E. (2012) Higher Education: Calculating a college degrees true value.
Hickman, R. (2005) Critical Studies in Art and Design Education. Bristol, UK : Intellect Books.
LaBarre, S. (Ed.). (2014). 4 Lessons The Classroom Can Learn From The Design
Vincent (2014) AIAS Studio Culture: Speak Up. Paragraph 4.
Wilkinson, N. (2007) Design Studio Pedagogy: Horizons for the Future. ARTI-ARCH.

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