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Heidi Hyde

David Bierman
Journal entries

1. Massive sunspot returns- whats the solar forces?(video)

November. 20, 2014

In this video, Dr. Holly Gilbert is explaining this sunspot that has returned back. This
particle sun spot is the largest sunspot they have seen in the last 24 years. This has
definitely made this sun spot center of attention. Gilbert suggests that you can fit 10
Earths in the sun spot, and is continuously changing size because of the magnetic field.
The reasons for all the attention on this sun spot is the affects that can happen here on
earth. She talks about how fast the sun spot travel, and says that they can be blown
towards Earth 4 million miles per hour. This is moving fast and the damage we can see it
the whole power grid destroyed. Gilbert implies that with this type of size we could be
looking at months and months with out any power on earth, a complete blackout. One
reassuring thing she did mention was they are monitoring 24 hours a day, and have
missions like the SDO that is currently launched. As of right now of the sunspot it is back
and the day it will be gone is still unclear.

2. Binary Earth-Size Planets Possible Around Distant Stars

November. 21, 2014

This article was fascinating, Charles Choi writes about how researches did simulations to
see if it is possible for binary planets might form is when two worlds orbiting a star get to
close enough to one another to interact gravitationally. About one-third of the
simulations resulted in binary planets forming. These involved relatively slow, grazing
collisions. They noticed that these binary plants would loom extraordinary close to each
other, separated by a distance of about half the diameter of each worlds and over time the
rate of both planets spin would fall into lockstep. The author Choi ends with the goal
from the researchers is to run more simulations, increase he parameters of the
simulations and to get better of the probability,

3. Cosmic Case of Missing Stars Baffles Scientists

November.24, 2014

Cosmic Case of Missing Stars Baffles Scientist is a very informing article. This article
makes you think about the problem the author is providing. Calla Cofield writes this
article about the massing population of stars that are missing and the scientist are
completely stumped to as where it could be. Many believe these stars were ejected from
their clusters to ultimately find new homes in the Milky Way, however Cofield mentions
that Hobble telescope views challenges this painted picture because of Fornax, such
ejected stars have absolutely no where to go. As of now scientist say this is completely
unexplainable and they will have to go back to the drawing board.

4. Is Dark Energy Gobbling Dark Matter, and Slowing Universe's

November. 24, 2014

From the start of the title to the last sentence of this article captivates your attention.
While reading I couldnt but help comparing this article to what I have already learned
and discussed about in class. Although I learned it in my class this article has such a
precise way of delivery the piece and goes a little more in depth from what I learned. The
author Kelly Dickerson explains the meaning of what dark energy is so you have a better
understanding, and talks about new research that suggest that dark matter might be slowly
disappearing before physicists have even caught a glimpse of it. Dickerson mentioned
there is a new model for the expanding cosmos is called Lambda Cold Dark Matter
Model and it suggests that there is a constant amount of dark energy known as the
cosmological constant. This particular model supports the idea that the universe has
been expanding since the Big Bang and its expansion is fueled by dark energy. Which this
can lead to many questions, since many thought universe was created from the big bang,
defiantly makes you wonder and think.

5. Europa May Harbor Simple Life Forms | Video

November. 25, 2014

This video was by far most interesting because it explains the possibility that life may
exist on Jupiter moon Europa. One thing that is by far remarkable is this moon has a
global liquidation and most likely has been this way for a very long time. For a long time
we have been thought to be the only planet of such descriptions. Its depth of the ocean
floor is estimated to be 10x deep than our ocean. In this video it shows the evidence of
how scientists have come up with this information. This new find is a definite game
changer and with the more studies leads new discoveries.

6. Super massive Black Holes Even Heavier Than Thought

November.26, 2014

In this article the author Mike Wall right away talks about a new study, which suggests
the enormous black hole that lurk at the hearts of all galaxies are significantly bigger than
astronomers had imagined. He then stated a scientist who said our calculation show that
the supermassive black holes are 40 percent heavier than previously thought, this
fundamentally changes determinations of the masses of black holes. Having the
knowledge of this, can you imagine how massive this hole is. Think about all the galaxies
and each one there is a supermassive dark black hole. Reading this I felt compelled to
visualize what this would look like. I feel this article was a great read and very well

7. Space Rock Sheds Light on Mysterious Mineral on Earth

November.28, 2014
Charles Q Choi writes about a rock from space that is giving scientist a shed of light on
the mysterious mineral on Earth. Gaining this discovery is going to provide information
on the structures and dynamics of the inner Earth, which this is something scientist had
lacked a sample on until now. The author mentions "The search for this mineral in
meteorites has been going on for decades it was just a matter of finding the right

method for detecting it," said lead study author Oliver Tschauner, a mineralogist at
the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. This article is very informing and expresses
anticipation of the finished results of all studies taken place.

8. Volcanic Eruptions on Mars Could Have Caused Water to Flow

December. 1, 2014

The article Volcanic Eruptions on Mars Could Have Caused Water to Flow is very
interesting article. The author is explaining volcanic eruptions on Mars could have
warmed that world, potentially helping solve the mystery of how water could have
flowed across the surface of the Red Planet long ago. This is a huge discovery because
some time all scientists thought Mars to be dry and cold, since that is how it is today.
Later through the article the creator of the piece talks about how Now, the researchers
suggest intense volcanic activity could help solve this conundrum by regularly spewing
tons of greenhouse gases into the Martian that would have trapped heat. Each eruption
would have kept Mars warm for decades or even centuries. This research might offer
new clues about where the fossilized remnants of Mars might be found, if it ever existed.
The idea of water flowing on Mars can lead to many new discoveries.

9. Invisible Dark Matter May Show Up in GPS Signals

December.03, 2014
Kelly Dickerson is the author of this breaking new information article. In this article the
author talks about how GPS satellite have been used as a navigation, however
researches now believe this technology can used for finding traces of enigmatic dark
matter is thought to lurk throughout the universe. This is a huge deal because it is
estimated that there is nearly six times as much as dark matter than visible matter. Having
this ability to trace dark matter physicists can then work on the concept of what is dark
matter made. Some have already suggested dark matter is made of particle, and on the
other side some physicist believe dark matter is made up by no particles and is a
topological defect. Eventually in a couple years both sides will be able to know the truth.

10.Biggest-Ever Telescope Approved for Construction

December.04, 2104
For this article the author Mike Wall, is informing the reader about the largest telescope
in the world, has finally got the go head to start construction. Once each phase is
completely finished the hope of observing the heavens is scheduled for Hawaii's Mauna
Kea in 2022. Wall speaks about all three megascopes should help researchers tackle
some of the biggest questions in astronomy, including the nature of the mysterious dark
matter and dark energy that make up most of the universe. Having this largest telescope
will bring many answers, and the possibility of exploring will be endless.

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