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The Argumentative Essay

The Next Steps

Choose a controversial topic
that interests you. (Youve
done this )

Do some reading on the topic.
(Youve done this, too!)

General Format for the Argument Essay

Paragraph 1 Introduction includes thesis statement
and supporting ideas
Paragraph 2 Reason #1 and explanation of why this
reason supports your claim
Paragraph 3 Reason #2 and explanation of why this
reason supports your claim
Paragraph 4 Counterclaim and refutation***
Paragraph 5 Conclusion includes restatement of
thesis and supporting ideas. Make a prediction, a
recommendation, or a summary.
***This paragraph might be moved to a different
position if you feel it will make your argument

Lets write
The opening paragraph must include
1) A hook something that gets your readers attention.

A pertinent fact related to the topic, and what you are planning to prove
A rhetorical question that DOES NOT INCLUDE Did you know?
A brief anecdote that illustrates your main point or provides the reader
with an overview of your topic

2) A brief statement of the important facts about your topic.

NOTE: be thoughtful about the facts you choose to
include. If you point out facts that go against your claim,
you need to be sure and refute those later.
3) Your claim what you are intending to prove true. This
has two parts.
Standardized tests are detrimental to the American educational system.

Your position

Consider the student from Thailand

who has been in America for three years,
but who may not have reached the
necessary level of fluency to be able to
fully demonstrate how much they really
know because of limited English skills.
What about the boy who is brilliant when
given the opportunity to present what he
knows in a subject verbally, but is unable
to demonstrate that same understanding
due to dyslexia (or any other learning
challenge)? Or the girl who wakes up the
morning of the Test with a raging cold?
Given the current method of measuring
what students in Texas know, all of these
students are at a heightened risk of
dropping out, not due to their inability to
learn and master the content, but rather
due to the flawed system by which that
mastery is measured, namely the STAAR
test. The STAAR test is a flawed method of
measuring what students in Texas truly
know, and should be eliminated in favor of
a more valid means of assessment.


Important facts


General Format for the Argument Essay

Paragraph 1 Introduction includes thesis statement
and supporting ideas
Paragraph 2 Reason #1 and explanation of why this
reason supports your claim
Paragraph 3 Reason #2 and explanation of why this
reason supports your claim
Paragraph 4 Counterclaim and refutation***
Paragraph 5 Conclusion includes restatement of
thesis and supporting ideas. Make a prediction, a
recommendation, or a summary.
***This paragraph might be moved to a different
position if you feel it will make your argument

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