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Bryan Harbman

Common-Core Essay
The Enduring Impact of the Preamble
Background Info
9/11 or September Eleventh was the day a terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda, led by
Osama bin Laden, hijacked and crashed a plane, on purpose, into the Twin Towers. The attacks
killed almost three thousand people and caused nearly ten billion dollars in property and
infrastructure damage.
After the events of 9/11 Our government not only improved airport security but they also
founded The Department Of Homeland Security Provide for the common defense or defend
Its people from other terrorist attacks like 9/11 from happening again. Then to prevent other
terrorist organizations from thinking they could kill innocents on our soil and get away with it, we
went to war with Al-Qaeda to establish Justice for those we lost in the 9/11 incident. Without
us even knowing it, the Preamble still affects us. This proves that even after three centuries the
Preamble still has an enduring impact.
So now that we know that the Preamble has an Enduring impact, lets talk about what the
Preamble is and what its purpose was. The Preamble is a Quick summary of the ideas and laws
written in The Constitution that regulate and run the government. According to United States
History, the standard 8th grade history book, the purpose of the preamble and the constitution
was to replace The Articles of Confederation, the current governing system which gave too
much power to the states. Because The Articles.., gave too much power to the states, Congress
couldnt control intrastate commerce after the war, which inevitably led to inflation and even
depression, so far the so called United States werent so united. Congress also couldnt collect
taxes which also meant they couldnt pay for an army to protect the colonies if Britain were to
attack. High tariffs made oversea trade non-profitable and trade blockades prevented any other
international trade. The constitution created three equal branches that balanced each other.
But to further understand the preamble we must break it down and decipher it, line by line.
We the people of the united states translates as it is. In order to form a more perfect union
means In order to prevent tyranny and corruption in the government. Establish Justice
translates as to prevent and punish crime. Insure domestic tranquility translates as to keep
the peace between the states. Provide for the common defense translates as to defend the
states in, or through, war. Promote the general welfare translates as To provide for
everyones health needs. And secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity
translates as to secure the freedoms to our generation and the next generations.
So now that we have a basic understanding of the preamble, lets talk about how the
Preamble actually affected 9/11. It is stated in the preamble that the government must protect
the general welfare and after the events of 9/11 The Department of Homeland Security was
founded along with countless other anti-terrorist organizations whose sole purpose is to defend
the people. It is also stated that the government must insure domestic tranquility, to prevent
anyone who could hijack a plane to kill others from doing so, airport security was taken seriously

now. When you walk into an airport now you have to wait in line to get all your items, and
yourself, scanned, that plus all those other crazy security procedures. And finally the
government established Justice for those that were killed by the terrorists planes or the fallen
debris on 9/11. We went to war with Al-Qaeda and we would do it again to anyone who would
attack the U.S .

So all in all the preamble still has an enduring impact on our beliefs and our idea of
Justice and will hopefully continue to have an impact. Our country would defend our
rights and protect us from any threat because that is what it is designed to do. It will
insure domestic Tranquility and protect the general welfare but most of all it will
establish Justice. What will you do for your country?

Works Cited
"9/11 to Now: Ways We Have Changed." PBS. PBS. Web. 02 Nov. 2014.
"Homeland Security." Implementing 9/11 Commission Recommendations. Web. 03 Nov. 2014.

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