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Many people dont recognize the importance of a mass-spring system, or dont

understand what it is. In the last 24 hours, have you pushed either a VCR, or DVD player
eject button, listened to music, or rode in a vehicle? These are all possible due to the
math of mass spring systems. A mass spring system is a properly calibrated spring joined
to a mass or weight. The weight creates tension on the spring, that then produces
motion, because of the springs tendency to recoil back to its original state. As shown in
the vertical spring-mass picture shown.
This system is constantly being used, and it is all around us. Name any vehicle or way of
transportation, and it probably has a mass-spring system that it uses. For example, think
of a truck. The average pick-up truck weighs about 4000lbs, now lets imagine that this is
a one ton truck, and its maxed out pulling a 2000lb
boat trailer. To list just a few mass-spring systems that
are in use right now are, the shocks and struts on the truck and trailer
suspension, rear shock absorbers, spring mass spectrum of
acceleration, as well as the automatic breaks that are activated by a
mass spring system between the hookup of the trailer to the truck
hitch. Sure these are not as simple systems and principals as the
picture shown here, but they are fundamentally used the same.
To better understand the system and principals behind the mass-spring system, imagine a 50lb weight
mass on a flimsy small spring. The spring would probably be destroyed, due to too much tension. The
spring would not be able to spring back, and this would destroy any potential of a system giving no
function, or energy. The same problem occurs if we inverse the variables. A light and small mass does
not have the potential to create enough energy to move the spring, therefore energy and movement is
not created. For a system to work properly, the spring must be suited for the correct weight and mass.
This principal shows the importance of the amplitude in a spring mass system. The amplitude is the
measurement of the force implemented by the system. The suspension system on the truck towing the
boat must be calibrated to not only hold up its own weight, but it also must be able to hold up the
added pressure of pulling a boat. If the springs in the suspension were not strong enough to hold the
weight of the truck, then the amplitude would be very small, and in turn damage would result to the
rest of the vehicle, because the vibrations
would not be completely absorbed by the
suspension, but distributed to the rest of
the vehicle.
There is also a component of the period to
be considered as well. The period is a
measurement of how long it takes for the wave to repeat itself. In the example above, the period is just
over six; the amplitude starts at zero, maxes out at one, passes zero, and hits its minimum at negative
one. In the truck example, the struts and shocks would compress at a max of 6000lbs of pressure and
towing capacity, 4000lbs due to the trucks weight, and 2000lbs due to the weight of the boat. So think
of the zero mark on the truck being at 4000lbs. The top of the amplitude would be at 6000lbs, and the
bottom would be the force causing the shocks to compress and expand while driving along the road. The
period of the wave would change depending on the terrain, and changing forces against the truck. If

either the amplitude or the period were not able to stand the force or the mass of the variables placed
on it, then damage would occur to the system, and ultimately the system would fail.
Biology and nature have found ways to put this system to work as well. Think of the complexity of the
human body, it alone is full of these spring-mass systems. The way muscles contract and expand
reacting to waves passed on from our electrical synapses in the brain. Another example would be a
woman, her body registers sounds in an incredible way. A wave is sent
through the atmosphere, having a specific period, amplitude, and
frequency. This wave impacts with a thin membrane called the
tympanum. What is actually a bio spring-mass system, a mother can
hear the cry of her child. The ear drum representing the mass, and the
sound representing the spring.
Without the understanding of spring mass systems, I could not be the doctor that I one day hope to be.
Without and understanding of amplitude, period, and frequency, I wouldnt have the knowledge needed
to push my career forward, to have the life that I want. Spring-mass systems are very important. Ive
realized that trigonometry can be applied to nearly everything in my daily life. It has changed my view
on the significance of math in general. Without the ability of understanding math and trigonometry the
way we do, we would still be in the stone ages.

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