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Josh Golka
Mrs. Allison
Period 3

The Preambles Effect on Our Nation

Bam! Youve been put in jail for a terrible crime you just committed. Wait a second, you
never did anything, did you? Thankfully our government caught the mistake so you dont have to
be in jail for the rest of you life. The government follow the ideas set forth in the Preamble of the
Constitution to help you. They established justice by realizing youve been wrongly accused,
provided for the common defense by getting the actual criminal, and are insuring domestic
tranquility by working to prevent it.
The Preambles Meaning
The Preamble. One sentence that means so much to our nation. What does it even mean?
Well to start off, lets go through the lines: We the people of the United States, in order to form a
more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common
defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our
posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. What the
framers are trying to get across is the fact that our government will work hard to give us justice,
keep the peace between states, give us an army in our time of need, do everything for the good of
America as a whole, secure our unalienable rights for us and our future generations, officially
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establish the Constitution for America. The purpose of the Preamble is to be an introductory
statement for the Constitution's fundamental purposes and guiding principles. This means its just
an introduction for the Constitution and it explains what its purpose and guiding foundation is.
Deciphering the Preambles Meaning
It can still be hard to understand the Preambles meaning so now well go more in depth
with the meaning of the lines. We the people of the United States, this is just talking about
every citizen of the United States. In order to form a more perfect union, in this section, it
talks about making the United States the best it can be from hard work and determination.
Establish justice, it just talks about trying to make judicial and political decisions fair for
everybody. Insure domestic tranquility, this means to assure the government will keep the
peace between states and wherever possible. Provide for the common defense it means our
government will make sure we provide for an army for both defense and attack. Promote the
general welfare, means to make sure every decision helps the nation and not just the
government and politicians. And secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,
This means they will secure our unalienable rights (life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness) for us
and our future generations forever. Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United
States of America, explains that our founding fathers are officially making the document the
Constitution for the United States of America
The Preambles Enduring Impact
Our government follows the preambles example by helping to correct wrong convictions
that our supreme court made. According to listverse.coms 10 People Who Were Wrongfully
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Accused of Heinous Crimes, Darryl Hunt, Thomas Kennedy, and Dr. Sam Sheppard are three
people who were convicted of terrible crimes that they did not commit.
According to, Darryl Hunt was convicted of murder two times. He
was convicted in court twice for killing her. There were 16 stab wounds and obvious signs of
rape. DNA testing showed that Mr. Hunt was not the real murderer, but it still took the court
another 10 years to set him free.
From, the case of Thomas Kennedy is that his daughter accused him of
raping her on three different situations. Further investigation did prove she had been sexually
attacked. About 11 years later, his daughter came back to police and told them her claims of
rape were false. She explained her attacks by the fact that she had been sexually active since
elementary school. Thomas Kennedy was then released from jail and returned to his daughter
who obviously had some explaining to do.
Dr. Sam Sheppard was accused of beating his pregnant wife to death in Cleveland, Ohio
according to He denied these accusations, claiming that he had to fight the
intruder after his wife was murdered. Dr. Sheppard was then put in custody and taken to prison
for accounts of homicide. Dr. Sheppards son knew his father would never do anything like
murdering his wife and worked his whole life to free his dad. The crime had not been solved, but
Sheppard was released from jail on November 16, 1965.
Our government followed the ideas set forth by the Preamble of our Constitution in the
effects of establishing justice by realizing they were wrongly accused, providing for the common

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defense by attempting and mostly succeeding by getting the actual criminals, and insuring
domestic tranquility by trying to prevent it.

If youve been put in jail for a crime you didnt commit, you would want our government to
work on setting you free, right? Well thankfully they do. They establish justice, provide for the
common defense, and insure the domestic tranquility so that you can be proven innocent, find the
actual criminal, and help to prevent it. As many people would agree, Im very glad our
government works to keep wrongly accused people out of jail and innocent.

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Works Cited A&E Networks Television. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.

"10 People Who Were Wrongfully Accused of Heinous Crimes - Listverse." Listverse. Web. 03
Nov. 2014. <>.
"About the Innocence Project." The Innocence Project. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.
"The Innocence Project - Know the Cases: Browse Profiles:Darryl Hunt." The Innocence Project
- Know the Cases: Browse Profiles:Darryl Hunt. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.
"Loss Prevention." Loss Prevention. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.
"Thomas Kennedy - National Registry of Exonerations." Thomas Kennedy - National Registry of
Exonerations. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.

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