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The capability of placing a distinction between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors

and attitudes in a given setting is professionalism. It is knowing that certain actions and emotions
will not be tolerated in one place as in another because of what is being demanded of in order to
allow progress. Professionalism is a highly valued and sought after quality because of its
implications, such as that the individual will present themselves in a respectful manner and will
unlikely be a burden. Considering that professionalism has many aspects within it, it is
something that has to be taught and augmented with time. The first instances of the development
of professionalism are those behaviors and attitudes gained as students. Student professionalism
is a necessity for both success as a student and in the future.
Student professionalism and success as a student precedes success in the future and as a
member of the work force. With regard to what student professionalism can bring, it is
questionable as to why there is a noticeable leniency in classrooms. This leniency is permitting
that what is correct be diluted and a belated development in propriety within students. A
deficiency in student professionalism can impede students from completing their education or
from later integrating themselves into a work place. Student professionalism is knowing that
tardiness is not acceptable, that the manner in which a professor is spoken to differs from that of
friends due to differences in terms and relations that must be respected, and that assignments are
a reflection of the student that should be completed on time and with effort to give a positive
look. Students need to develop this quality and display it in order to assure themselves readiness
for whatever path taken in the future.
The workforce is a demanding entity that oscillates in position availability continuously.
Due its demanding nature and limited positions, it evaluates individuals prior to entrance and

desires those with the best qualifications. One of the most desired qualifications being
professionalism. Professionalism because those with professionalism are on time, demonstrating
regard for set times and permitting optimal amount of time to complete possible given work.
Professionals are aware that work is expected to be completed within a time frame and any
delays in completion can result in a loss of overall productivity and earnings. Professionalism is
also desired in the work force because it means that given the variability of any coming day, a
person with professionalism would deal with a situation in a far better fashion than one without.
With all in account, the absence of professionalism can inhibit success and make an individual
incapable of hire in most positions.
As a current student, I strive towards ensuring that each day I continue to succeed in my
chosen degree. Although I have a strong grasp on what is professionalism, I cannot readily
declare myself a good example just yet. I admit that I do not make use of the time given to me on
assignments. I have the tendency to wait until the absolute last day when the dwindling time
frame is looming over me, forcing me to take the initiative to start. Then there is the case of how
at times when I should be paying attention in class, absorbing the lesson, I am instead drawing
arbitrary creatures that are no way pertinent all over my paper. On more than one occasion this
has caused me to get letter grades short of what I wanted since I missed out on needed
information. I am working towards correcting these trouble areas and hope to one day become a
true professional whose actions match her ideas.
At times individuals do not realize the possible ramifications that can result from lacking
professionalism. There has been innumerable instances in which others have behaved
unprofessionally and have been impacted because of it. To give a few examples of such
instances, I will retell stories of my sisters middle school days in which a child, who will go

unnamed, kept misbehaving and eventually got expelled, depriving himself the opportunity to
graduate with his classmates. One story takes place at the middle school during their annual Egg
Drop event. In this event each student is allocated a number of supplies, one being unlimited
tape. In previous years unlimited tape did not arise any issues, but that all changed with one
child. This child took rolls of tape, marched himself over to a classroom full of students, and
proceeded to tape the whole door shut. No one noticed what had occurred, until the bell rang.
The teacher had to force the door open and eventually issued a three day suspension to the kid.
Another story takes place on a cold, cloudy day at the middle school. This was not a
normal day since homeroom did not have its usual teacher but a substitute, a substitute who was
known for his strict, rigid ways. He had requested that each student arrive on time and put their
chairs down from their desk in a proper manner. Everyone had complied, with the exception of
the child. He arrived twenty- five minutes late and began walking in by slamming the door open.
Then he had the audacity to saunter inside as if he was not being a disturbance. He then
proceeded to go to his desk, pick up his chair off the desk and mockingly swung at another
student. The substitute, then at the end of tolerance, told him to stop and leave immediately. The
child had his feelings rustled by this and slammed his chair on the ground, yelled a list of
profanities, and left. This being what lead to his expulsion from school and the assurance that he
would have a hard time in the future.
Professionalism is a meritorious quality to have. In having this quality there are few
difficulties to be had in school or the work place. Students soon to be members of a greater force
should continue to improve themselves as professionals and forge for themselves a successful
future. Then those who have completed their course as students and are now at a work or making

the steps towards it still need to consider the level of their professionalism and if it is still in need
of improvement.

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