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Shannon Jewkes

Biology 1090
Taking sides readings
Issue Number: 11 Title of issue: Should Vaccination for HPV be mandated for all
teenage girls?
1. Joseph E Balog The thesis on this side has to do with preventing kids from
getting HPV which can cause cervical cancer. The parents cant be trusted to make
this choice for them or educate their children on making safe sex decisions.
2. Gail Javitt, Deena Berkowitz, and Lawrence O. Gostin These three believe that
given the limited data and experience and the fact that HPV does not pose imminent
and significant risk to others mandating HPV vaccine is premature
3. Yes facts: ( A)It is common in the United States to use vaccines to stop the spread
of diseases, and some vaccines are mandatory such as measles and polio.(B) The
Vaccine for HPV isnt a replacement for cervical cancer screening, just a tool to aide
in prevention.
No facts :(A) The United States has a high rate of vaccinations over half the states
report greater than 95% for childhood vaccinations. (B) Having a vaccine approved
for the prevention of HPV is a huge health advance not only in the us but in
developing countries that dont have the health care resources to screen for cancers.
4.Yes opinions: (A) It is the right of the child that hasnt been exposed to HPV to
have access to the vaccines and over ride a parents autonomy, because the health
threat affects the life of the child. (B) Cancer and STIs are in great need of
prevention the same as kids who faced polio in the 50s
No opinions: (A) Requiring the HPV vaccine in all girls at this time would be
premature, due to it being a newer vaccine. This is because of the unknown long
term health effects. (B) Its better to offer an opt in program, because it might
negatively affect current mandated vaccine programs.
5. This author is trying to make all his points, and blaming parents for not talking to
kids about risky behavior I also feel like he is dead set on taking this out of the
parents hands because it is a health issue. I feel like he talks too much about the
polio vaccine, I feel like the polio crisis and the HPV are two Very different subjects,
and are not related beings how the kids actually have to have sex to get HPV.

6. This side is all about opinions where are the facts? It talks about what might
happen but not what has happened so far. Also they focus on this effecting the
current immunization programs how people will distrust them more than they do
now how do they know like I said where is the facts?
7. I think the yes side was the most empirical the reason is because he presented
more statistical information then the No side.
8. No I dont this there is Biases in this case, because neither author works for the
drug company.
8. I dont really feel that either side had a bias Neither of the authors worked for the
drug company, and I didnt get the feeling of bias in either the yes side or the no side
9. I have to go with the no side I feel like as parent to an 11 year old girl it is up to
me to decide if I want her to have a vaccine like that. I feel HPV is serious, however
not a public health threat like measles or polio. I feel this way because she has to
participate in risky behavior to contract HPV. Another concern I have is Im just not
sure in our case the benefits out way the risks. We dont even know the long-term
effects due to it being a newer vaccine. As a parent I just want to first teach my
daughter to abstain, and second teach her safe sex practices. Although I still havent
made up my mind if she will receive this shot, I do want it to be my choice I need to
be allowed to make that choice for my child

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