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Brandi Perry
Goal: To help students understand the dangers of tobacco use and the negative effects it has to
their health.
Target Audience: Junior High School Students
Cognitive: Students will know the different chemicals in tobacco and the
have on the body.

effects they

Affective: Students will feel the effects that smoking has on the lungs and
consequences of smoking.

understand the

Behavioral: Students will stop smoking or they will not start smoking

later in life.

Ice breaker (5 minutes)

Tobacco Trivia
Purpose: Is to test the students knowledge of tobacco and to get as many people participating
and attentive as possible.
Materials needed: Questions about tobacco, treats for correct answers, and high energy.
Description: I will ask one question at a time and students will raise their hands to answer.
Correct answers will receive a treat.
Introduction (2 minutes)
Place poisonous materials on the podium to get the attention of the students. Ask the students
Who in this class would eat one of these chemicals? When no one responds, ask the students,
Who would eat one of these chemicals for $20? Explain that the chemicals they see before
them are some of the 5,000 chemicals in smoking tobacco that will enter their lungs and cause
cancer, emphysema, or a heart attack.
Activity #1 (5 minutes)
Emphysema Musical Chairs
Purpose: Is to help students feel what it is like to live with disorders and diseases caused by
smoking. It is also going to help the students understand the issues associated with this inability
to breathe properly: lack of energy and oxygen to exercise, pain in the chest, etc

Materials needed: One less chair than people present, music, and straws.
Description: I will have the students put the chairs into two circles, facing out, and then hand
out straws to everyone. Everyone will put the straws in their mouths and plug their noses. When
the music starts everyone will walk briskly, clockwise around the chairs until the music stops.
The person left standing will do 15 air squats while the music continues, with one less chair, and
then continue to walk in place for the duration of the game.
Activity #2 (5 minutes)
Higher or lower
Purpose: Is to help students see how much money is spent on cigarettes in one day, one week,
one month, and one year, and then give them ideas on what to spend their money on instead.
Materials needed: iPad, iPhone, cute shoes, a pair of pants, a dress, and a laptop.
Description: I will have written the cost of cigarettes for a day, week, month and year on the
white board. The students will then help one student guess which costs more: the cigarettes or
the other items.
Evaluation (2 minutes)
Did the students participate in the activities show the appropriate responses to the learning
objectives? Did the students show the desired emotions when they learned the information? As
you watch the students grow, do you notice that they are turning toward tobacco or healthy
Questions and Comments (2 minutes)
What did the class think of the activities? What would they have done differently? Did they feel
that they understood the information and the examples used?
Ask the class if anyone has questions?

Benjamin, R. M. (2011). Exposure to Tobacco Smoke Causes Immediate Damage: A Report of
the Surgeon General. PUblic Health Reports, 126(2), 158-159.

Talhout, R., Schulz, T., Florek, E., van Benthem, J., Wester, P., & Opperhuizen, A. (2011).
Hazardous Compounds in Tobacco Smoke. International Journal of Environmental
Research aand Public Health, 8, 613-628. doi:doi:10.3390/ijerph8020613

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