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Educational Autobiography
Melinda Dwyer
Ivy Tech Community College

INTASC Standard, Description and Rationale

Standard #1: Learner Development
The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning
and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional,
and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging
learning experiences.

Name of Artifact: Educational Autobiography

Date: September 1, 2014
Course: EDUC 101

Brief Description: For this assignment, I reflected on my own schooling experiences. First, I
reveal the Socio-Economic Status that influence who I am today. Then, I shared a little about
my favorite teacher. Finally, I expressed my appreciation to my high school. But, especially the
athletic director who made it known that education came first before sports. In this paper, I
reveal some of my beliefs on learning and teaching.

Rationale: To document my understanding on how learners grow and develop. I did this by
evaluating the influences during my own educational experiences. I selected to share my SocioEconomic Status to lead into the care and attention I received from my elementary teachers.
This especially relates to my favorite teacher. I decided to share about my High School to
express my beliefs on the importance of learning and teaching.

Introduction: I will do my best to capture a little about my educational experiences that have
impacted my life. I had a humble childhood. Life was full of challenging obstacles and playful
times. I was extremely blessed by a group of elementary teachers. There was one in particular
that guided me through 6th grade. She also became a mentor throughout my young adult life.
Finally, in high school I began to hear the emphasis on education.
Parental and Home Influence on Education: I truly believe education begins in the home.
Before the beginning of my kindergarten class I had many obstacles to overcome. Our family
lived in a survival mode for many years and by humble means. I had an oldest sister whom
taught me the alphabet, numbers and nursery rhymes. She was very much the nurturing type. I
was never encouraged by my parents to do my school work. I also rarely heard other parents
encouraging their children to excel in academics. I only heard my teachers express the
importance of education. This has impacted me to be my childrens biggest encourager in
academics. I believe children need adults especially parents and teachers to support them and
encourage them to learn for the rest of their life.
Elementary School Influence on Education: My favorite elementary teacher was Mrs.
Watson. She was a committed, compassionate, educated, and understanding woman. She
stretched our minds with learning the 50 States in North America. She also taught subjects by
relating them to our world. She had knowledge and understanding of my humble background.
She was committed to give me just as much of an opportunity to thrive in class as everyone else.
But she wasnt the only one. The entire elementary school committed to our family. Every
teacher and principle in my elementary worked together year after year to make sure my brother
and I were healthy, happy and educated.
High School and Extra Curricular Activities Influence on Education: When I entered high

school my first love was cheerleading and gymnastics. The higher I could tumble and the faster I
could spin helped me escape and feel achievement. I was placed under the watch of the Athletic
Director like all the athletes. My school had a rule if you were struggling in your academics you
were not allowed to participate in sports. We had to carry around a large yellow cardstock paper
on Thursdays. We had to have each teacher write in our current grade and sign. This gave me
the motivation to get the work done to pass my classes and an appreciation for academics. I
believe it is very important for my children to always know where the grades are so they can at
any time adjust their focus.
Conclusion: I know without a doubt my parents, my childhood Socio-Economic Status, the
many teachers, athletic directors, coaches and other mentors in my life have impacted me as a
person. I want to take all they have instilled in me and be the best teacher I can be. I have
witnessed great character traits of an amazing teacher, Mrs. Watson. I have also seen a school
emphasizing the importance of academics. I desire to nurture, support, commit, love and teach
the young people of today.

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