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1. Context and Learning Environment for this Lesson:

Interns Name: Bethany Unruh
School: Riverside
Host/Mentor Teacher: Mrs. Gena Jones
Subject: Mathematics
Grade Level(s): 2 Grade
Tentative Date to be Taught: March 31
Time: 9:00-10:00
1.1. The setting (briefly describe learners and classroom physical setting)

At the front of the classroom there is a Smart Board and Elmo available for the teacher to
demonstrate what is being taught. There are also many helpful posters on the walls for
students to use as resources, such as a word wall, a math board, the schedule and calendar,
etc. In the back corner there is a semicircular table where the teacher can work with a small
group or individual students. All together there are 22 students in this classroom and they sit
in table groups with 4 or 5 of their peers (3 groups of 4, 2 groups of 5). Each table group has
a three-drawer cabinet where the students keep their materials, for the various subjects. All of
the students have their own unique learning needs, but some have IEPs and interventions in
place to assist with their learning needs. We have one student who is in the life skills
program, 4 students pulled for reading intervention during Flex Time, and 2 in Math
interventions, during Math intervention time. In the morning block, during whole group
instruction, to assist with our students with special needs we have various Aides and Paras
that work directly with those students.
1.2. Materials

Smart Board


foldable handouts

Math notebooks



Learnzillion video- Make sure the video works before I start

2. Lesson Goals, Learning Outcomes, Objectives:

2.1. Learner Outcome (domain and level)
Students will be able to describe and solve problems using the vocabulary- Addition, Subtraction, Compose,
Decompose, with 80% accuracy. (Cognitive- Low)
2.2. Relevant Local District Outcomes, KS College and Career Standards (
2.NBT.7- Add and Subtract within 1000 using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place
value, properties of operations, and/ or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy
to a written method. Understand that in adding or subtracting three digit numbers, one adds or subtracts
hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose or
decompose tens or hundreds.
Practice Standard 7: I can solve new problems using strategies I already know.

3. Assessment:
3.1. Assessment/Evaluation: (Materials, How and when you will assess each objective)
Students have completed a cut and paste activity matching the vocabulary term with the definition, as well as
providing and example, with 100% accuracy. (Cognitive, Psychomotor)
3.2 Criteria for Mastery for judging/scoring student success:
Students will have demonstrated mastery of vocabulary when they have correctly completed the cut and paste
activity in their math journals, with 100% accuracy.

4. Adaptations:
4.1 Gearing down
Students will have the assistance of an Aide or Para to help them with the motor skills of the cut and paste
activity. Their work sheets will also already have an example provided and they will need to think of an
additional example. There will be an example on the board as well. They may also work with their table
partners to aid in comprehension of the vocabulary.
4.2 Gearing up
Students will further explore the properties of addition and subtraction, using numbers within 1,000 through
math centers involving, additional practice, more difficult regrouping problems, word problems, and problems
adding/ subtracting numbers within 10,000. Needed to do this, had students complete practice problems on
a whiteboard, worked well and helped me assess their knowledge.

5. Integration: (across and within subjects)

Not appropriate at this time for an introductory lesson.

6. References/Resources Used: (author, date, title, publisher OR URL)

Teachers Pay Teachers,

7. Instructional Design - Teaching Plan

7.1. Introduction
a. Anticipatory Set (Gains attention or hooks students)
I will begin by having students solve a 2-digit subtraction problem. I will have the students share with their tables
what we do when there is not enough in the ones column to take away. They will then share with the whole group
about the renaming or regrouping process. I will then have them solve a 2-didgit addition problem. The will share
with their table groups about what happens if there is a group bigger them 10 in the ones. The students will share
in a whole group discussion. I will then pose the question, How do we solve the problem if we add another
column here (on the left)? I will have the students partner share their thoughts so that I can pre assess how
much they know and understand this concept.

Whole group solve- 20-18= 2

o Share as tables then, discuss regrouping from 1s to 10s
Whole group solve- 20+18=38
o Share as tables then, discuss regrouping from 1s to 10s
Ask: What happens if I add another column here, and make the problem 120+118=(238)?
o Share how you would solve this with your shoulder partner.

Completely changed this step. We always begin math with number talks. Within number talks the students had
already been using this skill. I began with number talks, and then showed the video, and then I went back and
talked about how they had already been using this skill in Number Talks.

b. Communication of Objectives (In kid language)

I can compose and decompose 3 digit numbers.- Must start with!!
*7.2. Input (Teacher provides information)
Orally: Today we will be solving addition and subtraction problems with 3 digit numbers. We have already
learned how to add and subtract 2 digit numbers, numbers in the ones and tens column, now we are going to learn
about how to add and subtract 3 digit numbers, or numbers in the 100s column. We will begin by learning some
new vocabulary today. I also talked about the strategies that they learned last week and how they could be used
to solve problems this week. Today we learned another strategy that we can use to help us solve problems.
*7.3. Modeling (Teacher demonstrates)
Show learnzillion video.
We are going to watch a short video that will help explain.
I will pause throughout the video to highlight specific concepts and vocabulary- Compose and Decompose- Dont
forget!. I will complete a 3-digit addition problem on the Smart Board, using vocabulary and explaining the
process. (Think Aloud). Using a highlighter, I will model where the students should cut the foldable hand out. I will
model completing the first 2 boxes of the foldable.
*7.4. Guided Practice (Teacher and students practice)
As a class, we will complete a 3-digit addition problem on the Smart Board. The students will participate in the
process and I will encourage the use of the new vocabulary. As a class, we will complete the last 2 boxes of the
foldable handout. Should have done more practice problems, and should have used that same format that the
video showed.

*7.5. Checks for Understanding (checks each students readiness to work on objectives independently)
Does everyone understand what I mean by 2 digit numbers? (thumbs up, thumbs down). Throughout the
Learnzillion video I will pause and emphasize concepts and vocabulary terms. I will ask the students what
compose means (Partner Share), what does decompose mean? (Face Partner Share) Did a lot of this!! Drove
7.6. Independent Practice/Assignment (Including directions)
The students will complete the foldable activity and paste in into their Math notebook. Went very well they, know
exactly what to do.
7.7. Conclusion/Closure/Review - Wrap-up (Students review/summarize/reflect)
With your table partners I would like for you to Decompose the number 27. Showdown, very good 2 groups of 10
or 20, and 7 ones. Now with your table partners I would like for you to Compose the numbers 6 and 8.
Showdown, great 6 ones and 8 ones composes to be 14. Now for you to try by yourself; I would like for you to
Decompose the number 34. Showdown, Great! 3 groups of 10 or 30, and 4 ones. Ok, I would like for you to
Compose 10 and 5. Showdown, good job! One groups of 10s and 5 ones is 15.
I will then repeat read the math goal to solidify the vocabulary terms. Wish I had had more time to evaluate and
do a full closer, I did not plan time very well.

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