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As in most cases there are two reactions, the one showing the fault of one planet, and the
other of the other.
There is a distinctly vain, idle and even licentious type, and there is a reckless, revolutionary
pattern. Again, in some cases there is conceit without idleness. I have never found any of them
conspicuous for unassuming modesty, nor do they seek the corner of the room or yearn to blush
unseen. Oftentimes they like to strike a dramatic note, with themselves, be it understood, in the
centre of the stage. Sometimes there is an element of profusion. The feelings are frequently
susceptible and the love affairs numerous. But a prominent malefic influence will readily introduce a
much sterner element into the character, and we may get the second or rebellious type, of which
examples appear below.
It is a rather passive note in many cases, and its influence is specially liable to be overlaid by
more positive factors, so that, although it can be plainly detected on analysis, its specific
manifestations are almost always determined for it. The gist of its influence is excess of feeling.
There is an element of change and even adventure in the lives of most natives with this
combination, and sometimes they are veritable storm-centres, as the cases given below
demonstrate. The influence of Jupiter is always restless and prone to seek fresh experiences and
variations on old ones; it represents the principle of Cosmic Variety, or the concept of one branch
developing into many ramifications. The matters ruled by the two planets will clash or injure each
other: for example, love or finance or both will suffer through foreigners or foreign travel, law or some
other 9th house matter or perhaps through things of the 12th house.
The effect on health is probably slight, Venus afflictions may always cause indulgence, and
Jupiter inclines to excess in all directions.

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